School leadership

1. Terminology

2. School principals

2.1. Leadership standards and roles

2.2. Selection and working conditions

2.3. Leadership preparation and training

3. Teachers, parents and students

3.1. School management committees and boards

3.2. Middle leaders

3.3. Parents

3.4. Students

4. Governance

4.1. Autonomy of school leaders

4.2. Assessment and accountability of school leaders

4.3. Teacher assessment by school leaders


1. Terminology

The 2023 Education Law No. 179 mentions that the direct management of an educational organization is carried out by the “rector, director, head or other leader (administrator)” (art.38). 

The 2011 Model Regulation on General Education Organization No. 541 refers to the term “director of a general education organization”. 

2. School principals

2.1. Leadership standards and roles

Competency standards and leadership frameworks and guidelines

The Model Regulation on General Education Organization lays out the duties, roles, and responsibilities of teaching and management staff including that of directors of educational organizations. 


Setting expectations/objectives: The director leads the work of the pedagogical council, determines and implements the organization's main development strategies in coordination with the council, meets the community's needs for secondary education, represents and advocates for the rights and interests of the educational organization, organizes and oversees the issuance of state-standard educational documents, ensures the accuracy of information provided about graduates, and monitors compliance with child protection requirements and the safeguarding of minors' rights and interests (art.65 of the 2011 Model Regulation on General Education Organization No. 541 ). 

The internal regulations of Secondary School No. 52 of the Sverdlovsk district of Bishkek mention that the school director determines the strategy, goals, and objectives of the school's development, jointly with co-management bodies, develops, approves, and implements the School Development Program, creates conditions for the introduction of innovations, ensures the formation and implementation of initiatives of school staff aimed at improving the school's work and the quality of education. 

Developing teaching and learning: The director collaboratively implements the curriculum with teachers, as approved by the relevant regional education authority, ensures the accessibility and quality of education within state educational standards and basic general education programs, and oversees educational activities with students through extracurricular programs (art.65 of the 2011 Model Regulation on General Education Organization No. 541 ). 

Promoting collaboration: The director takes responsibility and ensures the accounting and preservation of the material-technical base, compliance with safety and sanitary-hygienic requirements, and labor protection for students and staff in the educational organization (art.65 of the 2011 Model Regulation on General Education Organization No. 541 ). 

Supporting staff development: The director creates conditions for the professional development of teachers and conducts their certification (art.65 of the 2011 Model Regulation on General Education Organization No. 541). 

Acting in accordance with the ethical principles of the profession: The director of a general education organization bears personal responsibility before parents (legal representatives), the state, and society for the results of the organization's activities in accordance with their job duties, employment contract, and the school's charter (art.64 of the 2011 Model Regulation on General Education Organization No. 541 ). 

Others: The 2011 Model Regulation on General Education Organization No. 541 mentions that the school director must be knowledgeable in the relevant laws and regulations of education, psychology, management, and education finance (art.62). 

2.2. Selection and working conditions

Degree requirements and prior teaching experience

The 2011 Model Regulation on General Education Organization No. 541  states that school directors must be citizens of Kyrgyzstan, have an appropriate higher professional education in pedagogy and/or another specialty, and work in the field of education. They must have at least 7 years of continuous teaching experience in a general education organization, with at least 2 of those years as a director or deputy director. Additionally, they must have continuous teaching activity experience of at least 2 years in the main position in the authorized state body in the field of education and its territorial divisions, 3 years in a senior position in the authorized state body in the field of education and its territorial divisions, or 5 years as head of a methodological office at territorial educational authorities. For special general education organizations for children with disabilities, directors must have a special pedagogical education and at least 5 years of work experience in the specialty.

Appointment decision

The 2023 Education Law No. 179 mentions that heads of public schools are appointed by the authorized state body in the field of education,  organizations financed from local budgets, and regional bodies of state education administration (art.38). 

The competitive selection process for heads of general education organizations, as outlined in The 2024 Regulations on the procedure for conducting competitive selection of heads of state and municipal educational organizations of the Kyrgyz Republic No. 79, is overseen by the "National Center for Assessment of Education Quality and Information Technologies of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic." The appointment of heads is based on the results of this competitive selection, conducted by employers, for a 5-year term for vacant positions. 

Employment equity measures

No information was found.

Working conditions

According to the 2011 Model Regulation on General Education Organization No. 541, the director is appointed for a term of 5 years following a competitive selection process, with a maximum tenure of 10 years in the same educational organization. During the probationary period, which must last at least 6 months, the professional skills and suitability of the director for the position are assessed. The specific requirements for the director during this probationary period are developed and endorsed by the authorized state body responsible for education. If necessary, termination of the employment contract before the probationary period expires is conducted according to the labor laws of the Kyrgyz Republic. Additionally, the transfer and dismissal procedures for the director of a general education organization are carried out in accordance with the labor legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic (art.62). 

The internal rules of Secondary School No. 52 of the Sverdlovsk district of Bishkek mention that the Trade Union Committee represents and defends the individual and collective social, labor, and professional rights and interests of the school staff but does not refer to school directors. 

2.3. Leadership preparation and training

Pre-service training

No information has been found on the initial training and its duration of school principals governed by national laws, policies, strategies or frameworks.

Induction and in-service training

According to the 2023 Education Law No. 179, Article 46, “the state and educational organizations create conditions for the professional development and training of managers.” However, the law does not contain requirements for school directors and certain state obligations.

3. Teachers, parents and students

3.1. School management committees and boards

The 2023 Education Law No. 179 states that the board of trustees  “Trustee Council” is an elected co-government body of a state educational organization without the status of a legal entity, carrying out the functions of providing assistance to achieve the statutory goals of the state educational organization, as well as attracting additional (extra-budgetary) funds and controlling their intended use (art.1). Another law regulating the activities of school boards of trustees is the 2014 Law on the Board of Trustees No.81 

Article 38 of the 2023 Education Law No. 179 stresses that the management of educational organizations is based on the principles of democratization, decentralization, independence and  self-governance. The forms of co-management of educational organizations include general meetings that include trustee, academic, pedagogical, and other councils or committees. The procedure for the election of governing bodies and their competencies, as well as the delineation of powers between the council and the leader of the educational organization, are determined by the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic and the charter of the educational organization. In addition, article 39 adds that within the education system, various public organizations and associations, including unions, academies, professional associations, educational-methodological associations, scientific-methodological, scientific-technical, and other councils and organizations, are permitted to be established. Furthermore, employees, students, and pupils of educational institutions possess the right to join political parties and organizations that are duly registered according to Kyrgyz Republic legislation. The interactions between educational institutions and public organizations, which align with the primary objectives of the educational institutions, are governed by contractual agreements. 

The 2011 Model Regulation on General Education Organization No. 541 states that the procedure for electing co-government bodies of a general education organization and their powers are determined in the charter of the general education organization in accordance with the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic (art.61). State control over the financial activities of general education organizations is carried out by audit bodies based on the relevant regulatory legal acts (art.72). 

Therefore, each Secondary School has its own internal regulations as demonstrated through the Educational Portal of Bishkek City. For example, the internal rules of Secondary School No. 52 of the Sverdlovsk district of Bishkek state that the management is ''conducted in accordance with the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic, based on the principles of democracy, openness, transparency, and self-governance”. It stresses that school-governance means co-management of the school through the pedagogical council, school methodological associations, parent committee, general assembly of the staff, School Council, Board of Trustees, and Student Council. 

the internal rules of Secondary School No. 52 of the Sverdlovsk district of Bishkek highlight the role of the Pedagogical Council which serves as a governing collective body within the school, addressing various issues related to the implementation of the School Development Program and the organization of educational and upbringing activities. It consists of teachers from the school, with the director serving as its chairperson. The council makes collective decisions on discussed matters and holds responsibility for them. Its main tasks include implementing state education policies, coordinating teaching staff activities, monitoring compliance with educational standards, and making decisions regarding student-related issues such as transfers and graduations. 

3.2. Middle leaders

Traditionally, schools have methodological associations of teachers. If a school has two or more teachers specializing in the same subject or three or more teachers in a common subject area, these associations are established. Within these methodological associations, continuous professional development, experience exchange, and other activities related to enhancing the quality of work are conducted. School methodological associations are led by teachers-leaders with high qualifications, which can be confirmed by the highest category in accordance with the Regulation on the procedure for attestation of teachers of general education organizations of the Kyrgyz Republic 2023. № 390. A teacher of the highest category must have secondary pedagogical and higher pedagogical education and work experience in the first category. Pedagogical workers who have been awarded Honorary titles of the Kyrgyz Republic may be assigned the highest qualification category without the requirements for education and work experience.  

Some teachers have additional responsibilities as Class Teachers who organize educational activities on various topics, including safety rules and healthy lifestyles, and collaborate with student councils to promote student well-being. They maintain communication with parents, ensuring the unity of educational influence between home and school, and submit regular reports on their activities to the school administration. The Class Teacher also participates in school-wide events, pedagogical council meetings, and continuously seeks to improve their professional qualifications through training and involvement in methodological associations, all while adhering to ethical norms both within the school and in public settings. 

The Class Teacher also collaborates with subject teachers to advocate for students' interests and engage them in extracurricular activities. They work with the school psychologist to address students' individual needs and adaptation processes. The teacher also facilitates students’ involvement in community organizations, promotes reading through collaboration with the school librarian, and organizes activities to foster parental involvement and raise health awareness among students. 

The 2011 Model Regulation on General Education Organization No. 541 states that teachers can participate in the management of the educational organization as defined by its charter. 

The internal rules of Secondary School No. 52 of the Sverdlovsk district of Bishkek mention that all participants in the educational process are involved in school management including teachers and technical staff of the schoolthrough the activities of the pedagogical council, general assembly of the staff, work of school methodological associations, and temporary creative groups of teachers. 

Teachers participate in Methodological Associations which are structural units of the school's methodological service, bringing together teachers of a specific educational field. The head of the subject teaching department is chosen from among the members and approved by the school director. Methodological Associations carry out methodological work in their educational field, organize extracurricular activities for students, and analyze the results of the educational process. 

Additionally, they take part   in Teacher Creative Groups which are temporary forms of pedagogical collectives working in a developmental mode to solve specific educational or upbringing issues, involving teachers of one or different subjects. A leader is chosen within the group to arrange problem solving, and recommendations are prepared based on the work's results. 

3.3. Parents

The 2023 Education Law No. 179 outlines the rights and responsibilities of parents or legal representatives. Parents have the right to choose the form of education for their child, including homeschooling in exceptional cases, and can send their child to educational institutions at any stage of education. They also have the right to demand that their child's education adheres to state educational standards. In exceptional cases, parents can provide primary, basic, and secondary general education at home, with the option for the child to transition to formal schooling upon positive assessment. Article 27 of this Law states that parents are obligated to create suitable conditions for their child's life and education, ensuring their physical and mental health. They must foster values such as diligence, kindness, respect for family, elders, national language, and cultural traditions. Parents are also responsible for instilling respect for national heritage, cultural values, and the environment, as well as love for the country. It is expected that parents maintain active cooperation with educational institutions and take responsibility for their child's safety outside of school hours (art.27). 

The internal rules of Secondary School No. 52 of the Sverdlovsk district of Bishkek highlight that parents /legal representatives of students are involved in school management through the activities of the School Board of Trustees, School-Parent committee, class parent committees, and initiative groups. 

The School-Parent Committee supports the implementation of unified requirements for organizing educational processes between families and the school, fosters collaborative relationships, and promotes shared values, patriotism, and social activism among students. 

3.4. Students

The internal rules of Secondary School No. 52 of the Sverdlovsk district of Bishkek state that students are involved in the school's co-management through various means, including the Student Council known as the "Council of High School Students," temporary creative groups, and extracurricular activities such as clubs and sections. The Student Council serves as the main body for student self-government, with its primary responsibilities including promoting active civic engagement among students, developing their decision-making skills, planning community projects, and assessing their outcomes. 

4. Governance

4.1. Autonomy of school leaders

The 2011 Model Regulation on General Education Organization No. 541 highlights that the appointment and dismissal of deputy directors is carried out by the relevant education authorities upon the director's recommendation. The appointment and dismissal of pedagogical and other staff members are the responsibility of the director, while for non-state educational organizations, these actions are determined by the founders in accordance with labor laws and the organization's charter. The director participates in the recruitment and deployment of teachers and staff (art.65). 

According to the 2023 Education Law No. 179 , stipulates that funds allocated from the state budget to educational organizations are overseen by the treasury while other funds earned by these organizations are managed by the board of trustees and public institutions. State or municipal educational institutions have the option to seek financial resources through voluntary contributions, donations, and other lawful means. They actively engage donors and investors to support operational and infrastructural enhancements, with efforts publicized through various channels. These institutions must hold public hearings annually before August 1st to discuss the utilization of extrabudgetary funds, allowing participation from stakeholders and interested parties (art.43-44) 

The 2011 Model Regulation on General Education Organization No. 541 emphasizes the director's role in managing financial activities, controlling grants and investments, and ensuring effective use of funds from various sources, including voluntary parental contributions and additional educational services. Additionally, the internal regulations of Secondary school No. 52 of the Sverdlovsk district of Bishkek specify that the school director manages budget funds, ensures their effective use, oversees staff selection and placement, and fosters the continuous professional development of employees within their authority. 

4.2. Assessment and accountability of school leaders

The 2023 Education Law No. 179 establishes mechanisms for assessing the quality of formal education and ensuring accountability in educational institutions. The Department for the Development of Education Quality oversees the assessment process, which involves independent experts or organizations conducting selective testing and evaluations approved by the Cabinet of Ministers. The results inform education policies and improvements but do not lead to disciplinary actions and are publicly accessible. However, the law does not address the assessment and accountability of school leaders in this process. School accreditation is not mandatory and can be done voluntarily. 

4.3. Teacher assessment by school leaders

No information was found.


This profile was reviewed by Alexander Ivanov, Foundation Education Initiative Support. 

Last modified:

Wed, 16/10/2024 - 09:08