1. Terminology

2. Typology of provision

2.1 State education provision 

2.2 Non-state education provision 

2.3 Other types of schools 

3. Governance and regulations

3.1 Regulations by distinct levels of education

3.2 Multi-level regulations 

3.3 Supplementary private tutoring 


  1. Terminology

The 2010 Basic Law of the Educational System (LBSE), modified in 2018 through the Presidential Decree 30/2018, governs all education levels in Cabo Verde and defines private and cooperative education or ensino particular ou cooperativo as the one guaranteed by institutions created by private or cooperative natural or legal persons. This type of education complements public education and aims to reinforce the right to learn and to teach. Given that the main purpose of private education is to complement the education offered of public education institutions, the Law allows for this modality of education to receive the necessary support from the state.  

The Estatuto do Ensino Privado approved by the Decree 32 of 2007 defines private education education delivered natural persons, cooperatives and other private legal persons. Institutions set up by religious organisations to teach private collective education are also considered private education. 


  1. Typology of provision

2.1 State education provision

State schools

Education in Cabo Verde is compulsory between the ages of  6 and 13. It  comprises two years of pre-school education between the ages of 4 and 5, 8 years of basic education divided in a first cycle (between the ages of 6 and 9) and a second cycle (between the ages of 9 and 13), 4 years of secondary education (between ages  14 and 17), followed by higher education. At the basic education level, the big majority of schools (almost 99%) are public, while at the early childhood and higher education level there is a stronger presence of non-state actors who are involved in the management, financing and operation of educational institutions. According to the 2019 Human Rights Practices report, “the government provides tuition-free and universal education for all children through the eighth grade.(…)”. Secondary education was tuition-free to children whose families’ annual income was below 147,000 escudos ($1,473). School is tuition-free from preschool through higher education for children with disabilities in both public and private schools. The government subsidizes kindergarten fees through municipal governments. According to the report, as part of his government’s campaign for inclusivity, the prime minister called for the expansion of tuition-free and compulsory education through the 12th grade by 2021 to all children. The National Statistics Institute estimated 6.3 percent of children were not in school, the majority of whom were between ages 15 and 17.

Non-state managed, state schools 

The 2010 Basic Law of the Educational System (LBSE) modified in 2018, establishes in its article 83 the conditions for the private management of public educational establishments. In the same article it is established that, the management of public and higher education establishments may be subject, by means of a Government Resolution, to business management rules and the law may allow for innovative experiences in its management. The management of public institutions may be entrusted to legal persons under private law, by means of a management contract.  

Even though not being directly managed by a non-state actor, five public schools are known to have piloted the optional Religious and Moral Education curriculum (EMRC), produced by the Catholic Church.  

Non-state funded, state schools 

No information was found.  

2.2 Non-state education provision

Independent, non-state schools 

The participation of private actors in education is almost inexistent at the basic education level. It is however more important at early childhood and higher education levels according to the Plano Estratégico da Educação 2017-21. There is the involvement of NGOs, cooperatives, and other for-profit entities, particularly at the early childhood level.   

International schools. Situated mainly in Praia, international schools attract foreigners and families from the richest quintiles of the population. These schools follow a curriculum model from another country such as France, the US or the UK and often provide internationally accepted accreditation such as the international baccalaureate. Admission and enrollment procedures vary from school to school and tuition tends to be expensive for local standards.  

State-funded (government-aided), non-state schools 

The Estatuto do Ensino Privado establishes in its article 5 that the State may provide financial, pedagogical and technical support to private schools.  

Contracted, non-state schools 

The State may conclude contracts with private schools located in areas deprived of public schools .The State may also conclude contracts with private educational establishments located in areas which are not in need of public schools, provided that they are aligned with the actions and objectives of the education system. The State may also conclude contracts with private schools in which other subjects other than those of the official programmes are taught, in the context of pedagogical experiences. Contracts specify reciprocal rights and obligations, in particular school obligations, in return for the support received. Contract proposals shall be submitted to the Directorate General for Education by 31 May of each year for the following school year.  

The contracts between the State and private educational establishments may be of association and sponsorship, and may have a multiannual duration, which shall not prejudice their unilateral termination at any time on the basis of non-compliance by either party. Contracts may cover some or all levels or modalities of education taught at school. In the case of Association, cntracts are concluded with private schools and aim to ensure the frequency of education, under the same conditions as public education. 

Sponsorship contracts can be concluded with the entities holding private schools when the pedagogy, the interest in the courses, the level of the programs, the methods and the means of teaching and the type of the teaching staff justify them. The aim of sponsorship contracts is to stimulate and support private education in areas not covered or insufficiently covered by public education, including the creation of courses with their own plans and pedagogical innovation.  

2.3 Other types of schools


The Estatuto do Ensino Privado approved by the Decree 32/2007  excludes from its application homeschooling (Ensino doméstico) that it defines as the one who is taught at the student's home, by a relative or person who coabite with the pupil or even by a teacher (art. 6). 

Market contracted (Voucher schools) 

No information was found.  

Unregistered/Unrecognised schools 

No information was found.


  1. Governance and regulations

The Ministry of Education of Cabo Verde sets the conditions for the operation of non-state institutions across the country. At the early childhood education level, the Ministry works in cooperation with the Ministry of Family and Social Inclusion to create the necessary conditions for the expansion of private educational institutions. There is no evidence of a specific division within the Ministry dealing with non-state actors in education.   

The Law Decree 32/2007 on the constitution and operation of private and cooperative education institutions set that the State shall intervene in the licensing and monitoring of the functioning of private educational establishments, as well as in the granting of various support, with the aim of ensuring efficiency in the achievement of the objectives of the decree. In addition, State intervention shall be operated through the competent departments of the government department responsible for the area of education and, where necessary or by law, through the joint action of this department and others, in accordance with the articles 8 to 11 of the decree. The Decree foresaw the creation of a Consultative Council for Private Education which works alongside the General Education Directorate. Representatives from the Ministry of Education, private schools, students, and consumer defense associations take part of this Council 

Vision. The Plano Estratégico da Educação 2017-21 sought to increase the presence of private actors in education in early childhood and higher education. It also sought to improve the creation of conditions for increased private investment in the organization and operation of technical and vocational training centers. The Law Decree 32/2007 on the constitution and operation of private and cooperative education institutions recognizes the relevance of the role of private education institutions, as it opens opportunities for access to education and training of all Cape Verdeans, in addition to the role of the State in achieving one of the fundamental human rights and in raising the quality of human resources. 

3.1 Regulations by distinct levels of education

Article 18 of the 2010 Law of Bases of the Educational System (LBSE) establishes that the pre-school education network results of the initiative of local authorities, official institutions and private law entities (foundations, cooperatives, NGOs and other for-profit entities) incorporated under commercial or cooperative form. The State is responsible for the support of such initiatives, in accordance with the existing possibilities, and may lead the operation of this network in areas where private initiatives are not present such as in rural and remote areas. The law establishes that pre-school education takes place in kindergartens or similar institutions officially recognized by the State.  

The Plano Estratégico da Educação 2017-21 sought to expand universal access to pre-primary education for all children aged 4 to 5 years. According to the strategic plan, early childhood education is provided in public and private kindergartens. The share of private early childhood institutions is higher across the country and varies across the different regions. The highest share of private early childhood institutions can be found in Boavista.   

15% of children are out of school at this education level. To increase access to preschool education the government of Cabo Verde sought to expand and rehabilitate kindergartens in partnership with the Ministry of Family and Social Inclusion, private entities, and NGOs.  

The Government is responsible for defining the general norms for pre-school education. According to the Plano Estratégico da Educação 2017-21, the management of private and public early childhood education is incipient and the vast majority are managed by professionals who do not have adequate training due to low financial capacity and the fact that there is no legislation on this matter.  


Registration and approval: See Multi-level regulations.

Licence: See Multi-level regulations.

Financial operation

Profit-making: No information was found. 

Taxes and subsidies: See Multi-level regulations.

Quality of teaching and learning

Curriculum and education standards: See Multi-level regulations. 

Teaching profession: See Multi-level regulations.

Equitable access

Fee-setting: No information was found. 

Admission selection and processes: No information was found. 

Policies for vulnerable groups: No information was found. 

Quality assurance, monitoring and accountability

Reporting requirements: No information was found. 

Inspection: See Multi-level regulations. 

Child assessment: No information was found. 

Sanctions: See Multi-level regulations.

At the basic education level, most students are enrolled in public institutions. However, many schools lack adaptations for children with special needs and have poor infrastructure, pushing some parents to opt for private education. 

Private education institutions account for less than 10% of the total number of institutions across the country according to the Plano Estratégico da Educação 2017-21. Secondary private education has higher enrollment rates than primary private education. 

Non-state actors’ involvement in education is governed by the 2010 Law of Bases of the Educational System (LBSE), which contains provisions for all education levels. 


Registration and approval: See Multi-level regulations.

Licence: See Multi-level regulations.

Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH): No information was found. 

Financial operation

Profit-making: No information was found. 

Taxes and subsidies: See Multi-level regulations.

Quality of teaching and learning

Curriculum and education standards: See Multi-level regulations.

Textbooks and learning materials: No information was found. 

Teaching profession: See Multi-level regulations.

Corporal punishment: No information was found. 

Other safety measures and COVID-19: No information was found. 

Equitable access

Fee-setting: Based on the decree 32 of 2007 private schools that operate as associations have to ensure the gratuity of the education to obtain grants from the State. However, in private schools under a sponsorhip contract, , tuition fees and other charges can be levied in the agreed terms of the contract. 

Admission selection and processes: No information was found. 

Policies for vulnerable groups: According to the law-decree 47/2017 minor mothers and fathers are allocated, in terms of law, support for children, up to five (5) years of age, to attend public pre-school education establishments, day care centers and kindergartens of institutions with cooperation agreements with the State.  

Quality assurance, monitoring and accountability

School board: The Estatuto grants autonomy for the administration and management of private schools.   

Reporting requirements:  On the basis of decree 32/2007, private educational establishments with which the State has an association  contract shall submit to the Service responsible for the preparation and execution of the education budget up to 60 days before the beginning of each school year the management budget for the following year. In addition, they shall submit to the Service responsible for the preparation and implementation of the Education Budget, the balance sheet and the annual accounts. Sponsorship contracts require schools to disclose the contract regime and deliver to the service responsible for the preparation and execution of the education budget quarterly balance sheets and the annual balance sheet and accounts. 

School inspection: See Multi-level regulations.

Student assessment: No information was found. 

Diplomas and degrees: No information was found. 

Sanctions: See Multi-level regulations.

In Cabo Verde the majority of tertiary education institutions are private (80%). The Universidade de Cabo Verde and the Faculdade de Educação e Desporto (FAED) both located in Praia are the only public institutions in the country. The 8 private tertiary education institutions include the Universidade do Mindelo (Uni-Mindelo), the Universidade Lusófona (UL), the Instituto Superior de Ciências Económicas e Empresariais (ISCEE) and Mindelo Escola Internacional de Arte (M_EIA) located in São Vicente; the Universidade Jean Piaget, Instituto Superior de Ciências Jurídicas e Sociais (ISCJS), and the Universidade Intercontinental de Cabo Verde (UNICA), situated in Praia, and the Universidade de Santiago (US) situated in Assomada. More students are enrolled in private than public tertiary education institutions in 2017-18 according to Cabo Verde’s 2018 Statistical Yearbook. This is the result of an increase in the number of private tertiary education institutions across the country. In 2009 private institutions already accounted for 62% of the total enrollment in this level of education.  

The 2010 Law of Bases of the Educational System (LBSE), established that public and private tertiary education institutions can be subsidized by the State. According to the law, tertiary education is guided by the principles of co-funding, financial participation by the State, co-management, universality, autonomy, and no exclusion. Subsection III of the LBSE regulates higher education.  


Registration and approval: No information available.  

Licence:  A government department in the area of higher education is in charge of the regulation, accreditation, and higher education institutions in Cabo Verde. 

Financial operation

Profit-making: There is no evidence of a law prohibiting profit-making of private higher education institutions.  

Taxes and subsidies: The State can subsidize private higher education institutions (article 46).  

Quality of teaching and learning

Curriculum and education standards: No information was found.  

Teaching profession: Most teachers work for private higher education institutions and have postgraduate and doctoral degrees.  

Equitable access

Fee-setting: No information available. 

Admission selection and processes: The Law establishes the principle of no discrimination and universality in higher education institutions. Students who lack economic resources to access higher education will benefit from financial aid from the State through social programmes.  

Quality assurance, monitoring and accountability

Board: The autonomy of private higher education institutions in terms of management is recognized in the LBSE.   

Reporting requirements: No information available 

Inspection: According to the LBSE, the State is in charge of supervising the quality of the education imparted in private higher education institutions. 

Assessment: No information available. 

Diplomas and degrees: No information available. 

Sanctions: No information available. 

3.2 Multi-level regulations

The management and operation of non-state actors in education is governed by the 2010 Law of Bases of the Educational System (LBSE), modified on 7 December 2018 through the Presidential Decree no. 30/2018. Non-state involvement in education is regulated in Chapter X of the LBSE, which refers to “Ensino particular e cooperativo”. Article 85 includes provisions for the management and operation of private institutions which are further expanded in the Estatuto do Ensino Privado. The Estatuto, approved by the Decree 32 of 2007 recognized the importance of private education institutions in expanding access to education to every Cabo verdiano. The Decree established a series of requirements for the organisations who operate private institutions with the purpose of improving the quality standards of the education provided in such institutions. The Estatuto governs private education institutions at the pre-primary, primary, secondary education level and tertiary education level.  


Registration and approval: The Direcção-Geral do Ensino and the Inspecção-Geral da Educação are in charge of revising and approving the requests for the operation of private education institutions. If the institution fulfills the conditions established in the law, the Ministry of Education will grant permission to operate.  

Licence: The State intervenes in the licensing and operation of all private educational establishments. The Decree 32/2007 establishes that the granting of licences for the establishment of private educational establishments shall be decided and communicated within 60 days and shall comply with the following essential requirements: (a) having, an academic degree not lower than the highest level need to teach at school; (b) the school has facilities, equipment and teaching materials minimally suited to the proposed objectives; (c) the commitment of the applicatnt to recruti teaching staff with the legally required qualifications; (d) and at least 25% with a university degree. 3. The operating authorisation may be refused on the basis of the inadequacy of the material and pedagogical conditions in accordance with the preceding paragraph. 4. The authorisation shall be provisional when it is necessary to correct the conditions referred to in the preceding paragraph, or other conditions. 5. The authorisation shall be defi nitive once the requirements have been met and the conditions required for the operation of the private education establishment have been checked. 

Financial operation

Taxes and subsidies: The State can subsidize private education institutions. The modalities of the State support to private institutions are regulated under subsection III-V of the Decree 32 of 2007.  Regardless of the conclusion of contracts and the support established therein, the government department that oversees the area of Education, may grant private schools that are aligned with the objectives of the educational system, in addition to pedagogical support, special start-up subsidies, equipment and other duly justified.  The support and subsidies referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be requested from the service responsible for the preparation and implementation of the Education budget by 31 March of each year, for the following school year. For schools with an association contract with the State, the latter shall grant  an annual operating allowance. 3. The fixation and updating of the subsidy are made by joint decree of the Members of the Government that oversees the areas of Education and Finance. 4. In the case of compulsory basic education, the obligations of private educational establishments grants in association contracts are: a) To guarantee their gratuity, under the same conditions as public education; b) Disclose the regime of the contract and schedule and content of the courses; c) Ensure, up to the limit of capacity, enrolment to interested parties and in order of priorities students belonging to the same household, residents in the area and those of minors. In Sponsorhip contracts, depending on the importance of the course, the State may decide to bear part of the operating costs. 

Quality of teaching and learning

Curriculum or education standards: The Direcção-Geral do Ensino is in charge of approving the curriculum and education programmes of private education institutions. Private schools adopt the study plans and programmatic content in force in public schools, without prejudice to the future approval of specific study plans and own programmes. 2. In addition to the conditions referred to in the preceding paragraph, private educational establishments are obliged to comply with the main points of the curriculum, as indicated by the General Directorate of Education 

Teaching profession: Teachers working on private education institutions are subject to the same requirements and professional qualifications as teachers working in public institutions. The State can support teacher training initiatives for teachers working in private education institutions. The Direcção-Geral do Ensino provides support for the professionalization of teachers and supports its continuous training.  Moreover, decree 32 of 2007 provides that in teacher professional training, the government department that oversees the area of Education may integrate private education teachers, in agreement with the government  department who oversees the area of Education, provided that they meet the same conditions required of public education teachers.  

The Decree 32 of 2007 establishes that one of the objectives of the Direcção-Geral do Ensino is to support the continuous training of teachers working in private tertiary education institutions. 

Quality assurance, monitoring and accountability

Boards: Decree 32 of 2007 set that the pedagogical and administrative management of private education establishments shall be ensured by the following bodies: the Governing Body, Pedagogical Body, Disciplinary Body. The absence of the organs provided for in paragraph determines the impossibility of operation of the respective establishment. In secondary schools that provide technical education, the governing body shall also be composed of a technical sub-director, in charge of managing the resources existing in schools, in particular laboratories and offices, in order to ensure an adequate teaching of technical courses and the normal functioning of the courses taught. In addition, the members of the Governing and Pedagogical bodies shall carry out the activity in the establishment of private education full-time. Lastly, private educational establishments may have bodies other than those referred to as compulsory 

Inspection: The Ministry, through the Direcção-Geral do Ensino and the Inspecção-Geral da Educação governs and regulates private education institutions. The Decree 32 of 2007 grants this institution the authority of verifying and ensuring the compliance of private educational establishments with the legal provisions. Private schools that benefit from any of the support provided by the State are specially subject to pedagogical, financial and administrative inspection of the State, through the General Inspectorate of Education. The Decree Law 80/2020 has set the new statutes of the personnel that carry out inspections in both private and public schools. 

Sanctions: The Ministry of Education may exercise the supervisory and sanctioning action arising from non-compliance with the law by license holders and educational bodies. If the problems referred during the licensing   period are not addressed, the General Inspectorate of Education proposes to the member of the Government that oversees the area of Education the closure of the establishment within 60 days. However, private schools cannot end their operations without approval by the ministry of education. 

Assessments: The criterion and evaluation process of primary and secondary school pupils adopts the regime in force in public institutions. The new assessment procedure set in the law-decree 78/2015   also applies to private and cooperative schools 

3.3 Supplementary private tutoring


No information was found.  

Financial operation and quality

No information was found.  

Teaching profession

Without reference to private tutoring, art. 49 of  Decree 32 of 2007 set that it is allowed to accumulate teaching functions in private schools, without prejudice to what is stipulated in the employment contract or regulation of staff. Accumulation may be allowed in private schools and public schools, provided that there is no harm to the public exercise of the teaching function, and in no case may be longer than 12 weekly times. Lastly, the accumulation of functions in public and private education shall be subject to the authorisation of the Director-General of Education and shall be requested by 31 October each year. 

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Thu, 25/11/2021 - 17:58