1. Terminology

2. Typology of provision

2.1 State education provision 

2.2 Non-state education provision 

2.3 Other types of schools 

3. Governance and regulations

3.1 Regulations by distinct levels of education

3.2 Supplementary private tutoring 


  1. Terminology

The 2018 Eritrea Basic Education Statistics Report defines a “non-government school” as a school administered and financed by institutions other than the Ministry of Education. According to the 2017 Education Sector Analysis, non-government schools are managed by communities, religious organisations, or sole proprietors. Students pay tuition fees, and school management bodies employ most staff. The 2018 Eritrea Basic Education Statistics Report includes and defines different types of non-state providers. “Community schools” are defined as a school administered by municipalities or local or foreign communities, an “Awkaf (Mahad) school” is a school administered by Awkaf (Islamic religion association), while “mission schools” are schools administered by churches (Coptic, Catholic, and Protestant churches).


  1. Typology of provision

2.1 State education provision

State schools

In Eritrea, most education at primary (four years, beginning at age six), lower secondary (three years, beginning at age 11) and upper secondary (four years, beginning at age 14) levels is provided in state schools. Free compulsory basic education includes two years of pre-primary education up until lower secondary education (9 years, ages 4-16). 

Complementary Elementary Education (CEE) targets children who fail to enrol into elementary school at the right age, pastoral communities, and adults who missed out on their educational opportunities. This alternative education strategy provides a three-year course equivalent to five years of elementary school, aimed at providing out-of-school boys and girls with the necessary skills and knowledge to enable them to access formal education at the junior level or vocational training.

The 2010 Nomadic Education Policy aims to ensure equitable access to education for all children in nomadic or pastoral areas, including disadvantaged groups and out-of-school children attending the Complementary Elementary Education (CEE) programme. The nomadic education program enables nomadic children to complete their education through collaborative partnerships between various non-state stakeholders. The Global Partnership for Education has supported the expansion of education opportunities to children from nomadic and disadvantaged communities through community-provided temporary learning spaces.

Non-state managed, state schools

Communities contribute to 5-10% of the costs of community schoolsCommunity funding can include cash, in-kind support in the form of labor, provision of learning materials, resources for Parent-Teacher and Student Associations, payment of utilities, and other operational costs or in-kind donations.

Non-state funded, state schools

No information was found.

2.2 Non-state education provision

Independent, non-state schools

Non-government schools are established, managed, and financed by non-state actors. There are currently only a few students enrolled in non-state schools in Eritrea, with most non-state schools having been converted to community schools, or been closed down or restricted by the government. In the past, non-government schools included community schools administered by municipalities or communities, Awkaf (Mahad) schools administered by Awkaf (Islamic religion association), mission schools administered by churches, and international schools

State-funded (government-aided), non-state schools

No information was found.

Contracted, non-state schools

No information was found.

2.3 Other types of schools


No information was found.

Market contracted (Voucher schools)

No information was found.

Unregistered/Unrecognised schools

No information was found.

Additional aid programmes

The Global Partnership for Education has implemented various programmes to support schools through teacher training, provision of learning materials, and capacity building.


  1. Governance and regulations

The Ministry of Education (MoE) is responsible for both state and non-state provision in Eritrea from early childhood to upper secondary education. The MoE is composed of the Minister’s Office, the Department of General Education, Department of Adult Education and Media, Department of Technical and Vocational Education and Training, Department of Research and Human Resources Development, and Department of Administration and Finance. Tertiary education is under the supervision of the National Commission for Higher Education (NCHE). 

There are six regional education offices. According to the 1996 Decentralisation Act, the six Zobas Education Offices are responsible for the overall administration and management of the education sector in their jurisdiction. School management is organised in collaboration with the Parent Teacher Student Associations (PTSAs).

Vision: The 2018-22 Eritrea Education Sector Plan supports increased involvement of the private sector and international development partners to mobilise resources for the achievement of the SDGs. However, the government had previously announced it planned to convert all religious schools into government-administered institutions.


3.1 Regulations by distinct levels of education

Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) covers children ages 0-6. ECCE is compulsory for children aged 4-6 and provided in formal and non-formal settings. Formal settings include kindergarten or pre-primary classes that are part of primary schools, while non-formal settings include community care giving centres or rural community children’s centres. In 2017/18, non-state provision accounted for 38% of total pre-primary schools. ECCE is governed by the 2004 Integrated ECD Policy and the 2003 National Education Policy.


Registration and approval:  The 1996 ECCE procedural guidelines state that all ECCE settings must have adequate facilities, including classrooms, ventilation, water and sanitation facilities, and proper class sizes according to the number of students.

Licence: No information was found.

Financial operation

Profit-making: No information was found.

Taxes and subsidies: No information was found.

Quality of teaching and learning

Curriculum and education standards: According to the Early Learning and Development Standards, all ECCE facilities must follow the ECCE curriculum for children aged four and five. ECCE instruction is delivered in any of the eight local languages, as stated in the Mother Tongue regulations.

Teaching profession: ECCE staff must be trained in child development courses. Teachers are required to possess a one-year certification program (as a minimum), while  community caregivers are required to have attended at least three months of child development courses. Teacher salaries in private and community schools are financed entirely by student fees.

Equitable access

Fee-setting: No information was found.

Admission selection and processes: No information was found.

Policies for vulnerable groups: The 2018-22 Eritrea Education Sector Plan views the provision of ECCE services to vulnerable communities as a priority.

Quality assurance, monitoring and accountability

Reporting requirements: No information was found.

Inspection: No information was found.

Child assessment: No information was found.

Sanctions: No information was found.


Registration and approval: All non-state schools are required to obtain a license from the state to operate in Eritrea. The 1991 Legal Notice No. 1 dictates the requirements concerning the establishment, management and supervision of non-government schools, including standards in infrastructure, furniture, and IT services.  

Licence: No information was found.

Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH): No information was found.

Financial operation

Profit-making: No information was found.

Taxes and subsidies: No information was found.

Quality of teaching and learning

Curriculum and education standards: Non- state schools are required to follow the national curriculum, with some additional instruction allowed. International schools are not obliged to follow the national curriculum, while non-secular schools can implement their own teachings and curricula upon certification. Primary schools must provide instruction in the mother tongue of the region, while at secondary level, school instruction must be delivered in English (Mother Tongue Education guidelines). 

Textbooks and learning materials: No information was found.

Teaching profession: All teachers (state and non-sate) must comply with the minimum qualification requirements set by the MoE, with at least a one year certificate or two-year diploma in education. Secondary teachers are required to have a bachelor's degree as a minimum qualification. All contract teachers in public and private schools are eligible for free in-service training, continuous professional training, and other long-term courses provided by the Ministry of Education. Contract teachers enjoy different salary scales, while short-term teachers are paid directly by schools from funds raised by parent-teacher associations (PTAs). Private schools are required by law to provide social security benefits to their teachers, which teachers may collect once they retire.

Corporal punishment: No information was found.

Other safety measures and COVID-19: No information was found.

Equitable access

Fee-setting: No information was found.

Admission selection and processes: No information was found

Policies for vulnerable groups: The 2018-22 Eritrea Education Sector Plan includes girls education as a priority, outlining several initiatives to improve girls' access to education, such as drafting a gender policy, recruiting more female teachers, constructing gender-segregated toilets, and providing financial incentives to girls. Textbooks are provided to each student at the basic education levels free of charge by the MoE. Secondary school students have to share a portion of the cost, which the government subsidises.

Quality assurance, monitoring and accountability

School board: No information was found.

Reporting requirements: The 1991 Legal Notice No. 2 includes regulations on the relationships between schools and parents regarding the supervision of schools.

School inspection: No information was found.

Student assessment: Students are required to participate in two National Examinations, including the Secondary Education Certificate Examination. The MoE additionally facilitates the Monitor Learning Achievement (MLA III) and Eritrea National Reading Survey (ENRS) for third and fifth-grade students.

Diplomas and degrees: No information was found.

Sanctions: No information was found.

There are no non-state higher education institutions in Eritrea. Missionaries established the former University of Asmara, which was dismantled and decentralised into seven tertiary institutions in the early 2000s. The seven colleges are the Eritrean Institute of Technology, College of Engineering and Technology, College of Education, Hamelmalo Agricultural College in Hamelmalo, Asmara College of Health in Asmara, Orotta School of Medicine and Dental Medicine in Asmara; College of Marine Sciences & Technology in Massawa; College of Business and Economics in Halhale, and the College of Arts and Social Sciences in Adi Keih.

The National Commission for Higher Education is responsible for monitoring, evaluating, and accrediting public and private higher education institutions. 


Registration and approval: No information was found.

Licence: No information was found.

Financial operation

Profit-making: No information was found.

Taxes and subsidies: No information was found.

Quality of teaching and learning

Curriculum and education standards: No information was found.

Teaching profession: No information was found.

Equitable access

Fee-setting: No information was found.

Admission selection and processes: No information was found.

Quality assurance, monitoring and accountability

Board: No information was found.

Reporting requirements: No information was found.

Inspection: No information was found.

Assessment: No information was found.

Diplomas and degrees: No information was found.

Sanctions: No information was found.

3.2 Supplementary private tutoring

In 2012, the Ministry of Education banned the operation of private tutoring centres in Eritrea. Teachers are only permitted to operate fee-charging classes in schools on Sundays. In 2019, the Saturday classes were also prohibited.


No information was found. 

Financial operation and quality

The operation of private tutoring centres has been banned since 2012.

Teaching profession

Private tutoring is banned for all serving teachers (Zhang 2021).                                                                              


Last modified:

Tue, 13/06/2023 - 16:02