
 1. Definitions

2. School Organization

3. Laws, Plans, Policies and Programmes

4. Governance

5. Learning Environments

6. Teachers and Support Personnel

7. Monitoring and Reporting


  1. Definitions

Inclusive education

The 2001 Education White Paper 6: Special Needs Education. Building an inclusive education and training system defines inclusive education as the pedagogical approach of recognizing and respecting the differences among all learners and building on the similarities. In contrast to mainstreaming or integration, which encompasses an adaptation process, inclusion focuses on learners and on overcoming barriers that prevent the system from fully addressing their needs.

Special education needs

The variety of learning needs arises from a range of factors:

  • Some are related to the individual, including physical, mental, sensory, neurological and developmental impairments, psychosocial disturbances, and differences in intellectual ability, particular life experiences or socio-economic deprivation.
  • Other factors are not related to the individual: negative attitudes to and stereotyping of difference; inflexible curriculum; inappropriate languages or language of learning and teaching; inappropriate communication.; inaccessible and unsafe built environments; inappropriate and inadequate support services; inadequate policies and legislation; non-recognition and non-involvement of parents; and inadequately and inappropriately trained education managers and educators.

According to the 2010 Dictionary of Education Concept and Terms, a learner with special educational needs requires additional support in the form of reasonable accommodation and interventions of a specialized nature, based on a process of screening, identification and assessment.


  1. School Organization

The South African school system is articulated into:

  • Ordinary schools and Early Childhood Development (ECD) centres.
  • Full-service schools, also known as inclusive schools, are mainstream schools, including colleges, further and higher education institutions, which deliver quality education to all learners, reducing exclusion by providing the necessary support and by developing their full potential regardless of their background, culture, abilities or disabilities, gender or race. A full-service school is equipped to take into account a broad range of learning needs through its structure, policies, practices, pedagogy and culture.
  • Special schools are schools equipped to provide a specialised education programme to learners who need specific educational support on a full-time or a part-time basis. Special schools have the expertise and capacity to deliver appropriate and quality educational provision for those learners who need special care and specialized educational programmes.
  • Special school resource centres (SSRC) are special schools that have been identified as centres of excellence for their resources and expertise to provide professional support in terms of curriculum, assessment and instruction within the district-based support teams (DBSTs). All special schools of the country were expected to be converted into SSRCs.


Early intervention, screening and assessment

The 2014 National Strategy on Screening, Identification, Assessment and Support (SIAS) is the national framework that provides standardised procedures to identify, assess and support to learners who necessitate of additional assistance for their access to and participation in education. Aligned with the Integrated School Health Policy, SIAS policy is targeted at learners in mainstream and special schools who encounter learning barriers and at children of compulsory schooling age and youth who are out of the school system. With the adoption of the SIAS policy, the process of identifying, assessing and enrolling learners in schools has been overhauled, since the assessment and support provision is no longer based on predefined categories of disability, but on the level and nature of learning needs. At admission, teachers screen all children and record the findings in the Learner Profile (LP). When a learner has been identified as being vulnerable or at risk, the teacher assumes the role of a case manager. The parent and caregiver are involved throughout all the decision making process. According to the level and nature of needs, the School-based Support Team up to the District Based Support Team (DBST) may be involved in the SIAS support assistance.


  1. Laws, Plans, Policies and Programmes

The legal education framework provides the basis for the promotion of an inclusive education system in the country. The 1996 National Education Policy Act (NEPA) reaffirms the principle of non-discrimination and the right to basic education and equal access to institutions, while the 1996 South African Schools Act (SASA), last amended in 2011, aims to promote access, quality and democratic governance in the schooling system.


The 1996 South African Schools Act lays down the right to education for children with special needs at mainstream public schools through relevant support services and adequate measures, where reasonably practical. It further calls for including parents and the interest of the child in decision-making.


In the education sector, the 2001 Education White Paper 6 on Special Needs Education outlined the strategy to make the education system more inclusive and equitable, recognising the right of all learners to attend their local neighbourhood school and to receive the necessary support. To actually expand provisions and provide access to learners with disabilities within neighbourhood schools, the 2001 White paper on Inclusion education identified and designated primary schools to be converted into full-service schools, and strengthened the education support service provision through the reorganisation of the system at district level. To enhance its implementation, the SIAS Policy in 2014, systematised the identification and assessment procedures and access to support.

Inclusive education is considered one of the priorities and a crosscutting theme of the Five Year Strategic Plan 2015-2020, addressed through curriculum differentiation and the implementation of the Home Education Policy to reach out to children who are out of the system. Among its main goals, the Action Plan to 2019 towards the realization of schooling 2030 includes the increase of the number of schools that effectively implement inclusive education policy (Goal 26).


The 1996 National Education Policy Act promotes gender equality through education, while the 1998 Further Education and Training Act addresses the advancement of women in higher education and in previously male-dominated fields. The 1996 South African Schools Act specifically prohibits learners’ discrimination on the basis of pregnancy. The Measures for the Prevention and Management of Learner Pregnancy assist educators with managing pregnancy at schools and with curbing the phenomenon of girls’ dropout. The Life Orientation Programme aims to provide sex education and prevent early pregnancy, as part of the national curriculum. The Keeping Girls in School Programme is another initiative developed in some provinces by the Girls and Boys Education Movement to mitigate the risk of pregnancy.

In relation to gender and sexual violence, the Department of Education developed the Guidelines for the Prevention and Management of Sexual Violence and Harassment in Public Schools in 2008 to assist educational institutions in maintaining minimum standard procedures for addressing situations of sexual violence and harassment and to support victims. As part of the National School Safety Framework, a targeted initiative was developed to create a safe environment for LGBTI learners, educators and parents through the publication of a booklet.

As initiative aimed to make school environment socially inclusive, the Girls Education Movement (GEM) was initiated in 2002 to encourage girls to participate in science and technology areas through the Techno-girl programme, providing career guidance and life skills support. Parallel, the Boys Education Movement (BEM) has been established in schools to empower both girls and boys in education and social related skills.

Ethnic and linguistic groups

The 1996 Constitution of the Republic of South Africa lays down the right to receive education in public educational institutions in the official language of choice. The South African Schools Act affirms the principles of non-discrimination on the basis of language, culture or religion.

As a matter of policy, the 1997 Language in Education Policy (LiEP) and the 2011 National Curriculum Statements require learners to be taught in their native language in the Foundation Phase and to choose their language of instruction in more advanced grades, where it is reasonably practicable. The 2017 Language Policy for Higher Education provides all higher education institutions to develop their own language policies to promote multilingualism. An advisory panel on the use of African languages has been set up at post-school level. The Norms and Standards for Language in Public Schools promote and regulate the learning and teaching of indigenous languages.


A system of exemptions from school fees for poor parents was established, including for learners who are orphans or in foster care, and, starting from 2006, also for those receiving a child-support grant. In addition, the National School Nutrition Programme (NSNP) contributes to food and nutrition security for primary school learners from poor households through a daily school meal.


  1. Governance

Collaboration across sectors

As described in the 2001 White Paper on Inclusive education, implementation requires the collaboration of multiple actors:

  • The Ministry of Education holds the responsibility for the education provision to all learners. In particular, within the Department of Basic Education, the Directorate of Inclusive Education manages the development, evaluation and maintenance of policy, programmes and systems for learners with special learning needs.
  • The Ministry of Social Development and the provincial departments of education ensure that children and youth are provided with a supportive and effective learning and teaching environment. The Department of Public Works is responsible for ensuring physical accessible buildings and grounds and for making full-service institutions. On the other hand, the Department of Social Development assists with the provision of social development services, such as child support grant for needy children under the age of seven or Care Dependency Grants for children with disabilities.
  • The Ministry of Health is involved on multiple fronts through health professionals participating in the SIAS process, while community-based rehabilitation workers are a valuable source of information and support, particularly in rural communities. As regards the promotion of inclusive education, the Department of Health implements the Primary Schools Nutrition Project to provide learners from poor households with a nutritious meal as part of its Integrated Nutrition Strategy.
  • Gender

the Department of Women, Children and People with Disabilities (DWCPD) was set up with the mandate to mainstream gender rights at all levels of government, while the Commission on Gender Equality, established by the constitutional provision, promotes and protects gender equality also through public education. Within the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Science, Engineering and Technology for Women Sub-committee promotes the role and engagement of women in the field.

  • Ethnic and linguistic groups and Indigenous groups

As constitutional body, the Commission for the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Cultural, Religious and Linguistic Communities works to preserve, promote and develop cultures, religions and languages through public education and engagement.

Collaboration across government levels 

To implement the 2001 White Paper on inclusive education, and according to the 2005 Framework for the Establishment of District-based Support Teams, each district through its provincial department of education establishes district-based support teams (DBSTs). Consisting of representatives of different government levels and involving professionals, such as psychologists, social workers and therapists, the multidisciplinary support team has multiple functions.

The DBSTs evaluate educational programmes and provide recommendations for their improvements. They act as supportive body for schools, providing them with the capacity to identify and address severe learning difficulties. In their consultative role, the DBSTs manage activities related to inclusive education within the district, assisting teachers with curriculum differentiation and principals with the implementation of inclusive policies and practices. DBSTs also liaise with different government departments, such as Health and Social Development, to ensure the provision of health services and the engagement of health professionals at school levels.

Institutional-level support teams or School-based Support Teams to identify and assist with children with special educational needs within each education institution, from early childhood to adult learning centres and higher education institutions. Consisting of educators and educational staff, the team is a focal point within the education institution, who deals with the district-based support team and other support providers in assessing and addressing learners’ needs and educational barriers.


  1. Learning Environments


  • Disability

In 2002, the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC), in the Towards a Barrier-free Society Report, called for a revision of legislative framework for accessibility to build environments to ensure universal access. In relation to school accessibility, the 2010 National Policy for an Equitable Provision of an Enabling School Physical Teaching and Learning Environment, accompanied by the 2012 Guidelines Relating to Planning for Public School Infrastructure, contains specifications for universal school design, which were not fully translated into the 2013 Minimum Uniform Norms and Standards for Public School Infrastructure. The development of the National Education Infrastructure Management System, as electronic planning and management tool, intends to provide information about the conditions of infrastructure, including public schools, and facilitate tailored interventions.

  • People living in rural or remote areas

Providing buildings within reasonable distances to facilitate communities living in rural and remote areas has been one the focus of the Department of Education work in collaboration with the Department of Public Works. The use of technology and learning aids, such as computers, has been promoted to accommodate this need.


In line with the 1996 White Paper on National Transport Policy and as prescribed by the National Development Plan, the 2015 National Learner Transport Policy has been adopted to meet the mobility needs of learners through the provision of a safe, secure, reliable and affordable learner transport service. The Policy is applicable to the transportation of learners from grades R to 12, including learners with disabilities, consistently with the SASA provisions.


In line with the SASA, the 2015 White Paper on the Right of Persons with Disabilities and the 2015 South Africa's National Disability Policy call for mainstreaming disability into the curriculum development.

In making education accessible to all, the Department of Education introduced the National Curriculum Statement (NCS), based on the principle of inclusivity. The 2010 Guidelines for Inclusive Teaching and Learning Multilevel teaching also aims to make classrooms more accessible through an educational approach underpinned by the principles of individualization, flexibility and inclusion and through the implementation of curriculum differentiation and adaptation.

Reviewed to incorporate changes in the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS), the 2011 Guidelines for Responding to Learner Diversity in the Classroom through Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statements provides practical guidance to school managers and teachers on planning and teaching to meet the needs of a diverse range of learners.

In 2018, the National Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement for Information Technology Grades R-12 serves the purpose of equipping learners, regardless of their socio-economic background, race, gender, physical ability or intellectual ability, with the knowledge, skills and values necessary for self-fulfilment, and full participation in society. According to the Strategic Plan 2015-2020, beside the academic curriculum, skill and vocational-oriented programmes are expected to be developed for empowering learners with disabilities.

ICTs and Learning materials

According to the principle of curriculum adaptation, learning and teaching support materials are required to accommodate different communication needs, for example, in a variety of media. E-learning is encouraged as it offers a range of options for differentiated instruction that may be tailored to learner needs, including to learners with disabilities.

  1. Teachers and Support Personnel

The National Strategy for Continued Professional Teacher Development (CPTD) considers inclusive education as a key component of teacher training. Considered as manuals of train educators, both the 2010 Guidelines for Inclusive Teaching and Learning and the 2010 Guidelines for Responding to Learner Diversity emphasizes the principle of inclusiveness and the practice of curriculum differentiation. As pointed out in the White Paper on Inclusive education, educators are considered the primary resource for the promotion of an inclusive education and training system. This implies that educators and education staff acquire the necessary skills and knowledge.


The 2007 National Policy Framework for Teacher Education specifies that accessing and addressing learning barriers is a fundamental component of teacher education. The 2010 Draft Policy on the Minimum Requirements for Teacher Education Qualifications identifies the need to train professionals for teaching and learning support through specialized teacher training, such as education of learners with hearing and visual disabilities and learners with autistic spectrum disorders and intellectual impairment. As reaffirmed in the 2015 White Paper on the Right of Persons with Disabilities, disability rights awareness training programmes should be integrated into the curricula of all education and training programmes.

As specified in the SIAS policy, all teachers, managers and provincial and district officials are expected to be trained in the use of the new model of Screening, Identification, Assessment and Support. To implement SIAS policy and compensate for the shortage of specialists in rural areas, para-professionals or peers are trained for the provision of individual support. In addition, a model of itinerant service has been developed.


As part of their professional development and training programme, the national course Opening our Eyes: addressing gender-based violence in South African Schools aims to increase educator’s awareness of sexual harassment, gender-based violence and school safety. Educators are also trained to become mentors and counsellors to support peers to address gender-based violence, learner pregnancy and sexual harassment through the GEM and BEM clubs programme and through the Life Orientation Learning Programme in the National Curriculum. In 2015, the Department of Basic Education promoted a training for officials at the province level to encourage gender equity and gender transformation.

As regards learning support, full-service schools may designate a learning support educator with a coordinating role among educators and staff, parents and various outside service providers.


  1. Monitoring and Reporting

The Department of Basic Education provides annual education reports.

The Education Management Information Systems is a function and unit in the Department of Basic Education. EMIS information is collected at national and provincial levels. School Realities Reports are published every year, with reference to the number of learners by province, sector, gender and grade, while the Education Statistics Report provide a broader overview of the education system, including the number of learners in special needs education sectors, by primary disability and province. Gender disaggregated data are always provided.

Last modified:

Fri, 10/01/2025 - 13:41
