School leadership

1. Terminology

2. School principals

2.1. Leadership standards and roles

2.2. Selection and working conditions

2.3. Leadership preparation and training

3. Teachers, parents and students

3.1. School management committees and boards

3.2. Middle leaders

3.3. Parents

3.4. Students

4. Governance

4.1. Autonomy of school leaders

4.2. Assessment and accountability of school leaders

4.3. Teacher assessment by school leaders


1. Terminology

The 2021 Law of Turkmenistan on Education (New edition) refers to the terms “heads of educational institution”, Bilim edarasynyň ýolbaşçysy, and educational leaders, Bilim ýolbaşçylary. Article 56 states that “heads of educational institutions” are responsible for the “direct management of the educational institution”. 

The 2019 Regulations on State General Educational Institutions No.1158 refers to “heads of school, “directors” and “principals”. Article 33 states that “management of a general education school is carried out directly by the director” while Article 35 states that the “High School Principal” is responsible for the quality and efficiency of the work of the educational institution”. 


2. School principals

2.1. Leadership standards and roles

Competency standards and leadership frameworks and guidelines

The 2021 Law of Turkmenistan on Education (New edition) and the 2019 Regulations on State General Educational Institutions No.1158 outline the roles and competencies of school principals.  


Setting expectations/objectives: No information has been found. 

Developing teaching and learning: Per Article 56 of the 2021 Law of Turkmenistan on Education (New edition), the head of the educational institution is responsible for providing students with quality education, material and moral support for pedagogical workers, rational and efficient use of material resources. Article 35 of the 2019 Regulations on State General Educational Institutions No.1158 further states that the High School Principal is responsible for the provision of high-quality education andorganizes educational work and controls its progress and results and takes full responsibility in implementing the curriculum. 

Promoting collaboration: Article 35 of the 2019 Regulations on State General Educational Institutions No.1158 mentions that school administrations “are required to monitor students compliance with hygiene and safety rules” and that principals are to create “necessary conditions for the organization of extracurricular activities” and “represent the interests of the school in enterprises, institutions and organizations”. 

Supporting staff development: In accordance with the 2021 Law of Turkmenistan on Education (New edition), the head of the educational institution is responsible for encouraging and assisting the staff, as well as fostering their professional growth, particularly focusing on the development of teaching and other personnel within the institution. Additionally, Article 35 of the 2019 Regulations on State General Educational Institutions No.1158 states that a High School Principal “creates conditions for the creative development of teachers of secondary schools, including “the introduction of advanced forms and methods of teaching and education”. 

Acting in accordance with the ethical principles of the profession: Article 32 of 2021 Law of Turkmenistan on Education (New edition) states that all pedagogical workers must “be an example for students in spiritual, moral and aesthetic behavior and appearance”. Article 46 defines pedagogical workers as “persons engaged in educational activities related to the training and (or) education of students in educational institutions”.

2.2. Selection and working conditions

Degree requirements and prior teaching experience

Article 34 of the 2019 Regulations on State General Educational Institutions No.1158 highlights that qualifications include “a higher pedagogical education and at least 5 years of teaching experience” in order to be appointed to the position of principal of a general education school. 

According to Article 51 of the 2021 Law of Turkmenistan on Education (New edition), the progression and career advancement system for teachers/pedagogical staff allows them to be middle leaders through a horizontal promotion or to management or leadership positions through a vertical promotion. 

Per Article 47, to become a teacher in secondary education, one needs at least a bachelor or a specialist degree from a university. If the degree does not include pedagogical qualification, then additional training in a university or a professional diploma in that aspect is needed.

Appointment decision

In accordance with Article 34 of the 2019 Regulations on State General Educational Institutions No.1158, Directors are “appointed and dismissed by the heads of regional and city education departments, or by the relevant ministries and departmental management bodies, in agreement with the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan and the relevant authorities.  

Per Article 56 of 2021 Law of Turkmenistan on Education (New edition), the head of the state educational institution passes a professional test “hünär synagynin order to be appointed.

Employment equity measures

According to Article 47 of the 2021 Law of Turkmenistan on Education (New edition), the appointment of effectively working managers with the required knowledge, professional level and leadership qualities to educational institutions is on the basis of equality. 

The 2016 State Guarantees of Equal Rights and Opportunities for Women and Men Law guarantees equal pay and treatment for women and men, as well as equal treatment in the evaluation of the quality of their work and the equal right to participate in the management of organizations and institutions, regardless of the type of ownership.  

The 2023 Voluntary National Review of Turkmenistan on the progress of implementation of the Global Agenda for Sustainable Development has targets to ensure women are included in all managerial positions at all levels of decision-making in political, economic and public life”. 

The government also signed the 2021-2025 National Action Plan for Gender Equality (NAPGE) which includes “advancing women’s participation on all levels”.

Working conditions

According to Article 53 of the 2021 Law of Turkmenistan on Education (New edition), an annual basic leave of forty-five calendar days is prescribed for pedagogical staff and managers of educational institutions during the summer vacation period regardless of the time of employment at that educational institution. 

2.3. Leadership preparation and training

Pre-service training

Article 56 of the 2021 Law of Turkmenistan on Education (New edition) highlights the preparation of educational institution leaders occurs in pedagogical higher educational institutions (faculties). Article 28 states that the attainment of a master's degree is carried out in educational institutions where a high level of education is ensured.  

Induction and in-service training

Article 56 of the 2021 Law of Turkmenistan on Education (New edition) mentions that professional development of civil servants is provided for heads of educational institutions. The article details the training provided, stating that the modules cover strategic planning, task responsibility, teaching and training effectiveness, resource management, and leadership and personnel management. These modules aim to develop skills in strategy development, accountability, effective teaching practices, resource utilization, and personnel leadership within educational institutions. The goal of the educational programme for the training of leaders of educational institutions is to provide professional leadership that promotes their successful operation and development and guarantees the high quality of education provided to all students. 


3. Teachers, parents and students

3.1. School management committees and boards

In accordance with Article 56 of the 2021 Law of Turkmenistan on Education (New edition), in educational institutions, collective management structures, known as collegial organizations Bilim edaralarynda köpçülikleýin dolandyryş (kollegial), are established in various forms such as academic councils ‘’alymlar geňeşi, pedagogical councils ‘’pedagogik geňeşler’’, and methodological councilsusuly (okuw-usuly, ylmy-usuly) geňeşler. ‘’The powers of these collective governing bodies are determined by the statutes and charters of educational institutions themselves’’. 

Article 32 of the 2019 Regulations on State General Educational Institutions No.1158 mentions that the governance of a “general education school is carried out by the principal on the principles of sole leadership and a collegiate council” as in peer consultation. Per Article 36, the pedagogical council pedagogik geňeşler’’ participates in the process of collegiate/peer consulting with the head of the school as its chairman. The meetings are held six times per year at least and the decisions are executed by the administration. 

3.2. Middle leaders

According to Article 53 of the 2021 Law of Turkmenistan on Education (New edition), it is not allowed to engage pedagogical staff in activities that are not included in their duties, however, per Article 51, if a teacher is granted a horizontal promotion, they perform additional tasks such as developing curricula and method information, assisting colleagues, mentoring, planning and coordinating teaching in specific subjects, and supporting the leaders of the educational institution”. 

3.3. Parents

No information has been found on national laws, policies, strategies or frameworks in regards to the rules for the composition of parent-teacher associations and their role. 

3.4. Students

No information has been found on national laws, policies, strategies or frameworks that set out rules for the composition of student councils and their functions. 


4. Governance

4.1. Autonomy of school leaders

The 2019 Regulations on State General Educational Institutions No.1158 highlights that the principal has the authority to select his deputies and teachers by representing them to “the regional, city and district departments of education for hiring and dismissal” as well as hire and dismiss secondary school personnel. Article 35 of the regulation also highlights the role of the principal in introducing innovative teaching techniques and methods. Yet, per Article 42, teachers remain free to choose the “methodology of teaching and learning within the framework of approved programmes. 

Accounting and financial reporting for general education schools are mainly handled by centralized accounting departments, with some exceptions for special cases where secondary schools may maintain independent accounting and financial records. Therefore, the authority to allocate and formulate the budget lies with centralized accounting departments rather than individual school principals, per Article 53.

4.2. Assessment and accountability of school leaders

No information has been found on the assessment and accountability measures of school principals in national laws, policies, strategies or frameworks. 

4.3. Teacher assessment by school leaders

Article 39 of the 2019 Regulations on State General Educational Institutions No.1158 states that teachers must undergo a professional examination by the Ministry of Education at least once every five years. While the hiring and dismissal of teachers is done centrally, Article 35 of the 2019 Regulations on State General Educational Institutions No.1158 states that the High School Principal “elects his deputies and other teachers” and further represents them to the regional, city and district departments of education for hiring and dismissal.” 

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Fri, 18/10/2024 - 00:01