School Leadership

1. Terminology

2. School principals

2.1. Leadership standards and roles

2.2. Selection and working conditions

2.3. Leadership preparation and training

3. Teachers, parents and students

3.1. School management committees and boards

3.2. Middle leaders

3.3. Parents

3.4. Students

4. Governance

4.1. Autonomy of school leaders

4.2. Assessment and accountability of school leaders

4.3. Teacher assessment by school leaders


1. Terminology

The 2011 Education Code of the Republic of Belarus (No 243-3; amended in 2020) refers to the school leader as the head of the educational institution (руководителя учреждения образования). According to the Code, the head is responsible for the direct management of a general education institution. The term is used similarly in the State School Standards and various regulations published by the Ministry of Education. 

The Educational Standard of Training of Managers and Specialists uses the term school manager to encompass various management roles in an educational institution including the head of the educational institution, the deputy head, and the founder. 


2. School principals

2.1. Leadership standards and roles

Competency standards and leadership frameworks and guidelines

The Educational Standard of Training of Managers and Specialists, developed and approved by the Ministry of Education, lists the functions and competencies of heads of educational institutions. Competencies are categorized under the groups social and personal, academic, and professional. Mastery of these competencies is required for the certification of “Manager in the Field of Education.” The 2011 Education Code of the Republic of Belarus (No 243-3; amended in 2020) and the State School Standards also list the functions of the head of the institution.  


Setting expectations/objectives: The head of the educational institution does not develop the work plan for the school alone. Rather, the head is expected to ensure the development and approve it after consideration at the meeting of the pedagogical council. The head is expected to identify the educational institutions’ functioning status and work on developing it based on the collection, systematization and analysis of information about the educational institution. According to the Educational Standard of Training of Managers and Specialists, the head is expected to master the methods of development and implementation of the general strategy, strategic plan, private policies, development program and business plan of the educational institution. The school head is also able to form the mission and goals of the educational institution; developing educational, administrative, financial, and other such activities. Criteria and indicators are also determined by the school head, who measures and reports on the educational institution’s activities. 

Developing teaching and learning: The head of an educational institution determines the procedure and frequency of the school’s self-assessment to ensure the quality of education. According to the Educational Standards, the head of the educational institution standardizes the basic, auxiliary, and guiding processes in the educational institution. They also provide classroom resources and coordinate the work of teachers and other employees in achieving strategic, tactical, and operational goals. The head of the educational institution is expected to be well-informed on new educational practices and be able to utilize technology effectively in the school. 

Promoting collaboration: According to the 2011 Education Code of the Republic of Belarus (No 243-3; amended in 2020), school heads must support all self-governing bodies of the school. This includes the pedagogical council, the parent committee, and the student council. The head is also expected to lead the pedagogical council as the chairman. They establish a communication policy and manage the marketing and public relations of the educational institution. Additionally, the Educational Standards  states that school heads should be able to establish relations with the public as well as be able to maintain and improve contacts with various social groups. Understanding the theory of communication as a management function is a mandatory skill. 

Supporting staff development: Heads of Educational Institutions, in accordance with the Educational Standard of Training of Managers and Specialists, are expected to organize the development activities of their team of teaching and other employees. They create the conditions for professional development. This includes planning for their training as well as providing mentorship, and support. Furthermore, heads set the goals and objectives of the activities of pedagogical workers in accordance with the institution’s general development strategy and specific objectives. Staff are expected to participate in training once every three years.  

Acting in accordance with the ethical principles of the profession: According to the State School Standards, pedagogical workers are guided by the Ethical Rules of Teaching Staff of Institutions of the Republic of Belarus in their activities. The Rules are a set of general requirements that are imposed on teachers in the implementation of professional activities, regardless of the position they hold. They are based on the principles of pedagogical ethics: non-violence, autonomy, tolerance, responsibility, justice, respect for the rights and dignity of others, competence, and decency. Knowledge and compliance with the rules is one of the criteria for assessing the quality of professional activity and labour discipline of a teacher. 

Others: A school head is expected to have mastered social and personal competencies such as the ideology of the Belarusian state. Knowing and utilizing technological trends is also one of the professional competencies for heads of educational institutions.  

2.2. Selection and working conditions

Degree requirements and prior teaching experience

The Educational Standard of Training of Managers and Specialists states that “management of preschools, general secondary education, and additional education of children and youth” is a type of professional activity that requires certain knowledge skills and competencies. The qualification “Manager in the Field of Education” is required to prepare the employee for this type of professional activity. According to these standards, the people applying for the retraining educational programme must already have a higher education. Aspiring school heads must take a state exam in the academic discipline of “Management of Organizations in the Sphere of Education” to receive the final certification. 

The Certification of teaching staff is carried out in accordance with the Instruction on the Procedure Certification of Pedagogical Employees approved by the Ministry of Education in the 2012 Resolution No. 101.  

Appointment decision

The head of the institution is appointed and dismissed by the founder of the general secondary education institution or by the authorized body according to article 149 of the 2011 Education Code of the Republic of Belarus (No 243-3; amended in 2020). 

Employment equity measures

No information was found.

Working conditions

According to the 2011 Education Code of the Republic of Belarus (No 243-3; amended in 2020), pedagogical workers are hired on the basis of an employment contract, a contract for military service, or a civil law contract. The State School Standards ensures that pedagogical workers have the right to associate in trade unions or other public associations. In fact, trade union representatives are often included in self-governing committees and attestation committees. 

2.3. Leadership preparation and training

Pre-service training

The Ministry of Education determines the procedure for certification of teaching staff. School managers are expected to master the content of the educational program “Professional Development of Managers and Specialists in Education.” The Educational Standard of Training of Managers and Specialists describes the training process for aspiring heads of educational institutions. The typical curriculum for this specialty contains components such as humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines, general professional disciplines, and specialty disciplines. The total number of training hours is at least 1000 hours, including classroom lessons, independent work, and an internship where trainees can consolidate the acquired knowledge and gain practical experience performing the functional duties of the head of the educational institution. At the end of the educational programme, students take a state examination after which they will receive the final certification.  

Induction and in-service training

Advance training and retraining of school managers is organized by state and local bodies. According to the State School Standard, educational institutions are obliged to provide training for staff members, upgrading their qualifications. Continuing professional education must be conducted once every three years.  

3. Teachers, parents and students

3.1. School management committees and boards

According to the 2011 Education Code of the Republic of Belarus (No 243-3; amended in 2020), the charter of the educational institution determines the procedure for the management of the educational institution, as well as the structure and procedure for the formation of management and self-government bodies. In a general education school, the head is expected to lead the self-governing bodies of the educational institution in the management of the educational institution. Self-governing bodies include the pedagogical council, scientific and methodological council, board of trustees, parent committee, student council, and coaching council. For general education, the main self-governing body of educational institutions is the pedagogical council.  

Resolution No. 290 of the Ministry of Education approves the Regulation on the Pedagogical Council of the General Education Institution. The regulation states that the pedagogical council is the main self-governing body of the educational institution. The Council participates in the management of the educational institution. They develop the work plan, which is approved by the head of the educational institution. They are also responsible for defining the priority areas of activity of the educational institution; improving the quality of education; developing mechanisms for improving health-saving education; introducing effective modern educational methods such as technologies into the educational process; carrying out work on improving the professional competences of pedagogical workers and developing their initiative and creativity; and implementing effective pedagogical experiences in practice. The Pedagogical Council also considers various issues such as the admission, transfer, certification, and awards of students.  

The council is comprised of all the pedagogical workers of the educational institution and is directly supervised by the chairman who is the head of the educational institution. Representatives of state organizations and public associations, legal representatives of minor students and other interested persons may be invited to the meetings of the pedagogical council. Invited persons enjoy the right of advisory vote. Meetings of the council are convened at least once a quarter in accordance with the work plan or as necessary to resolve issues related to the competence of the pedagogical council. 

3.2. Middle leaders

Middle leader positions of teaching staff include head of department and senior teachers. These positions are to be filled through competitions determined by the relevant state bodies. According to the State School Standards, qualification categories (method teacher, higher, first, second) are assigned to teachers who receive certifications for the category. The Instruction on the Procedure Certification of Pedagogical Employees further states that pedagogical workers who have work experience in the position for which they are certified can apply for the assignment of the second qualification category after a set number of years. 

3.3. Parents

Resolution No. 290 of the Ministry of Education approves the Regulation on the Parent Committee of the General Education Institution. The regulations state that the parent committee is a self-governing body of a general education institution and is created from among the legal representatives of minor students of the institution. Responsibilities of the Parent Committee include: strengthening the relationship between the family and the educational institution; assistance in providing optimal conditions for the upbringing and education of the students; increasing involvement of the parent community; informing students and their parents about their rights and obligations; interacting with the teaching staff on the prevention of offences among underage students; and interacting with other self-governing bodies and public organizations on educational issues. The composition of the parent's committee is determined at the general parent's meeting of the educational institution from among all the legal representatives of underage students of the given educational institution at their request or at the suggestion of the majority of the participants of the general parent's meeting. A chairman and a secretary are elected by a majority vote. The chairman directly supervises the Parent Committee, organizes the meetings, and submits issues to the head of the educational institution for consideration. Meetings are held three times a year. The head of the educational institution, deputy head of the educational institution, teaching staff, legal representatives of minor students who are not members of the parent committee, and other interested persons may be invited to the meetings of the parent committee. Decisions are made with at least two-thirds of the members’ votes and sent to the head of the educational institution. 

3.4. Students

Part of students’ basic rights as outlined in Article 30 and Article 33 of the 2011 Education Code of the Republic of Belarus (No 243-3; amended in 2020) includes “participation in the management of the educational institution.” 

Resolution No. 329 of the Ministry of Education approves Regulations on the Student Council of the Educational Institution. The Regulation defines the competence, composition and organization activities of the student council. The council is created in order to implement the rights of students to participate in the decision of the most important issues in all spheres of activity of the educational establishment; form a responsible civic position; develop their social activity; and support and implementation of socially significant initiatives. The council interacts with the head of the educational institution and others in accordance with this Regulation. self-governing bodies of the educational establishment on functioning and the development of educational institutions. A representative of the council can participate in the work of other self-governing bodies. The council consists of the chairman of the council, deputy chairman, secretary, and others who voted to the council. The chairman is responsible for managing the council, reporting their activities to the head of the educational institution, and participating in the meetings of other self-governing bodies at the school. Council meetings are held once a month. 

Responsibilities of the council include participating in the development and implementation of measures to improve quality education; protecting the legal rights and interests of students; organizing the participation of students in social and political events; and assisting in the organization and conduct of educational, sports, mass sports, physical and recreational, social and cultural events. The student council may also provide assistance in solving educational, social and household and other issues affecting the interests of students. Decisions of the council, which do not contradict legislation and are approved by the head of the institution, can be taken into account when developing projects in the educational field.  

4. Governance

4.1. Autonomy of school leaders

Article 25, section 1.3 of the 2011 Education Code of the Republic of Belarus (No 243-3; amended in 2020), states that the head of the educational institution “carries out hiring and dismissal of employees and approves their work instructions.” The procedure for the formation of the structure and staffing of the educational institutions as well as the procedure for organizing the educational processes is determined by the charter of the educational institution. According to the Educational Standard of Training of Managers and Specialists, heads of educational institutions are responsible for the financial management of their institutions. As a result, heads are expected to know the key concepts of economic theory and the main aspects of the organization of economic activity for educational institutions. 

4.2. Assessment and accountability of school leaders

The attestation of heads of institutions is carried out by higher state bodies and the attestation commissions of these bodies. State administration bodies and other state organizations may develop sectoral regulations on the terms, criteria, and methods for assessing the professional qualities of employees. The frequency of the performance appraisal is set by the higher state bodies, but they cannot be carried out less than once every three years. Attestation is based on the following principles: responsibility, competence, privacy policy, and the well-being of the employee. 

4.3. Teacher assessment by school leaders

 According to the Educational Standard of Training of Managers and Specialists, heads of educational institutions are responsible for the control and evaluation of the effectiveness of personnel. Additionally, school heads  develop management systems for individuals and groups of pedagogical employees. The head of the educational institution may initiate the attestation of a pedagogical worker to confirm the level of their qualifications, the results of their work, as well as business and personal qualities. The head has a right to demand mandatory certification of teachers who have reduced the level of their work every five years. To do this, a commission of five members is created comprising of at least one representative of the administration and one representative of the trade union committee. 

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Wed, 16/10/2024 - 20:11