School leadership

1. Terminology

2. School principals

2.1. Leadership standards and roles

2.2. Selection and working conditions

2.3. Leadership preparation and training

3. Teachers, parents and students

3.1. School management committees and boards

3.2. Middle leaders

3.3. Parents

3.4. Students

4. Governance

4.1. Autonomy of school leaders

4.2. Assessment and accountability of school leaders

4.3. Teacher assessment by school leaders


1. Terminology

According to the 2022 In-Service Training Regulation No.31775, administrators encompass principals, deputy principals, and assistant/vice principals.  

The 2021 Selection and Appointment of Administrators to Educational Institutions Affiliated to the Ministry of National Education Regulation No. 31386 defines each role within this administrative framework. Principals, deputy principals, and assistant/vice principals carry out their designated duties within formal and non-formal educational institutions under the Ministry of National Education's purview.  

The 2013 Secondary Education Institutions Regulation No.28758 establishes the hierarchical structure within schools, designating the School Principal (Müdür) as the primary leader, supported by the Deputy Principal (Müdür başyardımcısı), Assistant Principal (Müdür yardımcısı), and the Technical Deputy Principal (Teknik müdür yardımcısı) (art.78-80).  

The 2014 Preschool & Primary Education Institutions Regulation No.29072 outlines the definitions of the School Principal (Okul Müdürü), Deputy Principal (Müdür Başyardımcısı), Assistant/Vice Principal (Müdür Yardımcısı), and Authorized Teacher Acting as Principal (Müdür Yetkili Öğretmen) in primary schools (art.39-42).  

The 1965 Civil Servants Law No.657 underscores the official titles of school and institute directorship, deputy directorship, and assistant/vice directorship, solidifying the administrative framework within education (art.88).  


2. School principals

2.1. Leadership standards and roles

Competency standards and leadership frameworks and guidelines

To ensure the effective functioning of the Institutional Standards System according to its intended purpose, the Ministry of National Education published two guidebooks. The "2015 Preschool Education and Primary Education Institution Standards Guidebook has been revised to expose the system's philosophy, purpose, content, and processes, serving as a comprehensive knowledge base. Simultaneously, for user-friendly navigation within the Institutional Standards Module, the "2015/2016 Preschool Education and Primary Education Institutions Standards Data Entry Guidebook" provides technical explanations about the roles of students, parents, teachers, and administrators involved in data entry, detailing how and for what purpose data entry operations should be performed. Both guidebooks aim to enhance understanding and facilitate efficient use of the Institutional Standards System. 

The 2015 Preschool Education and Primary Education Institution Standards Guidebook is designed for administrators, teachers, education inspectors, and experts. It applies to all official preschool education institutions, primary schools, middle schools, Imam Hatip middle schools, and boarding regional middle schools. The Standards System includes three areas: "Education Management," "Learning-Teaching Processes," and "Support Services," encompassing 9 standards and 38 sub-standards. These standards can be accessed by schools through e-School supported software within the Ministry of Education information systems (MEBBIS), facilitating easy assessment and evaluation of school performance.

The purpose of the Standards System is to assess the quality of services offered by schools, identify strengths and weaknesses, and determine areas for improvement. As a self-evaluation tool at the school level, the system aims to provide evidence-based feedback for the development of educational institutions and the efficient use of resources. 


Setting expectations/objectives: According to the 2013 Secondary Education Institutions Regulation No.28758 , the school principal encourages effective resource utilization to achieve school objectives, promoting collaborative management, and representing the school in alignment with national education goals and legal frameworks. Additionally, the director oversees the organization of teachers and department meetings to facilitate the preparation of unitized annual plans, which are crucial for delineating departmental objectives and activities (art.78) 

The 2014 Preschool & Primary Education Institutions Regulation No.29072 outlines the broad spectrum of responsibilities entrusted to the School Principal, including student affairs, education, administration, personnel, and financial matters. The principal is tasked with ensuring the execution of duties specified in the duty description and assignments from higher education authorities (art.39). 

Developing teaching and learning: The 2013 Secondary Education Institutions Regulation No.28758 highlights that the principal establishes committees and teams to enhance education quality, approves decisions made at meetings, and ensures compliance with health and safety standards. Additionally, the principal introduces technological advancements, encourages student engagement in social responsibility programmes, and oversees the implementation of guidance services which involves providing support and direction to students in their academic and personal development (art.78). The regulation also addresses scheduling matters, highlighting the involvement of the school principal in determining class intervals and organizing block lessons (art.9).  

The 2014 Preschool & Primary Education Institutions Regulation No.29072 underscores the role of school principals in overseeing examination processes and facilitating class advancement for students demonstrating exceptional performance (art.14). They chair examination commissions, ensure the accuracy of teacher score schedules (art.26), and administer advancement exams for eligible students. Additionally, the school principal coordinates the academic reintegration of students on health-related leave or participating in hafızlık (hafiz) education, ensuring a smooth transition back into school and appropriate academic advancement (art.32). 

Promoting collaboration: The 2013 Secondary Education Institutions Regulation No.28758 outlines the role of school administrators in providing leadership and fostering educational excellence within the school community. Administrators are tasked with increasing efficiency, fostering team spirit, and integrating the school with the wider community. They continuously renew and improve the school, leveraging scientific and technological advancements to achieve educational objectives (art.77). Principals of Anatolian Imam-Hatip high schools are specifically responsible for organizing educational programmes in collaboration with vocational course teachers, ensuring alignment with professional standards and community needs. Additionally, they collaborate with various institutions and organizations to enrich the educational experience and ensure the effective use of school resources (art.78). 

In compliance with the 2012 School-Parent Association Regulation No. 28199, administrators uphold their responsibilities to promote collaboration and support within the educational community. 

As per the 2017 Educational Institutions Social Activities Regulation No.30090, the principal plays a crucial role in reviewing, evaluating, and approving documents related to planned social activities. They approve the Annual Work Plan for School Social Activities, sign certificates related to social events, and publish exemplary works related to student clubs and community service. 

According to the 2014 Preschool & Primary Education Institutions Regulation No.29072, school principals contribute as members of the Student Placement Commission, ensuring fair and informed decisions regarding student placements while considering the unique characteristics of each school in the region (art.10) 

Supporting staff development: By the 2013 Secondary Education Institutions Regulation No.28758 , school principals are mandated to observe and guide teachers at least once a year, fostering continuous improvement in their performance. In this regard, the director takes measures for the training and development of staff and manages activities related to candidacy and in-service training (art.78).

Acting in accordance with the ethical principles of the profession: The 2013 Secondary Education Institutions Regulation No.28758 stresses that the director takes all necessary measures for the order and discipline of the school (art.78) 

Others: The 2013 Secondary Education Institutions Regulation No.28758 specifies that school administrators may engage in teaching activities, and the weekly lesson schedule is determined through collaboration with the teachers' board, subject to approval from the school principal (art.12) 

With the amendments made to the Regulation on Secondary Education Institutions on 08/09/2023, the following additions were made to the duties and responsibilities of the principal / vice principal / assistant principal:  

Article 78/4m: she/he ensures that research is done, projects for improvement are prepared and implemented to increase efficiency, improve quality and ensure continuous improvement in education, training and management. (Additional sentences: RG-8/9/2023-32303) she/he encourages and supports students to participate in studies within the scope of social responsibility program during secondary education, modules with distance or face-to-face education content created within the scope of lifelong learning, and at least one national / international project study. she/he coordinates the processing of the information of students who participate and succeed in these activities into the Social Activity Module to be included in the e-Portfolio. 

Article 79/2c: Monitors the work of assistant principals regarding student attendance and absenteeism, communicates with the parents of absent students and cooperates with the guidance counselor when necessary (Amended phrase: RG-8/9/2023- 32303).  

Article 80/2f: (Addition: RG-8/9/2023-32303) Controls and monitors the processing of information about students' participation in social responsibility programs, distance or face-to-face education modules created within the scope of lifelong learning, national/international projects and their achievements in the Social Activity Module by class or branch guidance teachers or counselors to be included in the e-Portfolio. 

2.2. Selection and working conditions

Degree requirements and prior teaching experience

The 2021 Regulation No. 31386 details the qualifications for administrators in Ministry of National Education-affiliated institutions, requiring higher education graduation, current Ministry teaching experience, an Education Management Certificate, and passing exams for first-time administrators. Candidates must be eligible to teach in the same institution, have no recent dismissals from administrative roles due to investigations, and meet any mandatory service obligations. Principals need prior administrative experience or subject expertise, while vice principals or assistant principals should have teaching experience and possibly hold higher-ranking Ministry positions. Specific qualifications are required for different educational types, including vocational, technical, Imam Hatip High Schools, and various specialized centers. Selection involves written and oral exams evaluated by commissions, with results published on the Ministry's website and an appeals process in place. 

Appointment decision

Section V of the 2021 Regulation No. 31386 details the process for announcing and filling vacant school principal, deputy principal, and assistant/vice principal positions. Provincial directorates of national education post these vacancies, including those arising from administrators completing four and eight years of service, on their websites. The selection involves open competitions with written and oral exams, after which successful candidates apply electronically. First-time principal appointments are based on candidates' preferences and points, with proposals made by the provincial education director and approved by the governor. This process ensures a thorough approach from vacancy announcement to final appointment, involving local education authorities and government officials. 

With the amendment made to the Regulation on Selection and Assignment of Administrators to Educational Institutions Affiliated to the Ministry of National Education published in the Official Gazette dated 05.02.2021 and numbered 31386, with the regulation published in the Official Gazette dated 01.03.2024 and numbered 32476; those who previously served as administrators and left the administrator position for any reason can be reassigned as administrators by evaluating them with the Manager Evaluation Form in Annex-2 of the Regulation, without taking the administrator selection exam, thus allowing experienced administrators to take part in educational administration. (Additional Article 1) 

Employment equity measures

Section VI of the 2021 Regulation No. 31386 highlights the importance of gender diversity in school appointments. It mandates that in institutions with only female students, the principal or at least one female assistant principal must be a woman. In co-educational institutions with three or more assistant principals, at least one should be female (art. 32). 

Working conditions

The 2021 Regulation No. 31386 establishes a four-year term limit for administrators, advocating for rotational leadership to prevent prolonged tenure in the same administrative position, with a maximum service cap of eight years (art.132). Additionally, the 1965 Civil Servants Law No.657 stipulates allowances for school principals, vice principals, and administrators, including a preparation allowance disbursed once per academic year at a date set by the Minister of National Education and determined by the President. School principals are classified in the First Grade of the General Administrative Services Class, with an Education and Teaching Allowance calculated as a percentage of their monthly salaries based on different salary degrees, ranging from 100% for those in the 1st and 2nd degrees. 

The 2017-2018 Eurydice Teachers and School Principals in Europe report underscores the diverse educational contexts in which school principals operate. Principals are categorized with ISCED levels 1 in primary schools, ISCED 24 in secondary schools, and ISCED 34 in Anatolian and science high schools. Furthermore, data from the Eurydice Portal reveals that school principals' minimum annual salaries in 2021/2022 differ accordingly, with primary and secondary school principals earning a minimum of $10,149, while principals in Anatolian and science high schools receive a minimum of $10,774 per year. 

2.3. Leadership preparation and training

Pre-service training

The 2021 Regulation No. 31386 outlines a pathway for teachers to enter school administration via the Education Management Certificate Programme, managed by the Directorate General of Teacher Training and Development. Candidates who meet the criteria can enroll in this program, which offers both distance and face-to-face education. Successful completion results in an eight-year valid certification (art. 14-25). 

Induction and in-service training

The 2022 In-Service Training Regulation No.31775 assigns the Directorate General responsibility for organizing in-service training for administrators and teachers in both public and private institutions (if requested by private schools) (art. 15). Face-to-face training sessions must be at least four lesson hours for central activities and two for local activities, with a daily maximum of eight lesson hours. Central training lasting five days should range from 25 to 40 lesson hours. A lesson hour is defined as 50 minutes, and a block lesson hour as 90 minutes. The duration of training via Professional Development Communities, Teacher Mobility Programmes, and distance education varies and is detailed in the training programme (art. 10).In-service training:  

In-service training activities are conducted in accordance with various laws, regulations, and directives, such as Decree No. 1 on the Presidential Organization (July 10, 2018), and the In-Service Training Regulation No. 31775 (March 11, 2022). These trainings aim to help personnel adapt to their roles within the institution, promote unity in interpreting Turkish National Education policies, and address gaps in pre-service training related to professional competence. The programs also ensure that staff acquire the skills and behaviors needed to stay updated with developments in education, while fostering personal and professional growth. 

In-service training plays a critical role in enhancing teachers' and school administrators' professional skills, preparing them for higher positions, and increasing their productivity. These activities help educators stay informed about new approaches, methods, and technologies. Training sessions are tailored based on needs analyses and align with the Ministry of National Education's priorities. In-service training also supports inclusivity and provides opportunities for collaboration with higher education institutions. 

These programs are managed centrally and locally, with offerings like candidacy training for newly appointed teachers, professional and personal development courses, and adaptation training for those switching fields. In recent years, distance education has become increasingly prominent, offering a wide range of courses, including vocational training, personal development, and technology. 

Since 1960, in-service training has been a key component of the Ministry of National Education’s efforts to support its personnel. Today, the Teacher Information Network (ÖBA) provides both synchronous and asynchronous training for educators, reaching millions of participants. The effectiveness of in-service training is monitored through surveys, and the results are used to refine future programs, ensuring the continuous professional development of MoNE personnel. 


3. Teachers, parents and students

3.1. School management committees and boards

The 2013 Secondary Education Institutions Regulation No.28758 outlines the structure and functions of the "Öğretmenler Kurulu" (teachers' board), led by the school principal and comprising deputy principals, teachers, specialists, and educational staff. Their meetings address strategic planning, quality management, student success, discipline, and various other educational matters. They oversee examinations, counseling services, and social responsibility programmes, ensuring compliance with regulations and children's rights (art.109). The 2014 Preschool & Primary Education Institutions Regulation No.29072 emphasizes the central role of the principal in the Teachers' Board, overseeing meetings and documentation, ensuring proper recording and preservation of decisions (art.34). 

The 2013 Secondary Education Institutions Regulation No.28758 introduces other committees such as the "Sınıf/şube öğretmenler kurulu" (Class/Classroom Teachers Board), led by the school principal or appointed deputy principal, which convenes to review decisions, assess student performance, ensure curriculum alignment, address special education needs, plan community collaboration, support vocational education, promote health and safety, and facilitate personality and social development initiatives (art.110). It is reinforced by the "Eğitim kurumu alan zümreleri" (Subject-Area Councils) and their heads, within educational institutions, that focus on curriculum planning, teaching methods, and special needs considerations, with majority voting and the head breaking ties (art.111). The "Eğitim kurumu alan zümre başkanları kurulu" (Subject-Area Heads) council consisting of class/subject department heads within an educational institution focuses on various topics such as student performance, curriculum alignment, measures for special education, resource utilization, collaboration, and health and safety. Decisions made are re-evaluated, and actions are taken accordingly (art.112). Furthermore, İlçe alan zümreleri (District-Level Subject Area Committees) and İl alan zümreleri" (Province-Level Subject Area Committees) address educational issues with decisions implemented after the director's approval (art.113-114). Finally, the Discipline Board (section 7) ensures order and discipline in schools, while the District Student Discipline Board (section 8) handles transfer penalties and appeals against reprimands and suspensions.  

A Social Activities Board “Sosyal etkinlikler kurulu”, is established in schools to carry out club and community service duties (art.5-6, in accordance with the provisions of the 2017 Educational Institutions Social Activities Regulation No.30090. 

3.2. Middle leaders

According to the 2013 Secondary Education Institutions Regulation No.28758, teachers play a crucial role in the Teachers' Board, Class/Classroom Teachers Board, Subject-Area Councils, District-Level Subject Area Committees, and Province-Level Subject Area Committees, reflecting their leadership in educational policy, collaboration, and student experience. The regulation also specifies the role of the Technical Deputy Principal (Teknik Müdür Yardımcısı), selected from workshop and laboratory teachers. This role involves ensuring compliance with financial regulations, managing personnel processes, recommending efficiency improvements, and overseeing the maintenance of machinery and equipment, in collaboration with the school principal to address maintenance and equipment needs (art. 81). 

The 2014 Preschool & Primary Education Institutions Regulation No.29072 outlines the key roles of middle leaders, including administrators, coordinator teachers, and guidance counselors in secondary education (section 7).. It specifically refers to "Şube Rehber Öğretmeniöğretmeni" (Section Guidance Teacherteacher), who plays a crucial role in the Section Teachers Board (Şube Öğretmenler Kurulu). This position involves guiding and coordinating teachers within a section or class in middle and Imam Hatip middle schools, and leading Section Teachers Board meetings. 

The 2017 Social Activities Regulation No.30090 designates the class or branch guidance counselor as responsible for informing students about teacher board-determined student clubs, matching students to clubs based on interests, and recording them in the e-School System’s Social Activity Module (art. 15). Advisor teachers must submit the student list to the social activities committee, inform students about club aims, foster innovative ideas, oversee activities, report external support, handle club correspondence, obtain parental permission, and prepare the Student Club Social Activities Annual Work Plan with student input, gaining approval from the institution's principal (art. 16). 

3.3. Parents

The 2012 Ministry of National Education School-Parent Association Regulation No. 28199 governs the establishment, functioning, and responsibilities of school-parent associations within the Ministry of National Education's schools and educational institutions. It outlines procedures for forming and operating these associations, including their bodies, elections, financial contributions, and management of donations, as well as the operation or leasing of canteens (art. 1-4). The associations aim to integrate parents and schools, enhance communication, and support educational activities. Their duties include collaborating with school management and supporting the school's goals and strategic planning (art. 5-7). Each association has a general assembly, board of directors, and audit committee. The general assembly, consisting of members, meets annually to elect the board and audit committee, approve reports, discuss budgets, and suggest improvements (art. 8-11). The board of directors, elected from "Parents/trainees who are over eighteen years of age and philanthropists who donate to the Ministry by building a school if they wish", manages the association for one year and includes a president, vice president, treasurer, and secretary (art. 12). The audit committee, with three members (selected parent/a trainee over the age of eighteen and two teachers selected by the teachers' council l), reviews activities and reports to the general assembly (art. 14). The regulation prohibits mandatory donations, collection during registration, and fees for Ministry-approved activities (art. 15). 

Article 80 of the 2014 Preschool & Primary Education Institutions Regulation No.29072 outlines the procedures and operations of the school-parent association in accordance with the regulations set forth in the Ministry of National Education 2012 Ministry of National Education School-Parent Association Regulation No. 28199. All financial transactions must be supported by a documentary evidence, every transaction resulting in financial consequences must be recorded in the accounting records, and it is mandatory to register them in the central information system (TEFBIS) established by the Ministry. 

3.4. Students

Article 116 of the 2013 Secondary Education Institutions Regulation No.28758 regarding the school student councilOkul öğrenci meclisiwas repealed in 2019. However, Article 37 of the Regulation on Pre-School Education and Primary Education Institutions states that "the school student council is established in primary schools, secondary schools and imam-hatip secondary schools. The relevant legislation provisions are applied in the works and transactions related to the establishment and operation." School student councils are composed of representatives elected from each class, with elections held annually in October. District student councils are formed by representatives from each district, with members chosen based on votes received by school council presidents. The national student council consists of presidents from district student councils. The Honor General Assembly and Honor Committee, outlined in Section VI of the 2013 Secondary Education Institutions Regulation No.28758, aim to facilitate student participation in school management and discipline. Class presidents play an essential role in primary education classes, with their selection occurring annually under the guidance of the class teacher ((2014 Preschool & Primary Education Institutions Regulation No.29072 art. 76)). Additionally, the 2014 Preschool & Primary Education Institutions Regulation No.29072 highlights that students in secondary and Imam-Hatip secondary schools are assigned  turn for works within the school premises to develop responsibility, and a daily class representative system is implemented in primary and secondary level (art.76-77). The 2017 Social Activities Regulation No.30090 regulates student clubs and community service activities, encouraging student participation in various fields and promoting collaboration with public institutions and NGOs. Income-expense transactions related to these activities are managed by the school parent-teacher association.  

The 2017 Social Activities Regulation No.30090 governs student clubs and community service activities across all types and levels of educational institutions, formal and informal, public and private. It establishes the Social Activities Board, led by the school principal or a designated deputy, which plans, implements, and adjusts social activities throughout the academic year, collaborating with various stakeholders. These activities, designed to develop students' self-confidence and responsibility, cover scientific, social, cultural, artistic, and sports fields. Students are encouraged to participate in club activities, ensuring proficiency in at least one area, with clubs established based on teacher board decisions. Club-related expenses can be covered by the school parent-teacher association or other sources. Additionally, community service activities are planned under the supervision of the advisory teacher, involving students, teachers, parents, and stakeholders, and focusing on addressing social issues such as disaster relief, environmental conservation, and healthcare. The regulation emphasizes the importance of student involvement and recognition through certificates, prioritizing individuals with certificates for roles in social activities. 


4. Governance

4.1. Autonomy of school leaders

The 2013 Secondary Education Institutions Regulation No.28758 outlines the responsibilities of principals, emphasizing their role in budget preparation, expenditure oversight, and document preparation to ensure financial efficiency. Principals have the authority to delegate responsibilities, including appointing executive officers such as deputy principals. Additionally, Only imam-hatip middle schools and high schools operate under the oversight of the General Directorate of Religious Education. Public and private primary and secondary schools operate under the oversight of other general directories such as the General Directorate of Basic Education and the General Directorate of Secondary Education. This centralized authority coordinates and regulates educational programmes, administrative procedures, and financial matters, ensuring consistency and adherence to established guidelines. 

4.2. Assessment and accountability of school leaders

The 2021 Regulation No. 31386 states that reappointment to management positions is based on superior points, determined by scores from the Manager Evaluation Form in Annex-2 (art. 15). Those seeking reappointment must undergo evaluation by the provincial evaluation commission. If administrators face judicial or administrative investigations resulting in recommendations for removal, they will be reassigned as teachers to other institutions in need of their qualifications. Individuals removed from managerial roles under these conditions cannot apply for reappointment as administrators for four years (art. 38). 

4.3. Teacher assessment by school leaders

According to the 2013 Secondary Education Institutions Regulation No. 28758, the school principal is responsible for proposing rewards for personnel who excel and addressing underperformance with warnings and disciplinary measures as needed. The principal must also implement necessary measures for reassigning tasks when personnel face challenges that affect their ability to fulfill their duties (art. 78).


This profile was reviewed by Fırat GÜZELDAĞ, Head of Department for International Institutions, and Mahmut KALMAN, Associate Professor 

Dernière modification:

ven 18/10/2024 - 00:37
