School leadership

1. Terminology

2. School principals

2.1. Leadership standards and roles

2.2. Selection and working conditions

2.3. Leadership preparation and training

3. Teachers, parents and students

3.1. School management committees and boards

3.2. Middle leaders

3.3. Parents

3.4. Students

4. Governance

4.1. Autonomy of school leaders

4.2. Assessment and accountability of school leaders

4.3. Teacher assessment by school leaders


1. Terminology

The 2020 National Education Policy uses the terms “school principal” and “school administrators”; however, it does not provide an explicit definition of these terms.  

The 2021 Quality Assurance Framework for Basic Education uses the terms “school principals”, “school managers”, and “school administrators”; however, it does not provide an explicit definition of these terms. 

The 2022 Basic Requirements and Minimum Standards document mentions the terms “principal”, “deputy principal”, and “school administrators”; however, it does not provide the explicit definition of these terms.  


2. School principals

2.1. Leadership standards and roles

Competency standards and leadership frameworks and guidelines

The 2022 Basic Requirements and Minimum Standards document provides explicit standards for principals and deputy principals. The document is available on the official website of the Ministry of Education and Culture and Higher Education. 


Setting expectations/objectives: According to the 2020 National Education Policy, the school principal is responsible for establishing the overall management of schools. Furthermore, the school principal is responsible for submitting educational data and school requirements at various administrative levels.  
According to the 2021 Quality Assurance Framework for Basic Education, as a quality assurance and standards agent, the principal’s role is to align the vision and mission and school moto of the school with tenets of quality education. 
According to the 2022 Basic Requirements and Minimum Standards document, the principal is required to have a plan to advance their academic career. Furthermore, they are required to have leadership qualities to participate in the implementation of the mission and the vision of the school.  

Developing teaching and learning: According to the 2020 National Education Policy, the school principal is responsible for managing and implementing the Somalia national curriculum, ensuring alignment with standards and objectives. The school principal is also responsible for developing and enforcing student schedules in line with curriculum requirements and adhering to government curriculum guidelines.  

According to the 2021 Quality Assurance Framework for Basic Education, as a quality assurance and standards agent, the principal’s role is to ensure lesson plans align with the curriculum, cater to diverse learning styles, and prioritize student-centred teaching. Additionally, they oversee the effective use of resources and maintain consistency in class activities. Collaborating with teachers, they establish clear learning targets and provide regular student feedback. Moreover, they lead in developing a vibrant co-curricular program. 

According to the 2022 Basic Requirements and Minimum Standards document, the principal is required to have a plan to monitor student absences and attendance regularly and take corrective measures to combat student absenteeism. Furthermore, according to the document, the principal must guide the school in implementing a curriculum with innovative teaching and learning methods that benefit all students and evaluation of students.  
According to the 2022 Basic Requirements and Minimum Standards document, the administrator is responsible for effectively keeping the necessary exam records of all students on the education management information system (EMIS) and regularly holding staff meetings. 

Promoting collaboration: According to the 2020 National Education Policy, the school principal is responsible for fostering broader engagements and collaborating with parents and the local education committee. Furthermore, the school principal is responsible for ensuring the safety and well-being of the school environment and all individuals engaged in school activities, including students and staff members.  

According to the 2021 Quality Assurance Framework for Basic Education, the role of the principal as a quality assurance and standards agent involves liaising with all stakeholders on matters concerning the school's vision and mission. 

Supporting staff development: The 2020 National Education Policy does  identify the key practices of school principals that relate to monitoring teachers' professional development needs, providing individualized professional support and mentoring opportunities for teachers.  

According to the 2021 Quality Assurance Framework for Basic Education, the role of the principal as a quality assurance and standards agent involves  

  • conducting assessments to identify training needs among teachers and staff;  
  • organizing school-based training sessions to enhance the capacity of school staff, addressing pertinent issues impacting quality;  
  • providing instructional leadership and sufficient support from their respective departments and ensuring that all teachers possess the requisite skills and competencies aligned with their assigned subjects and classes;  
  • overseeing administrative matters to facilitate the instructional process effectively; 
  • building or participating in building a highly committed and competent staff team. 

Acting in accordance with the ethical principles of the profession: According to the 2022 Basic Requirements and Minimum Standards document, principals and deputy principals are required to demonstrate exemplary moral character and patience. They must have sound mental health and cannot adjudicate criminal acts in court. 

Others: According to the 2021 Quality Assurance Framework for Basic Education, in terms of quality assurance, principals should invest in delegating duties to deputies, senior teachers, department heads or other staff members; this creates participatory governance and a more collective way of ensuring quality within the school setting. 

2.2. Selection and working conditions

Degree requirements and prior teaching experience

According to the 2022 Basic Requirements and Minimum Standards document, principals and deputy principals must possess a first-level degree from a recognized university. They are required to hold a teaching certificate recognized by the Ministry of Education and Culture and Higher Education. Furthermore, according to the document, the Ministry of Education and Culture and Higher Education does not recognize any school administrator or school principal who does not have teaching qualifications and curriculum delivery skills. According to the 2021 Teachers Policy, in private schools, a person without a teaching qualification and experience is considered to be the school's director but is not recognized as the school's principal.  

The 2020 National Education Policy does not provide explicit details on the recruitment requirements of school administrators. However, it aims to review technical definitions of employment and recruitment requirements for all administrators at each level. Furthermore, at the early childhood education level, it aims to ensure and regulate early childhood education staff certifications.  

Appointment decision

The Ministry of Education and Culture and Higher Education makes appointment decisions.  

Employment equity measures

Official documents should  include measures to address the under-representation of minority groups in school leadership positions. 

Working conditions

According to the 2021 Teachers Policy, school principals are entitled to bonuses. 

2.3. Leadership preparation and training

Pre-service training

The 2020 National Education Policy aims to ensure and regulate the training of early childhood education staff before employment. 

Induction and in-service training

The 2020 National Education Policy targets providing and regulating training for early childhood education staff post-employment. Additionally, it aims to offer continuous support and training for management and department heads, aiming to enhance the quality of teaching and learning among educators. Moreover, the policy aims to equip school administrators with support and management knowledge, enabling them to serve as role models, mentors, and accountability officers to advance quality education standards. 

However, the 2020 National Education Policy does not clearly outline the training content nor specify whether it is exclusively designed for school principals or compulsory for all. Training content needs to be clearly specified with key needed skills clearly outlined to ensure all are trained accordingly 
According to the 2022 Basic Requirements and Minimum Standards document, principals and deputy principals are mandated to have undergone teacher training for at least two years. Further, principals and deputies need to have at least two years relevant experience in school learning, administration and management. 


3. Teachers, parents and students

3.1. School management committees and boards

At the basic education level, the 2020 National Education Policy focuses on instituting school boards in underserved areas. These boards are intended to be trained to play a supportive role in fostering the development and implementation of schools as comprehensive centres of care and support. Additionally, they are involved in formulating and managing development plans for these schools. 

To address the needs of orphans and vulnerable children, the 2020 National Education Policy proposes the establishment of a committee composed of relevant entities such as the Ministry of Endowment and Religious Affairs, the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, donor organizations, and service providers. This committee aims to coordinate efforts in managing the needs of orphans and vulnerable children while delineating the roles and responsibilities of different parts of the Ministry of Education and Culture and Higher Education in addressing these issues. Additionally, the policy suggests creating a subcommittee under the Ministry of Education and Culture and Higher Education dedicated explicitly to caring for children of orphans and vulnerable individuals. This subcommittee focuses on implementing strategies and activities to promote participation and support for these students during their learning journey. Moreover, it emphasizes the importance of confidentiality in handling data related to orphans and vulnerable children, ensuring that only identified individuals involved in providing continuous and uninterrupted assistance have access to this information.  

At the higher education level, the 2020 National Education Policy aims to establish a higher education commission/committee that has representatives from different education stakeholders.  

At the vocational education level, the 2020 National Education Policy aims to establish a technical and vocational education committee in Somalia. This committee is tasked with identifying, mapping, and refining all technical education institutions and specialized skills, ensuring comprehensive representation on the board for these institutions.  
At the above-mentioned educational levels, the 2020 National Education Policy does not explicitly set out the rules for the composition of boards and committees.  

3.2. Middle leaders

At the basic education level, the 2020 National Education Policy aims to involve all teachers in the performance management system. However, it does not specify the type of involvement.  
According to the 2021 Quality Assurance Framework for Basic Education, senior teachers can conduct quality control exercises and provide teachers and learners with a quality support mechanism.  
According to the 2021 Teachers Policy, a proficient teacher may advance to positions such as vice principal, principal, or other leadership roles within the school hierarchy. These individuals are typically seasoned educators with the requisite skills, competence, and experience to effectively oversee operations and enhance educational outcomes. Additionally, efforts are made to incentivize and retain their services through salary increments and job stability. Such roles also involve mentoring and guiding new or inexperienced teachers, facilitating their professional growth and development. Furthermore, continuous improvement and fostering talent are expected aspects of their responsibilities.  

3.3. Parents

Centralized policies and legislative frameworks for parent-teacher associations are absent. However, according to the 2022 Basic Requirements and Minimum Standards document, parents are engaged in an annual general assembly meeting. During this meeting, various topics about school management, teaching and learning practices, student discipline, and the availability and utilization of funds are discussed comprehensively. 

3.4. Students

Centralized policies and legislative frameworks for student councils are absent. 


4. Governance

4.1. Autonomy of school leaders

According to the 2021 Quality Assurance Framework for Basic Education, the principal and school managers oversee the implementation of quality assurance measures within the school to consistently uphold standards as an integral part of the school's agenda. The principal ensures that standards are established, maintained, and enhanced during the school improvement planning process. Furthermore, the principal is authorized to maintain an updated record of these standards. Upon request, the outcomes of quality control exercises are shared with the district quality assurance officer. 

According to the 2022 Basic Requirements and Minimum Standards document, the principal oversees the effective management of school funds, which entails implementing sound financial planning strategies, establishing appropriate systems, and enforcing stringent controls to ensure fiscal accountability. 

4.2. Assessment and accountability of school leaders

The 2021 Quality Assurance Framework for Basic Education does not explicitly govern the assessment of school principals. However, to ensure education quality at the district level, the district quality assurance officers conduct external school assessments at the district level, which may directly impact school principals' performance. Furthermore, the district quality assurance officer identifies high-performing teachers and headteachers and informs the regional education director about individuals deemed suitable for specialized tasks, such as membership in the district training team. 

4.3. Teacher assessment by school leaders

As stated in the 2020 National Education Policy, the school principal is tasked with aiding, evaluating, and overseeing teachers' performance. Additionally, the school principal holds the responsibility for implementing progressive disciplinary measures for teachers, excluding final dismissal and enacting suitable disciplinary actions, except ultimate termination.  
According to the 2021 Quality Assurance Framework for Basic Education, the principal is tasked with the comprehensive oversight of teachers' performance, encompassing planning, implementation, management, and review on a monthly and annual basis.  
According to the 2021 Teachers Policy, it is incumbent upon the principal to review the school's code of conduct for teachers, providing clear guidelines for expected behaviour and actions in case of misconduct. Furthermore, the principal is obligated to report severe offences to law enforcement authorities and actively participate in police investigations when necessary. 

According to the 2022 Basic Requirements and Minimum Standards document, the principal must regularly visit classrooms to monitor the teaching and learning process. Moreover, the principal must guarantee that each teacher possesses an endorsed scheme of work and an approved lesson plan for the academic year. Additionally, the principal oversees the maintenance of records documenting teachers' progress on the yearly and daily lesson plans.  


This profile was reviewed by Mohamed A. Sh Ali, Dr. Stanley Kavale, and Dr Abdishakur Tarah.  

Dernière modification:

mar 22/10/2024 - 15:27
