School leadership

1. Terminology

2. School principals

2.1. Leadership standards and roles

2.2. Selection and working conditions

2.3. Leadership preparation and training

3. Teachers, parents and students

3.1. School management committees and boards

3.2. Middle leaders

3.3. Parents

3.4. Students

4. Governance

4.1. Autonomy of school leaders

4.2. Assessment and accountability of school leaders

4.3. Teacher assessment by school leaders


1. Terminology

The 2007 Education Law No. 319 refers to the “head of an educational organization” or білім беру ұйымдарының басшысы. Article 44 states “direct management of the educational organization is carried out by its head.” (Correct. Should be mentioned here that “the head of an” refers both to schools and higher education) 

The 2016 Order No. 83 on the Standard Qualification Characteristics of Teacher Positions uses the term “heads of educational organizations” or Білім беру ұйымдары басшысы. Heads manage the activities of their institution by normative legal acts. 2007 Law No 319, Article 44 states “The management of educational organizations is carried out by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the accepted rules of the relevant educational organization activity, and individual and collegial principals based on the educational organization’s orders”. 

2. School principals

2.1. Leadership standards and roles

Competency standards and leadership frameworks and guidelines

The 2016 Order No. 83 outlines the performance indicators for the head of the educational organization, which are either extracted from the information system or provided in a paper format certified by the head of the educational organization.  


Chapter 3, paragraph 1, of the 2009 Order No. 338 details the job duties of the Head (director or manager) of primary, basic secondary, and general secondary educational organizations.  

Setting expectations/objectives: Article 46 of Order No. 338 of 2009 establishes that the Head represents the educational organization in dealings with state and other organizations, ensures the preparation and presentation of reports, manages the activities of the educational organization under its charter, and, together with the pedagogical and methodical council, organizes the implementation of the state compulsory education standard. The head approves various plans and programs, including the school development program, educational work plan, work-study plans, intra-school control plan, and psychological service work plan. 

Developing teaching and learning: Article 46 of Order No. 338 of 2009 establishes that the Head of the educational organization is responsible for forming and enhancing the scientific-methodical and material-technical base, organizing methodological support, monitoring distance education, and approving the standardized education program and lesson schedule for all classes. School heads must create ideal conditions for education and provide support for children with special needs. This includes the development and usage of modern information technologies. 

Promoting collaboration: Article 46 of Order No. 338 of 2009 stipulates that the Head of the educational institution is responsible for overseeing the management of the pedagogical council and contributing to the activities of pedagogical unions, methodological associations, and children's organizations. They are tasked with shaping the student body, educators, and learners, ensuring their social protection, upholding their rights and obligations, particularly for orphans and children without parental care, and establishing necessary support procedures. Furthermore, the Head ensures compliance with Kazakhstan's legislation, addresses issues related to the upbringing and education of both educators and learners and creates a safe and healthy environment throughout the educational process. They also focus on providing conditions for the upbringing and education of children with special needs, offering psychological and pedagogical counselling to children and parents, managing psychological services, and maintaining the educational-material base in line with internal regulations, sanitary standards, and labor safety rules. Additionally, the Head oversees the Council on Pedagogical Ethics, implements its recommendations, and manages communication with the public, as well as coordination with parents and guardianship councils. 

Parents have the right to obtain information from educational organizations regarding the performance, behavior and educational conditions of their children in accordance with Article 49 of the 2007 Education Law No. 319. The head is also required to provide an annual report to the Board of Trustees and the parent community on the activities of the organization, including the receipt and expenditures of financial and material funds. 

Supporting staff development: Article 46 of Order No. 338 of 2009 stipulates that the Head is responsible for organizing teacher certification and qualification awarding (recognition). Additionally, the Head encourages and supports the continuous improvement of educators and staff within the educational institution. However, according to 2007 Education Law No. 319, the organization of training courses for teachers, as well as the organization and conduct of post-course support for teachers' activities, is the responsibility of the local education office. 

Acting following the ethical principles of the profession: The Order No. 338 of 2009 states that the Head of an educational institution shall be held accountable under the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan for violations of the rights and freedoms of students, educators, and staff members, failure to fulfil their entrusted functions, and violations of the national compulsory education standard (Article 45).  

Article 46 of Order No. 338 of 2009 stipulates that the Head's duties include fostering a culture of intolerance towards corruption, adhering to principles of academic honesty, and ensuring the quality of educational services. Additionally, all teachers are required to know and practice the norms of pedagogical ethics. The head also leads the Council on Pedagogical Ethics. 

Others: Article 47 of Order No. 338 of 2009 stipulates that the Head of the educational institution must possess comprehensive knowledge of various legal documents, including the Constitution, the Labor Code, and relevant laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan related to education, teacher status, anti-corruption measures, language policy, and state property. The Head should also be well-versed in the fundamentals of pedagogy and psychology, understand the state standards of compulsory education, and stay updated on advancements in pedagogical science and practice. Additionally, familiarity with norms of pedagogical ethics, management principles, financial and economic activities, as well as principles of labor safety, fire protection, and sanitary norms is required. 

In addition to the Chapter 3, paragraph 1, of the 2009 Order No. 338 states that school administrators “confirm the work plan and content of psychological service, pastoral work, in-school observation, school development, and the programmes of teaching and learning”. 

2.2. Selection and working conditions

Degree requirements and prior teaching experience

2009 Order No. 338 specifies that candidates for the position of school head must meet the following degree requirements: they should have higher (post-graduate) pedagogical education or have completed pedagogical retraining, along with a minimum of 5 years of teaching experience, including at least two years of continuous teaching within the last few years. Alternatively, candidates may qualify if they hold a higher qualification category such as teacher-expert, teacher-researcher, or teacher-master, or if they have the qualification category of "deputy head" at various levels within an educational organization. Candidates can also be considered if they have at least 5 years of experience as a civil servant in the field of education and science, specifically in leadership positions (Article 48). The requirements may differ depending on the type of school. For example, school heads of special education organizations must hold a higher education degree in the field of special education.  In addition, the candidates shouldn’t have any criminal record. (MESRK, Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2015, Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana). 

Order No. 213 of 2020, which approves the Rules for the tender placement of heads of state secondary, technical and vocational, and post-secondary education organizations, affirms the qualification requirements for candidates applying for positions as heads of primary, secondary, middle, and special educational institutions. These requirements include participation in professional development activities aimed at enhancing teaching skills or qualifications. This may involve training for educators, methodologists, educational psychologists, or counselors, and includes the utilization of qualification enhancement systems (Article 97).  

The 2021 Procedure for Appointing School Principals specifies that teachers can be appointed to the director's position if they have at least five years of general pedagogical work experience. Additionally, candidates must have worked in the field of education for the two years immediately preceding their appointment. Also, the future director should complete management courses and present the relevant certificates. 

Order No. 338 of 2009 outlines that the qualification requirements for teacher candidates include post-secondary pedagogical education, documentation of pedagogical retraining, or completion of high school before 1995. The required duration of pedagogical work experience varies based on the level of qualification, ranging from 2 to 5 years for different teaching roles.  

Appointment decision

The 2007 Education Law No. 319 states that the local executive body of the city is responsible for appointing and dismissing the head of the education governing body, in coordination with the authorized body in the field of education. The local executive body also assists the boards of trustees (Article 25). The first heads of state educational organizations should be rotated to different locations to ensure the most effective use of their professional potential. 

Order No. 576 of 2021 mandates Kazakhstan's implementation of a rotation strategy for school directors to improve educational quality and maintain efficient school administration. The policy requires school directors to rotate their posts every seven years, depending upon criteria such as performance ratings and regional requirements. Exceptions are sometimes granted for schools in isolated or rural regions where it is difficult to find appropriate leadership. Extensions may be granted contingent upon the institution's requirements and the director's efficacy. 

Order No. 213 of 2020 outlines the appointment process for heads of state educational organizations. This process includes conducting competitions for placement and making appointments based on professional qualifications.  

The 2021 Procedure for Appointing School Principals details the appointment process for school directors. When a director’s position becomes vacant, it must be announced on the official website and social media accounts of the education department within seven working days. The appointment process, whether for permanent, acting, or interim positions covering reasons such as maternity leave or sabbaticals, is conducted through a competitive process managed by regional education authorities.  

The selection process consists of several stages. Initially, candidates must submit their documents for review. Their professional experience is evaluated to ensure it meets the education department's requirements, allowing them to proceed with the competition. This is followed by electronic testing in areas such as management skills, pedagogy, psychology, and local legislation. Those who pass this phase must develop and present a school development plan before the Board of Trustees, including parent representatives, pedagogical professionals, community activists, and non-governmental organization representatives. The final step involves an interview with the education department. 

Successful candidates have their employment conditions set based on their performance and qualifications, with appointments generally lasting five years. Candidates who complete the initial stages but are not interviewed by the Department of Education may be placed on reserve for one year. This reserve status allows them to be appointed to a principal position within that year, pending approval by the school’s Board of Trustees. 

Employment equity measures

The 2006-2016 National Gender Equality Strategy aims to “continue the practice of training and promoting women-leaders through leadership schools and other education mechanisms”. 

The 2009 Law of State Guarantees of Equal Rights and Equal Opportunities for Men and Women establishes principles and regulations to create conditions for gender equality across all aspects of state and social life, defining key concepts and objectives, and outlining the competence of various governmental bodies in enforcing these principles. 

Working conditions

The 2012 Order No. 57, based on the 2013 State Services Law No. 88-V, outlines the appointment process for the first head of a state educational organization. This process adheres to Labor Code guidelines and involves entering civil service. The employment contract for this position is limited to a five-year term. After serving two terms within five years, there are restrictions on participating in subsequent competitions, as specified in subsection 2 of Article 49 of the 2015 Labor Code No. 414-V. Labor laws govern dismissal procedures and require agreement from the regional education management body, with the specific format determined by regional education authorities. 

Salary. In line with the Concept for the Development of Preschool, Secondary, Technical, and Vocational Education in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2023-2029, approved by Government Decree No. 249 on March 28, 2023, there is a planned gradual increase of school principals' salaries by 100%. 

2.3. Leadership preparation and training

Pre-service training

The 2021 Procedure for Appointing School Principals mentions that future school principals must undergo management courses and obtain relevant certificates. 

The 2016 Order No. 83 affirms that the certification of heads of secondary, technical and professional, post-secondary educational organizations is carried out at the level of education departments of the region, cities of republican significance and the capital, department of education of the district (city of regional significance), authorized body in the field of education. 

Induction and in-service training

The official duties of the head of education organizations, as written in Article 46 of Order No. 338 of 2009, include maintaining their professional development, including management.  

The 2023 List of Educational Programmes for Enhancing Qualifications indicates that the Ministry has, in collaboration with both external and internal entities, provided educational leadership programs for school principals at various levels. Most of these leadership training sessions are conducted by the National Center for Advanced Qualification Development, known as «Өрлеу» Біліктілікті арттыру ұлттық орталығы

The 2007 Education Law No. 319 (2024 Amended Education Law No. 64-VIII) states that the local executive body of the region is responsible provides retraining of personnel and advanced training of employees of state educational organizations financed from the budget (art.15). It highlights that improving the qualifications of managers and teachers of educational organizations is carried out no less often than once in three years (art.39) and they are also certified once in three years (art.44). 

The 2024 Order No. 47 affirms that professional development for heads of educational organizations in the relevant field and the field of management must be held at least once every three years so that they may be recertified. 

3. Teachers, parents and students

3.1. School management committees and boards

The 2017 Rules for the Organization of the Work of the Board of Trustees and the Procedure for its Election in Educational Organizations No.15584 aim to regulate the activities and election process of the Board of Trustees (BoT) in accordance with education law. The BoT was established as a collegial management body of secondary education organizations, facilitating development and public oversight.  

The Board of Trustees is elected by a commission established by relevant authorities or local executive bodies in education. The term of office for the BoT is three years. The composition of the Board of Trustees includes representatives from various groups such as parents, veterans of education, local authorities, NGOs, philanthropists, media, and student self-government bodies. Candidates are nominated by educational organizations and selected based on criteria including education, professional competence, and integrity. 

The Board of Trustees coordinates development priorities, identifies and addresses deficiencies, and contributes to budget formation. It approves changes to the organization's charter and internal regulations, as well as alternative academic year dates and experimental educational programmes. The Board also exercises control over financial resources, including charitable assistance, and approves lists of candidates for specialized training centers. Furthermore, it ensures student rights protection, safety, and quality of education, while supporting vulnerable student populations and implementing anti-corruption measures. The Board monitors student and staff satisfaction, employment of children with special needs, and acquisition processes, and engages in parental involvement activities. It also promotes discipline, conflict resolution, and cultural events, and participates in public discussions of relevant legislation. These activities are conducted in alignment with an annual work plan to ensure effective governance and continuous improvement within the educational institution. 

The Pedagogical Council (PC) is a key decision-making body in educational organizations. It addresses various issues related to educational planning, curriculum approval, quality assurance, individual student needs, student assessment, teacher development, language education, student activities, timetabling, student admissions, and student well-being. The PC plays a crucial role in ensuring effective and inclusive education for all students. 

3.2. Middle leaders

The 2023 order No. 224 outlines that school directors could have several deputies. The number of depiry directors depends on class number at the school.  


The 2009 Order No. 338 states that Subject Teachers “Барлық мамандықтардың пән мұғалімдері” participate in methodological associations and conferences for parents, advising parents, ensuring safety during the educational process, cooperating with parents or substitutes, filling out required documents, and instilling an anti-corruption culture and principles of academic honesty among students (art.64). Article 64 states a longer list of teacher responsibilities including special education-oriented differentiation, providing inclusion, interactive teaching material and digital skill for distance education.  

The Teacher-Professional Guide “Педагог-кәсіби бағдар беруші” is responsible for organizing and providing methodological guidance for vocational guidance work at the school, assisting students and parents in making informed decisions regarding career choices, conducting diagnostics to identify interests and analyze professionally oriented diagnostics, providing psychological support to gifted students and those with special educational needs, organizing tours and meetings with professionals from various fields, continuously improving professional competence, adhering to documentation requirements, and ensuring the safety, health, and rights of children (art.88). 

The Head of Educational Organizations, Senior Head “Білім беру ұйымдарының вожатыйы, аға вожатыйы” is tasked with fostering the development of children's social organizations and associations, facilitating students' involvement in planning and updating their activities, organizing collective creative endeavors, promoting cultural and patriotic activities, ensuring the health and safety of students, coordinating holiday activities, implementing innovative practices, organizing public service initiatives, conducting leadership training for children's organizations, maintaining close communication with various stakeholders including self-governing bodies, the pedagogical team, parents, and public organizations, and instilling principles of anti-corruption and academic honesty among students (art.92). 

Additionally, the order outlines different hierarchical positions of teachers: 1) teacher “педагог”; 2) teacher-moderator "педагог-модератор"; 3) teacher-expert "педагог-сарапшы"; 4) teacher-researcher; and "педагог-зерттеуші" 5) teacher-master "педагог-шебер." At each stage, the teachers require more skills and more responsibilities. For example, the teacher-master must participate in seminars, competitions, and conferences at the regional, national, or international level. They also contribute to the development of curricula and educational teaching methods. Middle leaders play a crucial role in educational institutions, not only as teachers but also as department heads, vice principals, and subject specialists. They mentor new teachers, conduct lesson studies and observations, and contribute to various aspects of school management. While their responsibilities are not explicitly defined in the laws, they are often scattered across different articles and are also reflected in the author's unpublished dissertation research. 

3.3. Parents

Article 49 of the 2007 Education Law No. 319 highlights the rights of parents to participate in the work of management bodies of educational organizations through parents' committees. According to this law, parents and other legal representatives of children have the right to engage in educational activities in educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan or educational programs of basic secondary and general secondary education. 

The 2013-2020 Action Plan aimed at ensuring the participation of parents' communities in the management of educational institutions.  

The 2018 Kazakhstan Education Policy Profile of OECD highlights the participation of parents in the Board of Trustees of the school. 

3.4. Students

Article 47 in the 2007 Education Law No. 319 outlines the rights, duties, and responsibilities of students and pupils. It states that students have the right to “participate in the management of educational organizations” and “express their opinions and confidence freely.” The 2017 Rules for the Organization of the Work of the Board of Trustees and the Procedure for its Election in Educational Organizations No.15584 refers to the participation of student self-government bodies “органов ученического самоуправления” in the Board of Trustees. Article 46 of Order No. 338 of 2009 asks the head of the educational institution to form a “contingent of pupils”, тәрбиеленушілер контингентін, to provide social protection to students and pupils. 

4. Governance

4.1. Autonomy of school leaders

The 2007 Education Law No. 319 mentions that the content of education is determined by educational and educational programmes of general education, which are developed based on state mandatory standards of education (art.13). It also mentions that the head of the state educational organization (except for medical and pharmaceutical educational organizations) appoints and dismisses the chief accountant in agreement with the state management body (art.44). 

The 2009 Order No. 338 highlights that the head of an educational organization manages the property and finances of the educational institution, submits annual reports on the use of financial resources, as well as activities of the organization, to various stakeholders such as the parent council, the public, and the board of trustees, and ensures that accounting practices within the organization adhere to regulatory requirements (art.46). The 2017 Rules for the Organization of the Work of the Board of Trustees and the Procedure for its Election in Educational Organizations No.15584 mentions that the Board of Trustees has the full authority to develop proposals in the formation of the budget of the educational organization (art.14.3). 

In regards to hiring and dismissal, the head also selects and places teachers and auxiliary personnel within their institutions, approving staff schedules, defining job duties and creating conditions for the professional development of staff to enhance their competence (art.46 of the 2009 Order No. 338). The 2012 Order No.57 states that dismissal from the position of a teacher is carried out on the grounds provided for Article 49 of the 2015 Labor Code No. 414-V (art.140). It clarifies that “dismissal of teachers of state educational organizations is carried out by the education department (or the education department of a city with regional significance) based on agreement with the education authority” (art.141). 

4.2. Assessment and accountability of school leaders

The 2016 Order No. 83 on principles and conditions of certification of teachers and other civil servants in the field of education, includes an assessment sheet in the Appendix for the head/deputy head of the educational organization to be certified by the methodical office (centers)/methodologist of the methodical office (centers) and to be filled out by a member of the certification commission.  

School directors must undergo certification every three years, which involves a three-stage assessment process. This includes an assessment of teachers' knowledge, a qualification assessment through a portfolio review, and a comprehensive analysis of performance results. To qualify, directors must pass a knowledge assessment of legislation and managerial competencies with a minimum score of 70%. Based on the results, they are assigned a qualification category ranging from 'Head of the Third Category' to 'Head of the First Category.' 

4.3. Teacher assessment by school leaders

The 2007 Education Law No. 319 mentions that educational organizations annually conduct self-assessment of educational activities and submit self-assessment materials to the department of the authorized body in the field of education and its territorial divisions (art.59). 

The 2016 Order No. 83 also includes an assessment sheet for teachers. Teacher assessment is mainly provided by regular lesson observation of the school leader. The school leader provides feedback and evaluates the professional development trajectory of the staff in general.  


This profile was reviewed by Dana Benedek, PhD in Educational Science, and Dr. Yerbol Sarmurzin, Scholar specializing in Education Studies in Kazakhstan. 

Last modified:

Tue, 15/10/2024 - 16:22