
See this profile in Arabic.


1. Terminology

2. Technology laws, policies, plans and regulations

2.1. Education technology legislative and policy framework

2.2. Technology infrastructures, technological capacity of schools and learning environments

2.3. Technology competencies of learners and teachers

2.4. Cybersecurity and safety

3. Governance

3.1. Institutions in charge of technology in education and coordination mechanisms

3.2. Roles of schools


1. Terminology

Article 2 of the 1995 Telecommunication No.15 defines the following terms:

  • Information Technology: Generation, manipulation and storage of information using electronic means.
  • Telecommunications: Any conveyance, emission, reception or transmission of signs, signals, sounds, images or data of any nature by means of wire, radio, photic or any other means of electronic systems.
  • Telecommunications Service: A service which consists, wholly or partly, of the transmission, reception or routing of information on Telecommunications networks by means of any Telecommunications process.

The 2018-2025 Education Strategic Plan refers to “ICT in Education” as it was included in the quality domain under the information technology content that deals with infrastructure and linking schools to the Internet, and in the electronic educational content. in addition, ICT was mentioned under System Strengthening domain under the educational information management component.

The 2022-2033 Economic Modernization Vision came in line with the content of the 2018-2025 Education Strategic Plan regarding to information and communication technology in particular through Improve the digital  initiative for learning.

A strategy plan for blended learning is being developed, which includes clarification of concepts and terminology linked to e-learning in general.


2. Technology laws, policies, plans and regulations

2.1. Education technology legislative and policy framework

Constitution and laws: Article 6 of the 2011 Constitution stipulates that “the State shall ensure work and education within the limits of its possibilities, and shall ensure tranquillity and equal opportunities to all Jordanians”. Article 20 then affirms that education is free and compulsory in all state schools. However, nothing is mentioned about technology.

Article (4) of the 1994 Education Law No.3 sets forth the general objectives at the end of the educational stages of the student in which he/she must become a citizen capable of “conscious of producing, developing and harnessing the technology to serve the community”. The Law further confirms in Article 8 that students should absorb the scientific foundations of the forms of technology exposed to them. In addition, the 2017 Bylaw No. 33 established the National Center for Curriculum Development in addition to the Council to advance curriculum, textbooks, and test-taking strategies.

The 1995 Telecommunication No.15 lays out the detailed institutional framework for Joradan’s telecommunications and information technology sector. Article 3 highlights one of the main roles of the Ministry of Information and Communications Technology (MoICT), which is “to encourage the setting of advanced education and training programs in telecommunications and information technology, including the use of the Internet (...)”. The name of the Ministry was changed in 2019 to the Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship (MoDDE), but it still maintains the same roles.

Policies, plans and strategies: The 2022-2033 Economic Modernization Vision "A Better Future" is built on two strategic pillars: rapid growth by utilizing Jordan's full economic potential and (ii) enhanced quality of life for all inhabitants, with sustainability as a foundation of this future vision. The strategic objectives include developing a “Smart Jordan” through Education and providing “Future Services” through ICT. In the sector of Education, the aim is to launch a unified digital learning platform and integrate the usage of ICT in the curricula.

The 2018-2025 Education Strategic Plan’s specific objectives for ICT in Education included the development of digital learning and sustained ICT infrastructure to enhance the curricula. The strategic objective includes “ensuring equal access to technology, with special attention to closing the gender digital divide and promoting girls’ digital skills and competencies”.

The Ministry of Education: The Education Technology Strategy was launched by the MoE, and included broad lines to apply educational technology in the classroom and the methodology to apply these technologies based on evidence based approach. In addition, the Educational Information Management System (EMIS) policy was approved at all administrative levels, MoE has launched the M&E framework to follow-up and evaluate the Education Strategic Plan. In addition MoE is currently preparing the blended learning Strategy.

Ministry of Digital Economy And Entrepreneurship: Launched the open government data policy, artificial intelligence projects, and the executive plan for digital transformation.

Digital competency frameworks: No information has been found.

Changes occurred as a result of COVID-19: By 15 March 2020, schools were closed in response to the pandemic and shifted to distance learning. Only by September 2021 did schools reopen.

2.2. Technology infrastructures, technological capacity of schools and learning environments

2.2.1. Technology infrastructure and digital capacity of schools

Electricity: The 2002 Electricity Law states that the “provision of non-discriminatory access to the users of the transmission system in accordance with such terms and conditions as may be specified in its license”, but does not explicitly refer to public buildings or schools.

Computers and devices: The 2012 ICT Use and Penetration in Schools report states that computer labs equipped with computers were introduced in public schools and simultaneously equipped with internet lines and peripherals, such as printers, scanners and data show projectors.

The 2018-2025 Education Strategic Plan’s specific objectives for ICT in Education included increasing the percentage of schools with computer equipment to 100% in 2022. The Plan under Quality domain included a plan to modernize schools’ technological infrastructure and expand electronic networking connectivity to reach 100 percent.

Internet connectivity: Article 2 of the 1995 Telecommunication No.13 defines Universality of Service as “the provision of a minimum set of telecommunications and information technology services in areas and communities, and the facilitation of the provision and use of such services in accordance with the terms and conditions specified and modified as needed by the Commission” and it in Article 3 it states that the Ministry’s duty to propose and develop a policy for Universal Service access to expand the coverage of information technology services.

The 2004 Policy for Universal Service and Universal Access Obligation aims to “ensure the continuance of the universal service and universal access as the populated areas of Jordan grow and as the definition of basic telecommunications services changes”.

The 2018-2025 Education Strategic Plan’s specific objectives for ICT in Education included increasing the number of schools connected to the Internet from 90% in 2017 to 100% by 2022.

2.2.2. Technology and learning environments

The government launched the 2020-2022 Education Emergency Plan in response to the pandemic and to facilitate the transition to online learning. The plan “is mainly designed for learning and teaching environment continuity during the COVID-19 and aims to develop a distant interactive learning and media channelled approaches to ensure learning continuity for all public school students during an emergency, ensure accessibility and keep stimulating innovative practices and continuous improvement on a long term to sustain those approaches”.

The following platforms were therefore launched:

  • Darsak (“Your Lesson – in Arabic”) Platform was created for students, covering all school curricula.
  • Noorspace was created as a learning management system to give teachers and schools the resources to track attendance, monitor participation, and administer assessments online.
  • Teacher e-training platform to support teachers.
  • TV channels offered online lectures.
  • Jordan e-learning platform JoLearn - the initial version - was launched to provide e-learning materials and tools needed for the teacher and student to help enhance the educational process with its basic components, hoping that its services will contribute to better student learning. The services provided are the following: virtual classes through Microsoft Teams, the Darsak Platform, homework, online exams, grades, announcements and the ability to upload and download files for submission and grading.
  • Some education technologies initiateves have been applied at some schools to enhance the use of technologies in education (ex: Classera, JoAcademy, Uniraks)

These platforms have been built and deployed leveraging EMIS data, with a seamless electronic interface facilitating real-time data exchange and updates.

2.3. Technology competencies of learners and teachers

2.3.1. Learners

The 2018-2022 Education Strategic Plan priority interventions include enabling “access to and use of ICTs for all students equally, considering the distinct needs and learning styles of boys and girls and making efforts to bridge the gender digital divide. 

STEM education is available to all school grades and as an extra support programme within the curriculum to enhance students’ skills. However, there is no information on STEM education in schools targeting females. 

2.3.2. Teachers

Article 3 of the 2009 Educational Training Center System Law No.35 affirms that the training center aims to develop digital/technological skills and professional and educational competencies by providing training for teachers, school administrators, and all civil servants in the field of education.

The 2015-2019 Jordan Voluntary National Review Report for SDG4 mentions that teachers are only required to have at least a bachelor’s degree to receive a teaching permit, followed by “a qualification training programme for new teachers and a professional diploma for pre-service teacher”.

As for the in-service training, one of the 2018-2025 Education Strategic Plan priority interventions is to “Support both male and female teachers to develop ICT competencies to support teaching and learning and ensure that all teachers can deliver gender-responsive instruction which incorporates digital technology”. The strategic reports that “the Ministry has made tangible efforts in qualifying and training teachers during the education reform through the provision of training on the developed curricula and teaching and evaluation strategies and educational technology programs within the framework of in-service teacher development. The Ministry developed and adopted a general framework for teachers’ policy in 2011, addressing the recruitment policies, pre-service training, teachers’ continuous professional development, career path and effort utilization.” Develpping policies is an ongoing process under teachers’ policy that was adopted in 2011.

In response to COVID-19, the teacher e-training platform was launched by the Ministry of Education to provide courses in educational technology, hybrid learning, and distance learning methods.

The Queen Rania Teacher Academy (QRTA) offers in-service training and courses in digital literacy and management of virtual classrooms for teachers in collaboration with the Ministry of Education.

2.4. Cybersecurity and safety

2.4.1. Data privacy

Data Protection is not regulated in Jordan under a specific law; therefore, no regulatory body is dedicated to overseeing data protection. The 2015 Electronic Crime Law No. 27 criminalizes unlawful access to websites or information systems without authorization and regulates unlawful access to data. However, it does not regulate data collection and processing by data controllers and/or third parties.

On the other hand, there is the Internet Safety Guideline published by the Ministry of Information and Communications Technology that targets teachers, parents, and children on the safe usage of the internet with a chapter dedicated to data privacy. It states that “this guidance is concerned with providing teachers and guidelines and awareness that make them sure to help children on safe learning”.

In 2022, the Jordanian government established the "National Center for Cybersecurity" which initiated a comprehensive national strategy aimed at safeguarding Jordan's cyberspace. The Ministry of Education collaborates closely with this center to enhance cybersecurity awareness among users of technical platforms and websites. This collaboration involves organizing workshops and awareness sessions for all relevant users, implementing safety protocols on systems, and diligently monitoring the adherence to these data security measures and their proper utilization.

2.4.2. Online abuse and cyberbullying

The 2015 Electronic Crime Law No. 27 lists the following crimes that may be categorized as cyberbullying: unlawful interception (Article 5), credit cards and financial banking crimes (Articles 6,7,8), pornography cybercrime (Articles 9,10), slander and denigration (Article 11) involvement, intervention or incitement (Article 13). Though the law does not mention anything in the context of education, the Internet Safety Guideline gives instructions for protection in case of verbal, physical or emotional abuse, whether direct or indirect, including and not limited to exploitation, violation, bullying, abuse, extortion, impersonation or theft in the internet.


3. Governance

3.1. Institutions in charge of technology in education and coordination mechanisms

The Ministry of Education aims to provide sustainable smart e-learning materials, improve the quality of electronic services, and keep up with the rapid development of information and communication technology, ensuring the attainment of educational outputs. 

The Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship is responsible for formulating policies to enhance the development of digital infrastructure in the telecommunications and information technology sector, as well as devising strategic plans and programs for implementing comprehensive service coverage in Jordan. Additionally, the ministry is actively involved in preparing plans and programs to train and equip civil servants with the necessary skills in utilizing ICT. Moreover, it places significant emphasis on initiatives aimed at expediting the integration of technology into public schools by providing IT technologies and fostering digital skills among both students and teachers.

The Queen Rania Teacher Training Academy was founded in 2009 as a non-profit foundation and works in partnership with the Ministry of Education to provide innovative and quality professional development programmes, including digital skills.  

3.2. Roles of schools

The 2017 Student Discipline Instructions in Public and Private Schools No.5 considers the usage of mobile phones during classes a violation.

The 2018 Administrative procedures for violating the instructions of the general exam instructions specify that any electronic means of communication, including audiovisual, sensory, or other digital devices, found in possession of a participant during the examination or inspection when they go to or from the restroom, will be considered a serious violation 


This profile has been reviewed by the Jordan National Commission for UNESCO

Last modified:

Thu, 15/02/2024 - 11:53