School Leadership

1. Terminology

2. School principals

2.1. Leadership standards and roles

2.2. Selection and working conditions

2.3. Leadership preparation and training

3. Teachers, parents and students

3.1. School management committees and boards

3.2. Middle leaders

3.3. Parents

3.4. Students

4. Governance

4.1. Autonomy of school leaders

4.2. Assessment and accountability of school leaders

4.3. Teacher assessment by school leaders


1. Terminology

The 2024 School Performance Review Framework states that “effective leadership is the cornerstone of a flourishing school, represented by school principals and the administrative staff”. 

The fourth priority of the 2023-2026 Government Plan,“ Quality and Competitive Government Service”, includes achieving effective governance in schools to promote integration between educational and training institutions. The 2023-2026 Strategic Map of the Ministry of Education states that it aims to facilitate the flexible and integrated work of “administrative bodies” and work on their governance to improve the performance of schools.   In its 2023-2026 Strategic Map, the Ministry of Education states that it aims to facilitate in flexible and integrated ways the work of administrative bodies within it and work on their governance, to improve the services it offers. These administrative bodies include the management/leadership within its schools.  

The 2022 School Reviews Handbook refers to the term “school leadership” as an umbrella term for “senior and middle management” of the school. The 2018 Decision: Conditions and Standards for a School Principal Position No.2145 refers to the term “school principal”.  


2. School principals

2.1. Leadership standards and roles

Competency standards and leadership frameworks and guidelines

The 2024 School Performance Review Framework indicates the standards and indicators for effective school leadership.  

The 2022 School Reviews Handbook provides insights into the role and responsibilities of school leadership in Bahrain. It highlights several indicators and criteria that reviewers assess to evaluate the effectiveness of school leadership and emphasizes the importance of effective school leadership in driving improvement and ensuring the quality of education in Bahraini schools. 

The 2023 National Qualifications Framework (NQF) Handbook, while not explicitly mentioning leadership or school principals, is relevant to civil servants, including school leaders. The NQF Advisory Committee, overseeing all NQF activities, includes representatives from the Civil Service Bureau. Additionally, the document states that institutions must comply with eligibility criteria and institutional listing standards set by the Education & Training Authority (BQA), which encompasses regulatory bodies like the Civil Service Bureau. The NQF operates under the supervision of the General Directorate of Quality Assurance for Education and Training, implementing various policies and procedures to ensure effective implementation and continuous improvement. 

There are several initiatives and programs in collaboration with Bahrain Teacher College that support principals and teachers in developing leadership and research skills. These programs help educators address challenges by conducting studies and using the results to improve their school's performance. The Ministry of Education in the Kingdom of Bahrain encourages school leaders to utilize valid data and research outcomes to enhance educational practices. 

The Civil Service Bureau (CSB) Law sets the recruitment and employment criteria for various government positions, including those in the education sector, such as school principals. The CSB is also involved in reviewing employment applications and ensuring that the hiring process aligns with the regulations and standards set by the government. 


Setting expectations/objectives: The 2024 School Performance Review Framework mentions that an indicator of effective leadership is the presence of a vision and a strategic plan. 

According to the 2021 Handbook for Evaluating the Quality of School Practices During Exceptional Circumstances- Second Edition, the school leadership plays a crucial role in the review process of government and private schools, as they are expected to maintain a professional dialogue with the Board of Directors or Advisory Group. According to the 2021 Handbook for Evaluating the Quality of School Practices During Exceptional Circumstances- Second Edition, the effective evaluation of the performance of schools in special circumstances is not possible without professional dialogue between the Team Lead (who is a part of the BQA team evaluating the school) and the school leadership 

Developing teaching and learning: The 2022 School Reviews Handbook mentions that demonstrating effective leadership within the school context encompasses a range of essential principles. This includes serving as a source of inspiration and exemplifying a steadfast commitment to upholding professional values and maintaining high standards of performance. Leaders must also excel in managing and organizing the daily tasks and responsibilities of the school, ensuring its smooth operation such as the quality of teaching and learning processes while avoiding detachment from these crucial aspects. Handling initiatives, suggestions, and complaints with skill and sensitivity is also a crucial leadership trait, as this bolsters staff motivation and fosters professional development. Lastly, leaders should work towards establishing a well-structured work mechanism that remains resilient in the face of personal changes, ensuring the school's continued success and stability. School principals use classroom visit forms that are unified from the education sector to measure the quality of the teaching and learning strategies used, in addition to analyzing the results to measure any need for training to improve teacher’s performance.

Promoting collaboration: The 2022 School Reviews Handbook mentions that school leaders are tasked with the efficient utilization of resources to create a high-quality educational environment. To support this endeavor, they are encouraged to establish programmes that foster local and community engagement with stakeholders, parents, influential figures, and the broader community, thereby enhancing the overall learning experiences of the students.  

Supporting staff development: The 2024 School Performance Review Framework states that the school leadership role involves motivating and encouraging employees for continuous improvement and fostering a culture of learning. Principals should pinpoint support needs, offer tailored professional development aligned with school objectives, and provide consistent feedback and assistance to teachers. 

The 2022 School Reviews Handbook states that the development and monitoring of staff performance are indicators that reviewers assess in school leadership on, such as the leadership's ability to motivate employees towards professional development and follow up on the process. The efficiency of the management of the administrative and teaching staff consists of delegation of roles and responsibilities based on qualifications and expertise; the identification of individual and group needs of teachers and staff, particularly with newly recruited staff; monitoring of teachers' performance through classroom visits; the effort to raise professional competency for teachers and staff through relevant professional development programmes; and encouraging staff to be creative, innovative, and seek self-development. 

Acting in accordance with the ethical principles of the profession: The 2022 School Reviews Handbook highlights that school leaders should rigorously adhere to legislative, regulatory, and legal requirements, ensuring that the school operates in full compliance with them.

2.2. Selection and working conditions

Degree requirements and prior teaching experience

The 2018 Decision: Conditions and Standards for a School Principal Position No.2145 states that candidates must at least have a bachelor degree in education or an equivalent, a post-graduate diploma in educational leadership specified by the Ministry of Education; however,  those with other post-graduate degrees in education are not excluded from being considered. In addition to that, candidates have to have experience as deputy/assistant principals for at least 3 years (art.1). The 2020 Decision: Conditions and Standards for a Deputy Principal Position No.494 specifies that candidates for deputy/assistant principals must have at least 8-years' experience as a teacher, education specialist, curriculum specialist, or guidance counsellor, and a bachelor's degree (art.1). 

Appointment decision

The 2021-2022 Guidelines for Applying for the Position of a School Principal and Deputy Principal states that candidates can apply through the online governmental portal if they fulfil the conditions outlined in the 2018 Decision No.2145 for-school principals or the 2020 Decision No.494 for deputy principals. 

According to the 2018 Decision: Conditions and Standards for a School Principal Position No.2145, candidates must undergo a written examination and an interview phase. The weightage of these two evaluation tools in points is 30 and 35 respectively. The remaining evaluation points that count toward the decision to accept/reject a candidate include points for an evaluation by the Education Directorate (20 points), an evaluation by the school leadership/administration (10 points), and points for years of experience (5 points) (art.2-3). The Ministry then appoints the successful candidate to a school of its selection (art.7). 

Employment equity measures

There are several topics related to national laws, policies, strategies, or frameworks including measures to job equality stated in the Constitution of Bahrain, particularly in Decree No. (1) of 2015 ,Decree No. (17) of 1999 and Decree No. (6) of 2000.

Working conditions

The 2018 Decision Regarding the Qualifications and Standards of School Principal Position No.2145 is based on the civil service law, which indicates that school principals are civil servants. They are appointed on a contract basis renewed every year for a maximum of three years. The principal who demonstrates proficiency in his/her role can obtain a permanent contract within the school. 

The Civil Service Bureau (CSB) is responsible for proposing policies, strategies and objectives in civil service employment. Its website presents the basic salary scales for executives and a Salary Table for Educational Positions but does not explicitly mention school principals. 

2.3. Leadership preparation and training

Pre-service training

The 2018 Decision Regarding the Qualifications and Standards of School Principal Position No.2145 specifies that candidates are only appointed after passing through initial training programmes designed for the position. 

In the 2017 Government News Article, the Minister of Education highlighted a special focus on the development of educational personnel as part of efforts to attract the best candidates to work in teaching and in line with the Ministry of Education's plans for the development of teachers and school leadership. This is achieved by organically linking the development of new teachers with professional development and career advancement. Training is no longer just a supplementary effort; it has become a fundamental aspect of career advancement. Teachers are now required to undergo a certain number of training and professional development hours to progress in their careers. 

The Teacher Leadership Programme (TLP),Higher Diploma in Teacher Leadership Programme  offered by the Bahrain Teachers’ College (BTC) of the University of Bahrain, for example, is designed to address the professional development needs of teachers in Bahrain's public schools. This programme aims to prepare teachers to assume leadership roles by providing them with the necessary knowledge and skills through courses aligned with leading universities, thereby supporting Bahrain's educational vision 2030. The programme encompasses several key objectives and learning outcomes, such as applying 21st-century learning strategies, promoting lifelong learning and ethical citizenship, addressing diverse learners' needs, and developing leadership skills to lead school teams and improve teaching and learning quality. The TLP Programme is structured as a one-year qualification consisting of two semesters, with students completing three courses in each semester, ultimately earning a Higher Diploma in Teacher Leadership upon successful completion. The programme is instructed in Arabic during the evening period, in accordance with the Ministry of Education's instructions.  

Induction and in-service training

The 2017 Government News Article states that the BTC offers continuous professional development for school leaders and teachers. The College contributes to the preparation and training of school leaders through its Educational Leadership Programme. The Higher Diploma in School Leadership, stated in Bahrain teaching College known as School Leadership Program SLP, is offered by Bahrain Teachers College at the  Higher Diploma in School Leadership. This programme is one-year in duration, consisting of two academic semesters, with three courses in each, totaling 18 credit hours. It is designed to equip aspiring educational leaders with the skills and knowledge needed to enhance school performance. It specifically targets Ministry of Education senior leaders such as principals, assistant principals while aligning with Bahrain Education & Training Quality Authority requirements and international practices. It also supports acting seniors to develop professionally in educational leadership, so that they can better assume their roles in line with international standards and good practices and in compliance with BQA and Ministry of Education requirements.

The program aims to equip such senior leaders with high-quality skills, such as reality analysis, studying alternatives, strategic planning, staff performance improvement, stakeholder communication, resource management, and problem-solving, to be able to alleviate the level of their schools’ performance to the utmost within the resources and capabilities available to them. Graduates of this programme are expected to apply strategies and evidence-based practices to improve academic achievement, school performance, and the quality of teaching and learning, ultimately fostering twenty-first-century skills in students. Moreover, the role of the Chief of Schools is to direct the School Principals through different mentoring sessions for a better performance, in addition to any other requirements that are added from the human resource department.

3. Teachers, parents and students

3.1. School management committees and boards

According to the 2024 School Performance Review Framework, refers to the (إدارة المدرسة) school administration but does not refer to the school management committee, its role and rules for the composition (selection process and representation of teachers, parents and students). However, the school administration plays an important role in collaborating with parents, students, and teachers for effective school governance. It also works with the evaluation team to prepare the school review process and the school report. school boards in Bahrain only apply in the case of private schools. The framework links effective school leadership with efficient management and governance and, even though it does not make explicit reference to school management committees, it does emphasize that one of the ways of collecting data to evaluate the effectiveness of school leadership is through the analysis of meetings conducted with the school’s different teaching and administrative staff and parents. This proves the necessity of having multiple stakeholders collaboratively involved in the management and decision-making processes of the schools. As for school boards, these are only relevant in the case of private schools and the 2024 School Performance Review Framework highlights that governance bodies should operate with clear responsibilities and support schools in achieving their strategic goals. 

3.2. Middle leaders

The Teacher Grade System of the 2009 Teacher Guide encompasses four levels of expertise, with leadership duties gradually increasing from Grade Six onwards. Grade Four and Grade Five teachers focus on mastering lesson preparation, analyzing curriculum content, and contributing to professional development, while also conducting exam analysis and implementing remedial plans. Grade Six Senior Teachers begin to take on leadership responsibilities, leading curriculum analysis, organizing support lessons, and suggesting innovative strategies. Grade seven and eight Principal and consultant teachers respectively, hold prominent leadership roles, conducting developmental studies, evaluating curricula, actively participating in field development, and preparing comprehensive teacher training programmes. 

3.3. Parents

The 2024 School Performance Review Framework states that school leadership has an essential role in involving parents in school life and promoting their transition from passive recipients to active participants in school governance. “This collaboration, promotes transparency, decision-making involvement, and ultimately resulting in a more responsive and effective educational institution” (p.32). Parent committees are encouraged to take an active role in events and activities. 

In 2022, and as published in Alayam Newspaper (Issue 12298, December 9th, 2022), the Minister of Education mentioned that parent and guardian councils play a vital role in the education system. Minister of Education mentioned that parent and guardian councils play a vital role in the education system who are actively participating in the evaluation process, providing feedback to ministry specialists, highlighting their importance as essential partners in educational development. 

3.4. Students

The 2024 School Performance Review Framework also highlights the school leadership role in including students in school governance and encouraging student committees to take active parts in events and activities.  

The Education and Training Quality Authority (BQA) School Reports on each school demonstrate that some schools have an active student council while others do not, which highlights the involvement of students in governance as an item worthy of reporting on.  


4. Governance

4.1. Autonomy of school leaders

The 2024 School Performance Review Framework indicators on effective leadership include promoting the culture of innovation and experimentation, providing resources for it, and encouraging workers to try new pedagogical approaches. Nevertheless, the Ministry continues to be responsible for hiring and dismissing teachers as well as for allocating budgets to schools.

4.2. Assessment and accountability of school leaders

The Directorate of Private Schools & Kindergartens Reviews (DPS) and the Directorate of Government Schools Reviews (DGS) and the Education and Training Quality Authority (BQA) are the authorities that conduct assessments of schools for leaders and teachers. School leaders are trained to understand the fundamentals of evaluating school performance and to self-assess using through specific Self-Evaluation Forms (SEF) designed by, and suggested for them, by the BQA . 

The 2022 School Reviews Handbook highlights several indicators and criteria that reviewers assess to evaluate the effectiveness of school leadership. For example, under “self-evaluation and improvement”,  criteria include the leadership's ability to implement a comprehensive and accurate shared self-evaluation and update it when needed;  the use of self-evaluation results to identify strengths and areas that need improvement; the identification of school work priorities to bring about improvements in performance; the identification of available opportunities and potential threats and risks that might affect overall performance;  in addition to commitment, attention, and the ability to manage the self-evaluation processes continuously. 

The 2024 School Performance Review Framework outlines a comprehensive three-stage review process. 

 1) The Pre-review Procedures: Schools submit self-assessment forms and relevant documents to the relevant BQA directorate. The review team leader analyzes these materials and discusses the review plan with the school management before the review. 

 2) The Review Procedure:   The review/evaluation team visit the school for three to five days, observing educational activities, inspecting student works, analyzing test results, conducting meetings with stakeholders, and providing daily feedback to the school management. 

3) Post-review Procedures: The review directorate approves the evaluation team's judgments and sends a draft report with recommendations to the school for review. The school can review and make factual accuracy corrections to the report (if any) before a technical, and a summary review report  is published on the BQA website. In rare cases, the schools can even appeal the evaluation team’s final judgement when not satisfied with how the evaluation process took place. Ultimately, however, action plans for implementing the BQA recommendations are required from the schools for the purpose of quality improvement, and the BQA directorate keeps records of the review process for one year. 

4.3. Teacher assessment by school leaders

The 2024 School Performance Review Framework highlights that continuous self-assessment is crucial for improving school performance, supported by the BQA review methodology. During the Review Procedure, evaluators use the evidence provided by the school in the self-assessment form and any other documents provided to them to formulate review hypotheses, which they will include in the pre-review brief. They verify these hypotheses by closely observing the performance of students and teachers, reviewing student work and achievement files, including electronic files and digital outputs, analyzing information and data available in school documents, conducting interviews with all relevant stakeholders, such as administrative and teaching staff, students, and parents. This multi-layered review approach leads to a thorough evaluation of the school’s overall performance and to a clear reflection of the role and effectiveness of leadership.  


This profile was reviewed by the Bahrain government, with the support of the Bahrain National Commission, and Nina Abdul Razzak.

Last modified:

Wed, 16/10/2024 - 19:30