School leadership

1. Terminology

2. School principals

2.1. Leadership standards and roles

2.2. Selection and working conditions

2.3. Leadership preparation and training

3. Teachers, parents and students

3.1. School management committees and boards

3.2. Middle leaders

3.3. Parents

3.4. Students

4. Governance

4.1. Autonomy of school leaders

4.2. Assessment and accountability of school leaders

4.3. Teacher assessment by school leaders


1. Terminology

The 9/2006 Fundamental Law of Non-Tertiary Education uses the terms “principal” and “director of the school,” stating that the director is responsible for “the day-to-day management of the school, and the position shall be held on an exclusive basis, in accordance with the applicable legislation.” 

Law 38/1993 Defining the Status of Private Educational Institutions of Non-Tertiary Education also uses the term “director,” stating “The director shall be the body responsible for directing, guiding and coordinating the educational action of the institution and shall be assisted by those responsible for the pedagogical and administrative areas who are appointed and carry out their duties in accordance with the institution’s statutes (Chapter 3, Article 13, 1)”. 

Law 3/2012 the System Framework for Private School Teaching Staff of Non-tertiary Education states, “’Principal’ is the personnel appointed to lead, guide and coordinate the carrying out of education activities in accordance with the law, as well as to be fully responsible for the development and management of the school.” The law also mentions the “deputy principal” who assists the principal in leading and managing the school, carries out the duties and work assigned by the principal; and replaces the principal in their absence or in case of any reason that they can no longer serve in accordance with the provisions of the school. 


2. School principals

2.1. Leadership standards and roles

Competency standards and leadership frameworks and guidelines

Article 6 of the Law 3/2012 the System Framework for Private School Teaching Staff of Non-tertiary Education and Article 11 of the Administrative Regulation No. 29/2022 on the Organisation, management and operation of official non-tertiary schools list duties of the school principal.  


Setting expectations/objectives: Article 6 of the Law 3/2012 the System Framework for Private School Teaching Staff of Non-tertiary Education states that the duties of the principal include: (1) Make education planning for the school and ensure the achievement of its objectives; (2) Conceive, lead and guide the education activities of the school; (3) Create and improve the various rules and regulations of the school; and (4) Direct the school development plan and supervise its implementation. The principal is responsible for developing and executing the school development plan. Article 11 of the Administrative Regulation No. 29/2022 similarly states that the principal is responsible for the preparation and execution of the school's development planning and for organizing, directing, and guiding the school’s educational activities.  

Developing teaching and learning: According to Law 3/2012, principals should also ensure the school operates in accordance with the law. They should plan and use the various educational resources effectively, in particular the financial and human resources. According to Law No. 15/2020, principals design, direct and guide the educational activities of the school; plan and control the curriculum; and ensure the quality of teaching. Article 11 of the Administrative Regulation No. 29/2022 also states that principals must “ensure the quality of teaching.” 

Promoting collaboration: Promoting the interaction and cooperation between school and home, as well as the community in which the school operates is also a responsibility of the school principal according to Law 3/2012. Likewise, Law No. 15/2020 states that principals should promote interaction and cooperation between the school and the family, as well as with the community area in which they are inserted. The disciplinary or advisory board is responsible for maintaining communication and cooperation with parents in promoting the healthy growth of students. 

Supporting staff development: The Law 3/2012 the System Framework for Private School Teaching Staff of Non-tertiary Education states that principals should “coordinate, supervise and promote the work of various leading organs of administration, discipline or counselling, teaching, etc.” Most responsibilities regarding staff development are handled by the pedagogical management team, which includes the director. The main functions of the pedagogical direction are: 1) Optimize the pedagogical culture of the school; 2) Promote the professional development of teachers; 3) Provide pedagogical support to teachers; 4) Coordinate and supervise the pedagogical activities of the school. For official schools, Article 19 of the Administrative Regulation No. 29/2022 also gives the responsibility for providing professional development and pedagogical support to the pedagogical management team. Per Article 11 of the Administrative Regulation No. 29/2022, the principal is responsible to coordinate, monitor, and promote the work of the pedagogical management team.  

Acting in accordance with the ethical principles of the profession: The Education and Youth Affairs Bureau (DSEJ) states in the Criteria Booklet on the Teaching Staff Professional Development Planning that teaching staff should abide by the standards of conduct and ethics commonly recognised by the education sector  

Others: According to Law 3/2012 the System Framework for Private School Teaching Staff of Non-tertiary Education, principals are exempt from all or part of the normal teaching hours.  

2.2. Selection and working conditions

Degree requirements and prior teaching experience

The 9/2006 Fundamental Law of Non-Tertiary Education states that “the academic qualifications of the Director may not be lower than those required to teaching staff of the highest level of education provided at the school.” The Law 3/2012 the System Framework for Private School Teaching Staff of Non-tertiary Education further details that the heads of the education management body of schools have to possess “any one of the following requirements: (1) Teacher training qualification recognized by Education and Youth Affairs Bureau (DSEJ) and the rank of Level 4 or above; (2) Qualifications equivalent to that in the preceding item and recognized by DSEJ”. 

Appointment decision

The Education and Youth Affairs Bureau (DSEJ) is responsible for the appointment, training, and assignment of school principals in public institutions. According to Law no. 15/2020 Statutes of private schools of non-higher education, in private schools, the principal shall be appointed and dismissed by the administrative board of the school, to which they shall be accountable. For public schools, the Director and Deputy Directors of the School shall be appointed by order of the Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture, on the proposal of the Director of the DSEDJ in accordance with Administrative Regulation No. 29/2022 on the Organisation, management and operation of official non-tertiary schools. Further specific requirements for the professional qualities of principals vary depending on each school. 

Employment equity measures

Information was not found.

Working conditions

The salary for school principals is determined by standards set by the Education and Youth Affairs Bureau (DSEJ). According to Administrative Regulation No. 29/2022 on the Organisation, management and operation of official non-tertiary schools, with the permission of the Director of the DSEDJ, teachers who serve as the Principal and Deputy Directors of the school may be exempted from the teaching component in whole or in part. 

2.3. Leadership preparation and training

Pre-service training

According to the 2011-2020 Ten-Year Plan for the Development of Non-Tertiary Education, from 2013 onwards, newly-appointed schools and educational leaders have to complete the training recognized by the education authority. Law 3/2012 the System Framework for Private School Teaching Staff of Non-tertiary Education states, “Principals and other middle and senior management staff of schools have to complete the related professional development courses prior to taking up the post, ensuring that the respective personnel have the professional abilities to lead and develop the school, to match with the work in terms of administration, teaching management and financial management.” The professional development courses are planned, provided and recognised by the Education and Youth Affairs Bureau (DSEJ). 

Induction and in-service training

The 9/2006 Fundamental Law of Non-Tertiary Education, establishing the general framework of the education system in Macao, states that “the teaching staff and other professionals of education have the right and obligation of attending continuous training and the Administration will promote and create the necessary means conditions”. The training should consider the needs and resources of the Territory and be varied, flexible, and diverse through participation in training, self-study, survey and practice.  Law 3/2012 the System Framework for Private School Teaching Staff of Non-tertiary Education also states that teaching staff, which includes principals, have the obligation to “continuously enhance their professional accomplishment by participating in trainings, refresher courses or other means”. 


3. Teachers, parents and students

3.1. School management committees and boards

The 9/2006 Fundamental Law of Non-Tertiary Education states that schools should have administrative management bodies. Schools are required to have a School Board that is responsible for the management and administration of the institution. School Boards must be comprised of at least seven members, with the participation of the school director, parents/guardians, teachers, and students, over half of which must be residents of Macao SAR. According to Law no. 15/2020 Statutes of private schools of non-higher education, the powers and duties of the school's board of directors are: 1) Answer to the titular entity; 2) Appoint and dismiss the director of the school, informing the DSEJ; 3) Approve the organizational structure of the school staff; 4) Decide the guidelines of the school, its development plan and other relevant matters, promoting its optimization; 5) Supervise the operation of the school and ensure its operation, in accordance with the law; 6) To pronounce on the budget and accounting of the school; 7) Supervise and guide the school in the correct use of financial resources; 8) Decide the amount of the school's tuition fees. Administrative Regulation No. 29/2022 details that the board of directors issues opinions and makes recommendations on 1) Direction, objectives and development planning of the school; 2) School curriculum and teaching; and 3) Activities to promote cooperation between the family and the school and participation in society. The board’s chairman is appointed by the Director of the DSEDJ for a term of two years and may not be the school director. 

Ordinance 138/88/M discusses the Management Board of Macao’s School Complex. The president of this board is appointed by the governor after consultation with the Directorate of Education. Members are the presidents of pedagogical management councils elected by teachers from each of the schools in the complex. 

3.2. Middle leaders

The Law 3/2012 the System Framework for Private School Teaching Staff of Non-tertiary Education states that “Other middle and senior management staff in the school” refers to the deputy principals, the heads of leading organs of administration, discipline, counselling, teaching and other chiefs. These middle leaders should have higher qualifications than the teaching staff at the education level they manage.  

The law also defines the roles of these leaders. For example, the duties of the heads of the administrative leading organ include: (1) Plan and coordinate the work of administration, financial management, personnel management, equipment and facilities management, as well as external relationship management; (2) Establish regulations and rules for the related management, and monitor the implementation.  

The duties of the heads of discipline or counselling leading organs are to formulate the regulations for student discipline and counselling, plan Moral and Civic Education of the school, and monitor the implementation. They also coordinate, plan and promote activities related to discipline, counselling and student development. 

The duties of the heads of education management organs include: (1) Set the criteria and formulate the management regulations for curriculum, teaching and student assessment, as well as monitor their execution; (2) Enhance teaching effectiveness; (3) Coordinate curriculum development, teaching, student assessment, the planning and activities related to academic researches, and monitor their execution. 

3.3. Parents

The 2021-2030 Medium and Long-term Planning for Non-Tertiary Education Policy calls for the continuous promotion of “schools to organise parent associations, and put the role of home-school cooperation into full play.” There is no mandate for the creation of parent-teacher associations. However, some schools do provide guidelines for them. The internal regulations of the Macao Portuguese School describe their Association of Parents and Guardians as an autonomous structure, representative of parents and Guardians of students at the Portuguese School of Macau. They have a right to comment on school activities and participate in the organization of activities that promote a better connection between school and community. 

3.4. Students

Laws or policies regarding the establishment of student council was not found. However, the Article 50 of the 9/2006 Fundamental Law of Non-Tertiary Education states that the educational administration must promote the democratic participation of the whole society and ensure “the existence of appropriate forms of participation” for students. At the school level, the internal regulations of the Macao Portuguese School state that students have the right to participate, through their representatives, in accordance with the law, in the school's administration and management bodies, in the creation and execution of the respective educational project, as well as in the preparation of internal regulations. They may elect their representatives for bodies, positions and other representation functions and present suggestions regarding the functioning of the school and be heard. Students can meet in a Student Assembly or General Student Assembly and are represented by the Student Association, and their representatives in the Educational Community Assembly.  

4. Governance

4.1. Autonomy of school leaders

The 9/2006 Fundamental Law of Non-Tertiary Education states that “government and private educational institutions enjoy pedagogical autonomy.” Principals also prepare the budget and accounting for the schools. For example, in private schools, principals may decide on the amount of the various school fees, except tuition fees. According to Administrative Regulation No. 29/2022 on the Organisation, management and operation of official non-tertiary schools, school principals plan and control the curriculum and support the preparation and execution of the school's development planning. 

4.2. Assessment and accountability of school leaders

According to Law 3/2012 the System Framework for Private School Teaching Staff of Non-tertiary Education, the work performance evaluation of principals is done by the school-running entities in accordance with the evaluation regulations. 

4.3. Teacher assessment by school leaders

School directors support teachers and promote their pedagogical skills. According to Article 25 of Law 3/2012 the System Framework for Private School Teaching Staff of Non-tertiary Education, schools must establish a Teaching Staff Evaluation Committee, which is responsible to evaluate the middle and senior school management staff and teachers in accordance with the evaluation regulations. The Teaching Staff Evaluation Committee is comprised of members of the teaching staff and does not include the principal. The principal, however, may evaluate members of the Committee in certain cases. For example, the internal regulations of the Macao Portuguese School showed that teachers were assessed by a Teaching Staff Assessment Board, of which the director is not a member. 


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lun 21/10/2024 - 12:02
