School leadership

1. Terminology

2. School principals

2.1. Leadership standards and roles

2.2. Selection and working conditions

2.3. Leadership preparation and training

3. Teachers, parents and students

3.1. School management committees and boards

3.2. Middle leaders

3.3. Parents

3.4. Students

4. Governance

4.1. Autonomy of school leaders

4.2. Assessment and accountability of school leaders

4.3. Teacher assessment by school leaders


1. Terminology

The 1991 Law on Education: I-1489 of the Republic of Lithuania (amended in 2024) refers to school leaders as “švietimo įstaigų vadovai” or heads of educational institutions but does not define it. The term vadovas can also be defined as manager or leader. For this profile, the term “heads of educational institutions” or “school heads” will be used. 

2. School principals

2.1. Leadership standards and roles

Competency standards and leadership frameworks and guidelines

The 1991 Law on Education I-1489 of the Republic of Lithuania (amended in 2024) outlines the basis roles and responsibilities of the heads of educational institutions. Order No. V-1194 and the newer version Order No V-393 of the Minister of Education, Science and Sport on the approval of the Description of the qualification requirements for heads of state and municipal educational institutions (except higher education institutions) sets out competencies in the areas of leadership in section 5. The competencies of the leadership of an educational institution, which are necessary for successful professional activities, correspond to the goals of education and are based on respect for the dignity and peculiarity of the individual, faith in the possibilities of each person, the concept of lifelong learning, excellent understanding of education, learning, knowledge of man, knowledge of the principles of democratic leadership. of the leadership of an educational institution, which are necessary for successful professional activities, correspond to the goals of education and are based on respect for the dignity and peculiarity of the individual, faith in the possibilities of each person, the concept of lifelong learning, excellent understanding of education, learning, knowledge of man, knowledge of the principles of democratic leadership. 

Order No. V-1817 The Guidelines for Strengthening Leadership and Management in Educational Institutions (hereinafter referred to as the Guidelines) define the directions of activities and measures that, if implemented, would create a coherent system that develops educational leaders and ensures social justice, focused on the training of educational leaders, the development and evaluation of their competencies, the provision of professional support, career continuity after completing the management of an educational institution, the development of opportunities and the transfer of successful leadership experiences. 


Setting expectations/objectives: The head of the school supports the preparation of a school strategic plan and an annual activity plan and approves it. According to the 1991 Law on Education of the Republic of Lithuania (amended in 2024), the head “organizes the activities of the educational institution, implementing the strategic management of the educational institution; leads the preparation of the educational institution's strategic and annual plans; and ensures their implementation.” One of the competencies in Order No. V-1194 focuses on shaping the future of the educational institution. School heads should have the knowledge and skills to “develop and pursue a vision for the educational institution, the ability to innovate and to value and foster the creativity of the community, the ability to initiate and manage organisational change responsibly.”  

Developing teaching and learning: The school head organizes self-evaluation and monitoring of the educational institution's activities, analyses the state of resources and is responsible for the results of the educational institution's activities.” Every year, the head of the educational institution prepares an annual activity report which is submitted to the community and school council. According to Order No. V-1194,the competence of leadership for teaching and learning means that a school head must possess knowledge and skills to lead the implementation of the curriculum(s), the understanding and ability to facilitate the inclusion and progress of each student, the ability to organise the professional development of the staff, the skills to build and foster partnerships and collaboration among all members of the community, and the ability to create a continuous learning organisation. 

Promoting collaboration: The 1991 Law on Education of the Republic of Lithuania (amended in 2024) establishes the head’s of educational institution responsibility to “cooperate with students' parents (guardians, caregivers) and the local community and partners in order to achieve the goals of the educational institution.” Together with the self-governing institutions of the educational institution (such as student and parent groups), the school head resolves the most important issues of the institution's activities and achieves effective management of the institution, quality of education and safety of students. Furthermore, according to Order No. V-1194, school heads, by possessing competence of managing life of an educational establishment, should have the knowledge and skills to manage the organization’s structure, processes and resources, to make sound decisions, to organize effective communication, and have the knowledge and skills to manage public relations . 

Supporting staff development: Order No. V-1194 details key competencies necessary for school heads, one of which is “team building and empowerment.” This competency means that the school head should have the knowledge and skills to attract and empower talent; foster relationships and organizational climate. 

Acting in accordance with the ethical principles of the profession: School heads must be of impeccable reputation as described in the Article 51 of the Law on Education, comply with the Teachers’ code of ethics as well as the ethical norms established by the educational institutions and any other requirements of the educational institution’s internal documents.  

Others: School headss in Lithuania must respect the state of Lithuania, the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania, the history of Lithuania, the Lithuanian language, society and state symbols, human rights and fundamental freedoms. 

2.2. Selection and working conditions

Degree requirements and prior teaching experience

In accordance with the 1991 Law on Education of the Republic of Lithuania (amended in 2024), the head of a state or municipal educational institution may be a person holding at least a master's degree or an equivalent higher education qualification, or a qualification recognised as equivalent abroad in accordance with the procedure laid down by the legislation with an impeccable reputation and who has undergone an evaluation of the competencies of managing a state or municipal educational institution in accordance with the procedure laid down by the Minister for Education, Science and Sport. Order No. V-1194 (now Order No V-393) by the Minister of Education, Science and Sport on the Approval of the description of the qualification requirement for heads of state and municipal educational institutions (except higher education institutions) states that the head of the educational institution must hold a master's degree or equivalent and meet at least one of the following requirements: 

  • have a teacher qualification and at least two years of pedagogical work experience; 
  • have a master's degree in Education Sciences or Business Management or a master's degree in Public Administration, followed by a postgraduate diploma in Educational Management (Leadership), and have at least 3 years’ professional experience at or above qualification level VI according to the Lithuanian Qualifications Framework  
  • have at least three years of professional activity corresponding to qualification level V or higher according to the Lithuanian Qualifications Framework in at least one sector of the economy, or part of it, in which the qualifications are provided by the school in the context of formal vocational training programmes (for the head of a vocational training establishment) ; 
  • have completed a course in pedagogical and psychological knowledge in accordance with the procedure laid down by the Minister of Education, Science and Sport, and have at least 2 years' experience as a teacher, or at least 2 years’ experience in a professional activity in the field of non-formal children's education programmes carried out by a school, which corresponds to level V or higher of the qualifications according to the Lithuanian Qualification Framework (for a head of a non-formal children's education school) ; 
  • have at least 3 years of professional experience or 2 years of managerial experience relevant to at least one of the educational support functions of the educational support institution for which the candidate is applying (for the head of an educational support institution);  
  • have at least 3 years of professional experience corresponding to qualification level VI or above according to the Lithuanian Qualifications Framework, and the assessment of competence in Leadership for Teaching and Learning should be at least at high level (4 points). 

Heads of educational institutions are all required to have the competencies required for the management of an educational institution, have at least one year’s experience leading a group of at least 5 persons, be able to use information technology, have a good knowledge of the Lithuanian language, know at least one of the three working languages of the European Union (English, French, or German) at level B1 or higher. For the competence assessment, applicants submit multiple documents to the National Agency for Education and are assessed through interviews and leadership tasks. 

The Minister of Education, Science, and Sport authorises the National Agency for Education to create a “Reserve of Heads of Educational Institutions” or Švietimo įstaigų vadovų rezervas. The reserve comprises of people with leadership skills in different phases of preparation to become the head of an educational institution.  Order No. V-393 on the approval of the Regulations on the reserve of heads of educational institutions provides further details. The reserve consists of six groups of persons who meet the qualification requirements for the head of an educational institution. Relevant here is group 1, which is the entrance level consisting of persons who have applied to assess the competencies of their leadership of an educational institution. Once they have passed the competence  evaluation, they move to group 2. The rest of the groups are discussed in the section “Working Conditions” below. A description of the qualification requirements for the heads of state and municipal educational institutions can be found in order No. V-1194 of the Minister of Education, Science and Sport.  

According to the Law on Education, a minimum requirement of a master’s degree came into force from the 1 of September 2024 onwards.  

Appointment decision

Prior to the appointment, the selection process takes place. The selection process emphasizes the assessment of candidates' competencies before the appointment. This ensures that only those who demonstrate the required skills and knowledge are considered for the role of managing a state or municipal educational institution. The assessment process is governed by Order V-518, which sets out the standards and procedures to be followed during the competency assessment.  

People who are registered in the reserve, set by Order No. V-393, are notified about vacant or vacated positions of the head of an educational institution. If they meet the requirements, they may participate in the competition for the position. All candidates are evaluated, and the individual with the highest evaluation and who meets all the requirements assumes the position. The appointment is authorised by the municipality. Information on the procedure for the competition for the position of heads of state and municipal education Institutions is found in Order No. V-1193. According to this order and the Law on Education, for the conduct of the competition, a commission of 7 members is formed including members of the school board; a member of an authority authorised by the Minister of Education, Science and Sport (National Agency for Education); the school’s social partner; a member of an association of school heads; and the organiser of the competition. The person with the highest competitive score is selected for the position. 

Employment equity measures

No information was found. 

Working conditions

The Law on Education of the Republic of Lithuania states that the head of a state or municipal educational institution is appointed to the position for five years. At the end of the first five-year term of office of the head of a state or municipal educational institution (other than a higher education institution), he or she shall be appointed, without competition, for a second five-year term, if his or her performance during each year of the first term has been evaluated as above or equal to expectations. Teachers and school heads are not considered civil servants. According to Law on Remuneration of Employees of State and Municipal Institutions and Commission Members, the salary of the school head depends on the number of students educated at the school, the pedagogical experience of the head, and the complexity of the job. In contrast, the variable component is contingent upon the performance outcomes from the previous year. This performance-based addition allows for adjustments in the head's remuneration, reflecting their effectiveness and achievements in the prior academic period. The specific coefficients for the salaries of teachers and school heads are set out in Annex 2 to the Law on Remuneration of Employees of State and Municipal Institutions and  Commission Members. The Ministry of Education, Science, and Sport has approved rules on work time requirements and requirements for rest time. School heads work no longer than 40 hours per week and receive 56 calendar days of annual leave. Trade unions are mentioned in Order No. V-1193.  

Order No. V-393 on the approval of the Regulations on the reserve of heads of educational institutions states that the reserve consists of six groups: group 1, consists of persons who have applied to assess the competencies of their leadership of an educational institution; group 2 consists of those who have assessed the competences, but have not yet worked as heads of an educational institution; group 3 consists of those who are in their first two years as a head of an educational institution and wish to receive a mentoring service; group 4 are former heads of educational institutions; group 5 are persons who have completed a term(s) of the head of the educational institution but have worked less than 5 years; and group 6 are those who have the right to provide mentoring services to new heads. Mentors are expected to advise their mentees and discuss goals and strategies for the improvement of competencies. The mentoring service can be long-term (one year) or short-term (six months). Reserve members may hold their group position for up to 5 years. 

According to the Labour Code, heads of schools may opt for retirement through mutual agreement. The pension system for these school leaders aligns with the general pension framework applicable to other professionals. Specifically, pensions are composed of two primary components: a basic part and an additional part. 

2.3. Leadership preparation and training

Pre-service training

While there is no specific pre-service training provided, Order No. V-393 states that the National Agency for Education helps those on the reserve list to prepare for the role of head of an educational institution. Starting from the academic year 2023-2024, higher education institutions offer free specialized master's degree programs to heads of educational institutions or pedagogues intending to become them. The study programs are implemented by six Lithuanian universities confirmed by the National Agency for Education (NŠA). The description of the procedure for the tender of the partners for the implementation of master's degree study programs for pedagogical staff has been approved by the Director of the National Agency for Education by order no. VK-348.

Induction and in-service training

According to the Law on Education of the Republic of Lithuania, pedagogical staff (teachers) and school heads have the right to participate in in-service training programmes and events for at least 5 days a year and be reimbursed for the cost of at least 5 days of in-service training per year. Qualification improvement programs are implemented by approved teacher training centres (universities) and CPD centres. Order No. V-393 on the approval of the Regulations on the reserve of heads of educational institutions mandates that those in the reserve must consistently and purposefully improve their competencies according to the results of the annual activity reports. The National Agency for Education is responsible for supporting the development of competences for persons on the reserve list. The support on the acquisition and (or) improvement of competencies is carried out for the heads of educational institutions in accordance with the competencies established in the qualification requirements. 

The Regulations for the Professional Development of Heads of Educational Institutions seek to create conditions and encourage the heads of state and municipal schools to acquire and develop their competencies in order to ensure a high quality of education. Professional development can be carried out through courses, seminars, conferences, internships, and educational trips.  

3. Teachers, parents and students

3.1. School management committees and boards

Article 60 of the Law on Education of the Republic of Lithuania discusses school self-governance. The school council is the highest self-governing institution of the school. Membership is comprised of students, teachers, parents (guardians, caregivers) and representatives of the local community. The school council is accountable to the members of the school community who elected it. The head of the educational organization cannot be a member. The school council is responsible for helping to achieve the strategic goals of the educational institution such as through the evaluation of the annual report submitted by the school head. 

3.2. Middle leaders

The Law on Education of the Republic of Lithuania mentions the deputies of school heads and  heads of departments organising education. There are also different levels of teacher qualification levels including senior teachers, teacher-methodologists, and teacher-experts. In order to advance to a higher qualification level, teachers must pass an attestation carried out in accordance with the Regulations on Appraisal of Teachers and Specialists Providing Assistance to Pupils

3.3. Parents

The Law on Education of the Republic of Lithuania provides parents with the right to “participate in school self-government and school community meetings discussing important school issues and the annual activity report of the school head. Article 60 mentions that other self-government institutions include those by parents. However, the specifics are determined by the school’s regulations. 

3.4. Students

The Law on Education of the Republic of Lithuania provides students with the right of self-governance. Article 60 also mentions student self-government institutions and charges schools with determining student council regulations.  

4. Governance

4.1. Autonomy of school leaders

According to the Law on Education of the Republic of Lithuania, the head of the school hires and dismisses teachers.  

4.2. Assessment and accountability of school leaders

Article 59 of the Law on Education of the Republic of Lithuania states that the evaluation of the competencies of the head of a state or municipal educational institution is carried out by an institution authorized by the Minister of Education, Science and Sport. The tasks of evaluating the competencies of the management of a state or municipal educational institution (except for a higher school) are confidential information. The assessment process is managed in accordance with Order V-48 on the provisions for assessing the performance of heads of state and municipal educational institutions. There are 4 levels of competencies according to Order V-518, Description of the procedure for the assessment of competences in the management of a state or municipal educational institution (other than a higher education institution). These are: basic, efficient, sustainable, outstanding. Competences are assessed by the National Agency for Education(hereinafter referred to as the Agency) by Agency specialists and/or evaluators appointed by the Agency who have a master's degree or equivalent higher education qualification, or a qualification recognised as equivalent abroad in accordance with the procedure laid down by the legislation, and who meet at least one of the requirements set out: 

  • have at least 3 years of experience in assessing managerial performance and/or managerial competences in the last 5 years and have completed training of at least 80 academic hours in the application of the methodology of competences assessment for applicants for heads of educational institutions (except higher education institutions) in accordance with a training programme approved by the head of the Agency;  
  • have a teaching qualification and at least 5 years' experience in the management of an educational establishment or in the organisation and/or monitoring of education, gained in a public administration body or in an educational support institution within the last 8 years, and have completed a training course of at least 80 academic hours in the application of the competency assessment methodology for applicants for the heads of educational establishments (other than higher education institutions), in accordance with the curriculum approved by the head of the Agency. 

4.3. Teacher assessment by school leaders

According to Order No. V-1194, school heads have the ability to monitor the activities of others and provide feedback. However, teachers are not assessed solely by the school head. According to the Recommendations for Self-Evaluation of the Quality of Performance in General Education Schools, self-assessment is initiated by the school head, "to recognize the excellence and good practices of teachers as appropriate examples for the learning of the community of teachers, the school as an organization." 

In early childhood education and care, the Ministry of Education, Science, and Sport has sanctioned comprehensive guidelines within the Description of the procedure for organising and conducting external quality assessment of the performance of schools implementing pre-school and/or pre-primary education programmes.  


This profile was reviewed by Audronė Albina Razmantienė and Kęstutis Kurtinys of the National Agency for Education; Rimantas Želvys from the Vilnius University Education Policy Center; and national expert Julija Melnikova.

Last modified:

Wed, 16/10/2024 - 11:58