School leadership

1. Terminology

2. School principals

2.1. Leadership standards and roles

2.2. Selection and working conditions

2.3. Leadership preparation and training

3. Teachers, parents and students

3.1. School management committees and boards

3.2. Middle leaders

3.3. Parents

3.4. Students

4. Governance

4.1. Autonomy of school leaders

4.2. Assessment and accountability of school leaders

4.3. Teacher assessment by school leaders


1. Terminology

The 2000 Executive Regulations of Schools Approved by the Supreme Council of Education refers to the term school principal/director مدیر مدرسه. 

The 2021 Regulations for Selecting and Appointing School Administrators states that a “Director” ( مدیر) is a quualified individual  selected and appointed by the Ministry of Education in a systematic process as the educational leader. The director assumes the leadership of the school or educational center within the framework of relevant laws and regulations, collaborating and involving other stakeholders effectively. The term "director" includes school directors, deputy directors, and administrators of educational and training centers, whether governmental or non-governmental (art.1). 

2. School principals

2.1. Leadership standards and roles

Competency standards and leadership frameworks and guidelines

The 2021 Regulations for Selecting and Appointing School Administrators mentions that a set of three competencies,“general, specialized, and professional, enable a principal/director of an educational institution to fulfill their mission within the framework of duties and authorities, in accordance with the approved standards notified by the Ministry of Education (art.1). The general competencies include their ethics, social status, and health capacity. The specialized competencies are those of their education and experience. The professional competencies comprise (a) Professional Ethics, (b) Professional Knowledge (covering familiarity with laws, regulations, educational philosophy, management, leadership, IT skills, and foreign languages), and a diverse set of (c) Abilities and Skills (including planning, coordination, decision-making, supervision, creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship, team collaboration, motivation, continuous self-improvement, research, technology utilization, and stakeholder engagement). These competencies collectively define the multifaceted skill set required for effective school leadership (art.3). 


Setting expectations/objectives: The school principal, as the representative of education and training in the region, is responsible for the effective implementation of educational, developmental, financial, and administrative activities of the school. The principal is responsible for all school matters and is obligated to strive for the realization of approved educational goals throughout the academic year. This effort should result in the qualitative and desirable growth of students in various dimensions, as evidenced by the performance evaluation at the end of the academic year (art.4 of the 2000 Executive Regulations of Schools Approved by the Supreme Council of Education). 

Developing teaching and learning: The school principal is the chair of the Teachers' Council (art.15 of the 2000 Executive Regulations of Schools Approved by the Supreme Council of Education). 

Promoting collaboration: The 2000 Executive Regulations of Schools Approved by the Supreme Council of Education highlights that the principal is obliged to regularly and systematically form the School Council, Parents and Teachers Association, Teachers Council, and Students Council. They should oversee the implementation of resolutions, record-keeping procedures, and session reports. The duration of the activities of these councils and the Parents and Teachers Association will extend until the formation of new councils and associations in the following academic year (art.8 ) 

The school principal is obligated to take necessary measures for the preservation of the school building and the proper use, maintenance, and care of school facilities and equipment. Proper organization and maintenance of administrative records, statistical offices, assets, examinations, and financial matters, along with the maintenance of the academic records of students that have not been delivered, are mandatory within the school. This should be done in accordance with relevant guidelines. School administrators are required to present these records to inspectors and authorized administrative personnel during inspections, ensuring confirmation when necessary (art.102). 

Supporting staff development: The school principal must be familiar with the staff  duties and responsibilities and provide a clear description of the approved duties of each relevant staff member. They are obligated to communicate and supervise the proper execution of these duties (art.7 of the 2000 Executive Regulations of Schools Approved by the Supreme Council of Education). 

Acting in accordance with the ethical principles of the profession: The 2021 Regulations for Selecting and Appointing School Administrators specify that the code of professional ethics encompasses constructive human relations, discipline, adherence to legality, responsibility, and accountability. It also includes proficiency, trustworthiness, and honesty, while emphasizing the importance of maintaining the dignity and status of the teaching profession and respecting the dignity of all stakeholders and beneficiaries (art.3). 

Others: The school principal must optimize the use of government financial resources and enhance the school's financial resources through voluntary public participation, charitable contributions, and strengthening credit resources to facilitate the proper implementation of the school's programme (art.6 of the 2000 Executive Regulations of Schools Approved by the Supreme Council of Education). 

2.2. Selection and working conditions

Degree requirements and prior teaching experience

The appointment of school administrators will adhere to the principles of fairness as per the regulations outlined in the appointment guidelines approved by the Supreme Council of Education and Training (art.9 of the 2000 Executive Regulations of Schools Approved by the Supreme Council of Education). 

According to the 2021 Regulations for Selecting and Appointing School Administrators, the criteria for managerial positions in schools are outlined based on the size of the institution and its location. For schools with more than 250 students and educational complexes, candidates must possess at least a master's degree in management and a minimum of 8 years of relevant experience, including at least 3 years as a deputy at the desired educational level. Conversely, for managerial roles in schools with 250 students or less, particularly in less developed, tribal, and rural areas, a minimum bachelor's degree and 6 years of relevant experience, including at least 2 years as a deputy, are mandatory. Priority is given to candidates with higher degrees related to management. 

In technical and vocational high schools and technical colleges, a degree in a technical and vocational field is obligatory, but those with unrelated degrees yet holding a previous technical and vocational education qualification are considered. Educational training center administrators require a minimum bachelor's degree and 5 years of relevant experience. Similarly, school administrators or deputy principals need a minimum bachelor's degree and 3 years of relevant experience. Teachers meeting specific conditions, including a minimum of 5 years of relevant experience, can be appointed as deputy principals. Candidates for managerial positions must be official employees of education and training, except for administrators or deputies of non-governmental schools and centers. Additionally, a minimum of 4 years of service until retirement is mandatory during the appointment process.  

The 1996 Selection of Teachers and Staff in Education and Training Law mentions that General Selection Criteria for educational staff encompass ethical, religious, and political considerations. These include adherence to Islamic beliefs, commitment to Islamic principles and the guardianship of the jurist, avoidance of moral corruption, lack of affiliation with illegal organizations, no criminal convictions, and no addiction to narcotics (art.2). The High Selection Council is formed to oversee the selection process. It consists of the President, representatives from the judicial branch and relevant executive departments, and observers appointed by the Islamic Consultative Assembly. The council is responsible for various aspects of the selection process (art.3).

Appointment decision

Article 6 of the 2021 Regulations for Selecting and Appointing School Administrators establishes the executive structure and organization to effectively implement the outlined regulations. At the regional, city, or district level, a "Committee for the Selection and Appointment of School Administrators" is formed, with diverse duties and a specific composition. The committee is responsible for reviewing and approving qualifications, evaluating candidates using various methods, and ensuring consultative opinions from school councils if the candidate is a staff member of the same school. It also reviews candidates' plans for management roles, makes decisions on selection, appointment, retention, transfer, and dismissal based on regulations and laws, and grants approval in special cases. 

The committee plans mechanisms for identification, retention, and empowerment of administrators and deputies. It reviews performance evaluations, ensuring a minimum average score of 85% over two years for the appointment or renewal of management positions. The committee's composition includes educational authorities, performance evaluation officers, and management experts. Committee members are officially appointed annually. Official meetings require the presence of the chair and at least two-thirds of the membership. Resolutions are adopted by a majority vote. The secretariat, under regional administrative affairs, manages administrative tasks. Communication for appointments and issuance to schools is carried out by the regional director or education administrator, with specified considerations, including gender, prohibition of simultaneous communications for one person in two schools, and compliance with regulations and guidelines for school administrators. Education and training departments must document all managerial decisions based on regulation provisions during the issuance of new management communications (art.3). 

Employment equity measures

According to the 2021 Regulations for Selecting and Appointing School Administrators, a provision allows temporary appointments for up to one year in less developed, rural, or tribal areas if a qualified individual is not available, subject to approval by the "Committee for the Selection and Appointment of School Administrators" as per Article 6 of the regulation. 

The 2017 Law on the Establishment and Administration of Non-Governmental Schools and Educational Centers No.34/78307 mentions that the recruitment of employees in non-governmental schools, including educational, training, administrative, and service personnel, is possible based on academic and selective criteria of the Ministry of Education. The introduction of non-official employees by the director for the opinion of the Education and Training Selection is mandatory (art.23). 

Working conditions

The 2021 Regulations for Selecting and Appointing School Administrators mentions that the Ministry is to provide necessary mechanisms, in coordination with relevant authorities, such as extraordinary incentives for management, to create motivation, encouragement, and competition for the recruitment of qualified and competent individuals to management positions in schools and educational training centers (art.8).

2.3. Leadership preparation and training

Pre-service training

According to the 2021 Regulations for Selecting and Appointing School Administrators, certificates are issued by the Ministry of Education based on the results of competency assessments (general, specialized, professional) at approved centers. These certificates are valid for five years and indicate the individual's capability and competence to assume or be employed in managerial and deputy positions in schools or educational training centers (art.2). 

In the absence of individuals with a degree in management-related fields, for the appointment of individuals with lower educational qualifications or unrelated fields, obtaining a certificate of completion of "Educational Management" courses from universities affiliated with the Ministry of Education or other approved institutions is mandatory (3). 

Induction and in-service training

The 2021 Regulations for Selecting and Appointing School Administrators highlights that the Ministry of Education is responsible for providing pre-service and in-service training to school administrators deputies, and administrators of educational training centers (art.8).

3. Teachers, parents and students

3.1. School management committees and boards

The school management committees consist of the school principal, school council, Parents and Teachers Association, Teachers Council, and Students Council (art.3) as outlined in the 2000 Executive Regulations of Schools Approved by the Supreme Council of Education. The School Council شورای‌ مدرسه‌ , as outlined in Article 10, oversees the coordination and supervision of various school-related activities and is composed of the School Principal, School Vice Principals, a representative from educational or counselling instructors, a representative from the Teachers Council, and a representative from the Parents and Teachers Association.  

The duties of the School Council include monitoring and overseeing school activities in alignment with approved academic goals and regulatory provisions, supervising the proper implementation of resolutions issued by the Supreme Council of Education and Training, along with relevant directives and circulars from the Ministry of Education, while also planning for the training of relevant personnel. Furthermore, the council is responsible for reviewing and approving the annual proposed plans of the school, addressing proposals from various councils, and approving plans related to events, competitions, excursions, and student visits to centers. It also plays a key role in decision-making processes regarding examinations, student encouragement and discipline, commendation planning in collaboration with the Parents and Teachers Association, handling violations of internal student examinations, regulating student attire, overseeing curriculum budgeting, and addressing specific student problems. The council also  permit for students who were absent for valid reasons in internal final exams and advancement exams, or those seeking to change their major within two weeks after the end of the exam period. 

Article 11 designates the school principal as the chair of the school council, responsible for setting the agenda in consultation with council members. Implementation of council decisions is also under the principal's purview, and all school staff must collaborate in executing approved resolutions. The appended note specifies the appointment of a council secretary from members during the inaugural session, tasked with documenting session discussions and decisions. Article 12 requires the principal to promptly initiate the school council formation each academic year, within a month of school reopening, with bi-weekly council meetings. Article 13 establishes the school council officially, and its resolutions are effective with a majority vote, provided they align with national regulations and Ministry of Education guidelines. A note clarifies that in schools with fewer than three members due to low student numbers, the council will not form, and duties will be delegated to the principal. 

Article 22 emphasizes that the establishment of any association or council in schools, unless specified in this regulation, requires approval from the Supreme Council of Education and Training. Notably, associations and councils formed based on national regulations will adhere to their specific guidelines, such as those approved by the Islamic Consultative Assembly, the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution, and the Cabinet. Article 23 specifies that all correspondence with the Parents and Teachers Association or any school councils should be conducted through the school principal. 

Furthermore, Article 24 asserts that school councils mentioned in this regulation operate at the school level, and their formation at the regional or higher levels is not authorized without approval from the Supreme Council of Education and Training. Article 25 highlights that if decisions made by the Parents and Teachers Association or any school councils contradict the school principal's opinion, the principal will refer the matter to the relevant Education and Training Department, and the subsequent head of the department's opinions and decisions will be enforceable. Lastly, Article 26 mandates the school principal to report every three months on the activities of the councils and the Parents and Teachers Association to the local Education and Training Department, with a note emphasizing the encouragement and support of active Parents and Teachers Associations and school councils by Education and Training Departments. 

3.2. Middle leaders

Article 15 establishes the Teachers' Council (شورای‌ معلمان‌) with the participation of all teachers, instructors, and school counselors to facilitate discussion, exchange of ideas, and coordination in educational, developmental, and administrative matters of the school. The council's responsibilities include overseeing programme coordination within the framework of approved academic goals and the provisions of this regulation, effective and efficient participation in the preparation and implementation of educational and developmental programmes, budgeting the curriculum in accordance with relevant regulations and presenting it to the School Council for approval, reviewing and discussing methods to enhance teaching effectiveness, devising strategies to actively involve students in the educational process, contributing to improving the quality of educational programmes, addressing the causes of students' academic decline, and planning for its reduction. It engages in shaping religious beliefs, ethical values, and Islamic manners among students, discussing and coordinating student encouragement and discipline methods, deliberating on educational, developmental, and disciplinary issues, and enhancing school administration.  

Additionally, the council collaborates on the use of educational tools, teaching aids, and workshops, and proposes suitable solutions to encourage students' academic and extracurricular studies. The Teachers' Council selects representatives for participation in the School Council and the Parent-Teacher Association in its first session. 

The school principal or, in their absence, the vice-president appointed by the Teachers' Council, is the chair of the Teachers' Council, and is responsible for setting meeting agendas and implementing decisions. The principal may invite specialists, retired teachers, experts, education officials, and parents to contribute to discussions. The secretary of the Teachers' Council is appointed by the members and is responsible for recording session summaries and obtaining the signatures of council members. The council may establish subject-specific and educational groups for better task performance (art.16). The school administrators convene the first Teachers' Council session before the school reopening, ideally within ten days after reopening, with subsequent sessions held at least once a month (art.17). 

3.3. Parents

The Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) (انجمن‌ اولیاء و مربیان), as outlined in Article 14 in the 2000 Executive Regulations of Schools Approved by the Supreme Council of Education, is instituted to foster collaboration and engagement among students' parents, aiming to enhance the quality of educational and developmental activities while strengthening the vital connection between home and school. The composition of the PTA includes the school principal, one vice-principal chosen by the principal, a representative of the Teachers' Council, an educational vice-principal or a knowledgeable teacher selected by the principal, and elected representatives of students' parents. 

The number and selection of parents, along with the procedures for session organization, adhere to guidelines set by the Central Parent-Teacher Association. The PTA's responsibilities encompass various aspects, such as facilitating intellectual, cultural, emotional, and educational participation of parents, planning and organizing general meetings, collaborating with the Teachers' Council, and actively participating in the execution of students' apprenticeship programs. Additionally, the PTA collaborates with the school principal in organizing educational activities, school trips, and visits to educational centers. It also plays a role in expressing appreciation for school stakeholders and contributes to the improvement of relevant activities. Financial matters, including overseeing public contributions and deciding on transportation services for students, fall under the PTA's purview. The PTA's functions are overseen by a school finance council, and a representative is elected to participate in the School Council. In cases where forming a PTA is impractical, the duties are delegated to the school principal, as specified in the guidelines. Annexed schools and those managed as complexes may jointly establish a PTA if desired by the principal. 

3.4. Students

Article 18 of the 2000 Executive Regulations of Schools Approved by the Supreme Council of Education introduces the establishment of the Students' Council (شورای‌ دانش‌آموزان‌) at the school level. The composition of the Students' Council includes students attending the school, with the number and selection method aligned with Ministry of Education guidelines. The council's duties range from ensuring compliance with regulations to examining student involvement in educational activities, collaborating in event planning, managing school publications, and contributing to various cultural, artistic, scientific, and sports competitions. Additionally, the council participates in organizing educational visits, recreational trips, and religious activities, as well as supporting disciplinary and health matters within the school. The Students' Council also has a role in internal school exam planning and selects representatives for broader school councils. Article 19 clarifies that the Students' Council operates exclusively within the school and is prohibited from engaging in unhealthy political competition, factional activities, or partisan endeavors, both inside and outside the school. It is not allowed to participate in elections either in favor of or against candidates. 

Article 20 mandates the annual establishment of the Students' Council by the school principal by providing guidelines. Meetings are to be held at least once a month. Two notes are included: the first emphasizing the guidance of council sessions by a deputy, educational counselor, or a teacher chosen by the principal, and the second noting that the Students' Council, with School Council approval, may establish various associations. Article 21 specifies the consultative and participatory role of the Students' Council in executive matters within schools. Decisions, made by majority vote and with the principal's approval, are executable in line with the regulation's provisions. The school principal is required to provide necessary cooperation to address Students' Council issues within available facilities and capabilities. 

In necessary situations, especially when suggestions from the Students Council are raised, the school principal may invite the representative of the Students Council to participate in the School Council meetings (art.10 of the 2000 Executive Regulations of Schools Approved by the Supreme Council of Education). 

4. Governance

4.1. Autonomy of school leaders

The 2000 Executive Regulations of Schools Approved by the Supreme Council of Education states that the Teachers Council discusses textbook content and communicates reflections to relevant authorities through the school principal. 

The regulations mention that all school revenues, including per-student fees, income from extracurricular services, contributions from regional educational councils, and public donations, must be deposited into the school's bank account. Expenditures are required to comply with relevant regulations and fall under the supervision of the school's financial council. In areas without bank access, the school principal issues valid numbered receipts for cash contributions, delivering them to parents. These funds should be deposited into the bank account promptly and coordinated with the Parents and Teachers Association (PTA).  

At the end of each academic year, a report, signed by the principal, PTA president, and teachers, assessing public donations' performance, must be submitted to the County Education Council (art.86). The school financial council, formed annually with the participation of the PTA president, teachers' representative, and the school principal, to ensure expense documents bear the necessary signatures (art.87). Withdrawals from the school's account require two signatures out of three from the financial council, and members share joint responsibility for approving expenditures (art.88). PTA approval is necessary for using public donations to incentivize school staff (art.90). Funds for educational excursions must be proportionate to related expenses and families' payment capacity, requiring PTA approval (art.91) and guidelines on financial regulations will be formulated and communicated by the Ministry of Education in accordance with this regulation (art.92). 

4.2. Assessment and accountability of school leaders

Article 7 of the 2021 Regulations for Selecting and Appointing School Administrators mentions that the comprehensive and continuous responsibility for overseeing the implementation of this regulation and the performance of administrators lies with the Ministry of Education. 

The 2000 Executive Regulations of Schools states that school administrators must ensure that during inspections and visits conducted by competent administrative personnel, all relevant records pertaining to the matter at hand are brought to their attention. If deemed necessary, these records should be submitted for their approval. 

4.3. Teacher assessment by school leaders

The 2000 Executive Regulations of Schools mentions that teachers have freedom in selecting teaching methods, budgeting for textbooks, designing exam questions, utilizing educational aids, and employing supplementary educational materials (art.99).  

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Tue, 15/10/2024 - 14:02