School leadership

1. Terminology

2. School principals

2.1. Leadership standards and roles

2.2. Selection and working conditions

2.3. Leadership preparation and training

3. Teachers, parents and students

3.1. School management committees and boards

3.2. Middle leaders

3.3. Parents

3.4. Students

4. Governance

4.1. Autonomy of school leaders

4.2. Assessment and accountability of school leaders

4.3. Teacher assessment by school leaders


1. Terminology

In Ukraine, according to the 2017 Law on Education (amended in 2024) the head of the educational institution (керівником закладу освіти) “provides management of the institution and is responsible for educational, financial and economic and other activity of the institution of education. The head is a representative of the institutions of education in their relations with state authorities, bodies of local self-government, legal entities and physical persons, and acts without power of attorney within powers envisaged by the law and statutory documents of the institution of education.” 

Articles 38 and 39 of the Law оf Ukraine on Complete General Secondary Education, January 16, 2020 (amended in 2024) address the powers, rights, and responsibilities of the head of a general secondary education institution, including their appointment, designation, and dismissal from the position.  

The term “director” (директор) is also used. According to the 2021 Professional Standard of the Head of the General Secondary Education Institution, the purpose of the professional activity of the head (director) of a general secondary education institution is to directly manage the institution and be responsible for the educational, financial, economic and other activities of the educational institution. The head is the representative of the educational institution in relations with state bodies, local self-government bodies, legal entities and individuals and acts without a power of attorney within the limits of the powers provided for by law and the founding documents of the educational institution.”  


2. School principals

2.1. Leadership standards and roles

Competency standards and leadership frameworks and guidelines

The Ministry of Education and Science has developed the 2021 the Professional Standard of the Head of the General Secondary Education Institution. This standard was approved by the order of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine dated September 17, 2021, No. 568-21, and has been entered into the State Register of Professional Standards.

According to Аrticle 39 of the the 2017 Law on Education (amended in 2024), professional standards may be developed by employers, their organizations and associations, state authorities, scientific institutions, industry-specific councils, public associations, other stakeholders. The professional standard defines the following general competencies of the head of the institution: civic, social, cultural, cognitive and entrepreneurial. 


Setting expectations/objectives: The head of the educational institution, in accordance with the the 2017 Law on Education (amended in 2024), “ensures functioning of the internal quality assurance system” and organizes the activities of the institution of education. According to Аrticle 39 of the 2020 Law оf Ukraine on Complete General Secondary Education (amended in 2024), the head of a general secondary education institution shall plan and organize the activities of a general secondary education institution. They must ensure the development and implementation of a strategy for the development of a general secondary education institution. The head reports annually at the general meeting (conference) of the team on their work and implementation of the development strategy of the general secondary education institution. The State Service of Education Quality of Ukraine gives advise to school heads on developing a school development strategy. 

Developing teaching and learning: The 2017 Law on Education (amended in 2023) states that head of the educational institution “ensures organization of the educational process and [has] control over fulfilling educational programmes.2020 Law оf Ukraine on Complete General Secondary Education (amended in 2024) asks that the head organizes the educational process and the issuance of documents on education; approves the educational programs of the general secondary education institution; approves regulations on the internal quality assurance system of education; monitors the implementation by pedagogical staff and pupils (student) of the educational program, individual development program, individual curriculum; ensures monitoring of students' achievement of learning outcomes.” The head must also create a safe educational environment in the general secondary education institution, ensuring compliance with the requirements for the protection of childhood, labor protection, and safety requirements. 

Promoting collaboration: The principal should, according to the 2020 Law оf Ukraine on Complete General Secondary Education (amended in 2024), support the creation and activities of public self-governing bodies. They also create conditions for effective and open public supervision of the general secondary education institutions’ activities. 

Supporting staff development: The 2020 Law оf Ukraine on Complete General Secondary Education (amended in 2024) states that the head of the education institution should facilitate training and certifications of teaching staff. According to the 2021 Professional Standard of the Head of the General Secondary Education Institution, the head of the educational institution should have the ability to create organizational and pedagogical conditions for continuous professional development. They also motivate the staff and provide mentoring and supervision, directing their efforts to achieve the strategic goals of the institution. 

By the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated August 21, 2019, No. 800, the Procedure for the professional development of teaching and research-teaching staff was approved. This document outlines the role of the head in forming the professional development plan for teaching staff for the upcoming calendar year. 

Acting in accordance with the ethical principles of the profession: The head of institutes of education must ensure openness and transparency of the activities of the general secondary education institution, in particular by publishing public information in accordance with the requirements of the Laws of Ukraine such as the 2017 Law on Education (amended in 2023), the Law on Access to Public Information, and the Law on Openness of Use of Public Funds 

Under article 54 of the 2017 Law on Education (amended in 2024), educational workers are expected to “observe pedagogical ethics; respect dignity, rights, liberties and legal interests of all participants of the educational process; and by instruction and personal example, assert respect to public morality and social values, in particular, truth, justice, patriotism, humanism, tolerance, industriousness; form in education seekers aspirations towards mutual understanding, peace, cohesion among all nations, ethnic, national and religious groups; and protect education seekers, during the educational process, from humiliation of honour and dignity, any forms of violence and exploitation, discrimination on any grounds, propaganda and campaigning that are harmful to health of the education seeker, prevent use of alcohol, drugs, other harmful habits at the territory of institutions of education by them and other persons.” 

Others: The head is also responsible for promoting a healthy lifestyle for students and staff. They also be able to be innovative and life-long learners. Being adept at using technology is also an important aspect mentioned in the 2021 Professional Standard of the Head of the General Secondary Education Institution.

Additionally, according to Article 22 of 2020 Law оf Ukraine on Complete General Secondary Education (amended in 2024), teaching staff are specifically required to: adhere to the principles of child-centered education and partnership pedagogy in their relationships with students and their parents; ensure the unity of teaching, upbringing, and development of students, while following other principles of educational activity as defined in Article 6 of the Law of Ukraine on Education; possess skills in providing first aid to children; and continuously enhance their pedagogical skills. 

2.2. Selection and working conditions

Degree requirements and prior teaching experience

Applicants to become head of an educational institution must be fluent in the national language and have higher education. Specifically, at an institution of general secondary education, the individual must be “a citizen of Ukraine, has higher education at least at master’s level and a length of pedagogical service of at least three years, as well as organizational skills, and whose physical and mental status does not prevent this individual from performing their professional duties”. During the application process, the following documents are needed in accordance with the Article 29, part 5 of the 2020 Law оf Ukraine on Complete General Secondary Education (amended in 2024): application, CV, Ukrainian passport, a document certifying higher education not lower than the educational degree of masters, a document confirming fluency in the state language, copy of the employment record book, police clearance certificate, certificate of psychiatric examination, and a motivation letter. The applicant is also assessed on their skills and knowledge during the competition process. Additional qualification requirements to the head are established by special laws and statutory documents of the institution of education. 

Appointment decision

According to the the 2017 Law on Education (amended in 2024), the head of the institution of education is appointed by the founder of the school. The selection (appointment) procedure is established by special laws and statutory documents of the institution of education. According to the 2020 Law оf Ukraine on Complete General Secondary Education (amended in 2024), an applicant must pass a competitive selection process and be recognized as the winner of the competition to become head of a general secondary education institution. During this process, the applicant is tested on their knowledge of legislation in the field. Their professional competencies are then verified in a written implementation of a situational task. They also must present the plan for the development of the general education institution and answer questions from the selection committee. Article 39 details this process, stating that in order to hold the competition, a tender commission must be formed consisting of the founder, relevant local state administration, and civil society institutions.  

Employment equity measures

According to the Part 2 of Аrticle 22 of the 2017 Law on Education (amended in 2024), the founder of the educational institution or the authorized person who signs a fixed-term employment contract with the head of the educational institution is responsible for monitoring to ensure that no privileges or restrictions (discrimination) occur based on race, skin color, political beliefs, religious beliefs, gender, age, disability, ethnic and social origin, family and property status, place of residence, language, or other characteristics. However, no equity measures on the employment process of school heads were found. 

Working conditions

Article 54 of the 2017 Law on Education (amended in 2023) records the rights and responsibilities of educational workers. These rights include, “academic freedom, pedagogic initiative, professional development, recognition of success, protection of professional honor and dignity, sabbatical of up to one year every 10 years. First-priority provision with housing, provision of employer-rented housing with all utilities, safe and harmless work conditions, extended leave, and participation in public self-government of the institution of education and the activities of collegial governing bodies. Article 57 continues, stating that the state provides educational and academic workers with “appropriate work environment and medical care; payment for professional development; legal, social, professional protection; differentiation of official salaries (wage rates) in accordance to qualification categories, establishing increased official salaries (wage rates) for pedagogical titles, bonuses for honourable titles, supplement for scientific degrees and scientific titles; payment to educational workers with annual wage incentive; pension for length of service;” and more. In rural areas, the state provides housing and utilities for the educational worker. Workers are also entitled to obtain free ownership of a land plot within the land share of a member of an agricultural enterprise. Educational and academic workers may be awarded for distinguished service with state awards, granted national awards of Ukraine, recognized with signs, commendations, or other types of moral and material incentives.

According to the 2020 Law оf Ukraine on Complete General Secondary Education (amended in 2024), the employment contract is for six years from the date of the decision of employment. A person may not be head of the same general education institution for more than two consecutive terms unless they are located in a settlement with just one education institution. The head may be dismissed due to the expiration of the employment contract, or ahead of schedule in accordance with the requirements of the law. 

2.3. Leadership preparation and training

Pre-service training

According to the 2021 Professional Standard of the Head of the General Secondary Education Institution, obtaining the second level (master’s) of education is considered the “primary professional training.” 

A necessary condition for the certification of the school head is passing professional development during induction training. According to the 2021 Professional Standard of the Head of the General Secondary Education Institution, the head of an educational institution must, within the first year after being appointed to the position, undergo a professional development course on managerial activity with at least 90 study hours. The 2020 Law оf Ukraine on Complete General Secondary Education (amended in 2024) also states that “the head of a general secondary education institution (except for a private institution) is obliged to undergo an advanced training course in management activities of at least 90 training hours during the first year after appointment.”

Induction and in-service training

Article 54 of the 2017 Law on Education (amended in 2023) states that educational workers are entitled to professional development, and retraining and are responsible for constantly improving their professional and general cultural levels and pedagogical skills. The 2020 Law оf Ukraine on Complete General Secondary Education (amended in 2024) guarantees that the state and local governments will pay for advanced training of pedagogical workers of more than 150 hours during five years. The State Service of Education Quality of Ukraine has also developed an online tool for the professional development of heads of educational institutions aimed at improving the quality of management processes in schools. Participants of the online course acquire the skills and abilities necessary for strategic management, development of an internal quality assurance system for education and self-assessment of the institution's activities.

The Ministry of Education and Science has approved the following programmes: 

  1. The Standard Program for the Professional Development of Newly Appointed Heads (Directors) of General Secondary Education Institutions (Order dated September 16, 2022, No. 817). 

  2. The Standard Program for the Professional Development of Heads of General Secondary Education Institutions Implementing the New State Standard for Basic Secondary Education (Order dated October 12, 2022, No. 905). 

  3. The Standard Program for the Professional Development of Teaching Staff in Acquiring (Enhancing) Competencies in Mentoring Activities (Order dated May 2, 2023, No. 516). 

  4. The Standard Program for the Professional Development of Educators and Heads (Directors) of General Secondary Education Institutions on Creating a Safe and Healthy Educational Environment (Order dated September 6, 2023, No. 1091). 


3. Teachers, parents and students

3.1. School management committees and boards

According to Аrticle 22 of the 2017 Law on Education (amended in 2024), public governance at the educational institution is the right of the educational process participants to be involved, whether directly and/or through public governance bodies, in decision-making pertaining to the educational process at the educational institution, protection of their rights and interests, leisure time and recreation, and participate in public supervision/control and management of the educational institution within the scope defined by the law and constituent documents of the educational institution. Public governance at educational institutions is governed by part 8 of Article 70 of this Law.

The following bodies may function at educational institutions: governance bodies of the staff of the educational institution; governance bodies of education seekers; parents governance bodies and other governance bodies of educational process participants.

General meetings (conference) of the staff of the educational institution shall be the supreme (collegiate) body of public governance of the institution's staff. According to Article 27 of the 2017 Law on Education (amended in 2024), the main collegial governing body of educational institutions is the Pedagogical council, which is established in the cases and in the manner provided for by special laws. The main powers, responsibility, procedure for the formation and activities of collegial management bodies of an educational institution shall be determined by legislation and the constituent documents of the institution. The authority of the Pedagogical Council of a general secondary education institution is defined by the Article 40 of 2020 Law оf Ukraine on Complete General Secondary Education (amended in 2024)

According to article 29 of the 2017 Law on Education (amended in 2024), the main public governing body of the institution of education is the Supervisory Board (Board of Trustees). The procedure of formation of the supervisory board (board of trustees), its responsibility, terms of reference and term of service, as well as its operating procedures are stipulated by special laws and statutory documents of the institution of education. “The supervisory board (board of trustees) of the institution of education contributes to solving perspective tasks of its development, attracting financial resources to provide its activity in main areas of development and to executing control over their use, efficient interaction of the institution of education with state authorities and bodies of local self-government, scientific community, civil society organizations, legal entities and physical persons.” Staff members and students cannot be members of the board. The board is entitled to participate in setting the development strategy of the institution of education and supervise its implementation; contribute to attracting additional sources of funding; analyze and assess activities of the institution of education and its head; monitor implementation of the budget of the institution of education and make respective recommendations and proposals which are mandatory for consideration by the head of the educational institution; and make a submission to the founder of the institution of education regarding a commendation or dismissal of the head of the institution of education on the grounds stipulated by the law.”

Institutions of civil society include, in particular, public associations of leaders of educational institutions, professional (specialized) associations of teaching staff, district trade union organizations, and other public formations of educational workers.

3.2. Middle leaders

Middle leaders include deputy directors (Заступник директора) who have varying positions and responsibilities. For example, one deputy director organizes and controls the learning process of schoolchildren, their general and labor training, comprehensive development and behavior; checks the implementation of curricula and programs, the quality of knowledge and skills of students; supervises methodological work with school teachers. Another organizes extracurricular educational work and leisure of school students, provides the necessary assistance to class teachers, educators and other school staff involved in educational work with students, and maintains contacts with extracurricular institutions, public organizations and government agencies involved in the education of youth. There may also be one who is responsible for the safety of school buildings and property, the material support of the educational process, the sanitary condition of the school, fire safety, and the proper organization of the work of staff.

The Standard Staffing Norms for General Secondary Education Institutions, approved by Order No. 1205 of the Ministry of Education and Science on December 6, 2010 (amended 2022), specify the number of deputy directors based on the number of classes in the institution. 

3.3. Parents

Article 27 of the 2017 Law on Education (amended in 2024) gives parents the right to form bodies of self-government “to decide collectively on the issues of organization and provision of the educational process at institutions of education, protection of their rights and interests, organization of recreation and health promotion, participate in public supervision (control) and management of the institution of education within powers defined by law and statutory documents of the institution of education.” Article 55 lists the rights and obligations of parents, stating that parents of education seekers are entitled to protect the rights and legitimate interests of education seekers. They may also participate in public self-government of the institution of education as well as select and be selected to the bodies of self-government.  

Article 30 of the 2020 Law оf Ukraine on Complete General Secondary Education (amended in 2024) provides more details, stating that “parental self-government is exercised by parents of students both directly and through parental self-government bodies, in order to protect the rights and interests of students, organize their leisure and recreation, and public supervision of the educational institution.” Parents may consider any issues and make decisions; however, decisions on the organization of the educational process and/or the activities of the educational institution can only be implemented by the head of the educational institution. 

3.4. Students

Article 27 of the 2017 Law on Education (amended in 2023) gives students the right to form bodies of self-government and treats them with the same rights as public self-government bodies of parents and teachers. Article 28 of the 2020 Law оf Ukraine on Complete General Secondary Education (amended in 2024) provides more details. According to this law, student self-government may operate in educational institutions in order to form and develop civil, managerial and social competencies of students related to ideas of democracy, justice, equality, human rights, well-being, healthy lifestyle, etc. Self-government is carried out by students directly and through student self-government bodies. Pupils have equal rights to participate in student self-government, in particular to participate in the work of advisory, working groups, and other student self-government bodies. They also may freely elect and be elected to elected bodies of student self-government. Student self-government bodies are formed on the initiative of students and can be sole, collegial, and can also have various forms and names. The head of student self-government, who is elected to his/her position, has the right to an urgent reception by the head of the educational institution. The head of the educational institution is also obliged to consider the oral or written request from the head of student self-government. 

Student self-governing bodies have the right to: “participate in the discussion of issues of improving the educational process, research work, organization of leisure, recreation, life and nutrition; carry out, in agreement with the head of the educational institution, organizational, educational, scientific, sports, recreational and other events and / or initiate them in front of the management of the educational institution; participate in activities (processes) to ensure the quality of education in accordance with the procedures of the internal quality assurance system of education; protect the rights and interests of students who receive education in this educational institution; make proposals and/or participate in the development and/or discussion of the work plan of the educational institution, the content of educational and training programs; through their representatives, participate in meetings of the pedagogical council on all issues related to the organization and implementation of the educational process.” 


4. Governance

4.1. Autonomy of school leaders

According to Аrticle 1 of the the 2017 Law on Education (amended in 2024), autonomy shall mean a right of an educational entity for self-governance, which consists in its self-dependence, independence and responsibility in making decisions regarding academic (educational), organisational, financial, staffing and other issues of activities implemented in the manner and according to the framework established by laws. 

Academic freedom shall mean self-dependence and independence of educational process participants during implementation of pedagogical, academic and research, scientific and/or innovative activities, which is performed based on the principles of the freedom of speech, thought and creativity, knowledge sharing and information outreach, free public disclosure and use of scientific research findings with due regard to restrictions established by laws.

Аrticle 2 of the 2017 Law on Education (amended in 2024) states that an educational entity is entitled to independently make decisions on any issues within the limits of its autonomy defined by this Law, special laws and/or constituent documents, regarding issues not regulated by legislation. The law further states that school heads have the power to deal with issues of financial and economic activity of the institution of education; appoint and dismiss workers, define their terms of reference, and ensure organization of the educational process and control over fulfilling educational programmes. Education programmes are developed by the institution of education and are approved in accordance with the law. Heads of educational institutions may choose to use typical or other educational programmes.

Article 38 of the 2020 Law оf Ukraine on Complete General Secondary Education (amended in 2024) provides more details, stating that the head of a general secondary education institution has the right to “make decisions on the activities of the institution within the limits of authority determined by law and fixed-term employment contract, including dispose of the property of the institution and its funds in accordance with the established procedure; appoint, transfer to another position and dismiss employees of an educational institution, determine their official duties, encourage and bring to disciplinary responsibility, as well as resolve other issues related to labor relations, in accordance with the requirements of the law; determine the mode of operation of the institution; initiate before the founder or his authorized body the issue of creating or liquidating structural units; issue orders in accordance with their competence and monitor their implementation; and conclude agreements (contracts, contracts) with individuals and / or legal entities in accordance with their competence.” 

4.2. Assessment and accountability of school leaders

According to the Part 5 of the Аrticle 27 of the 2020 Law оf Ukraine on Complete General Secondary Education (amended in 2024), the general meeting (conference) of the educational institution's staff annually hears the report of the head of the institution, evaluates their performance, and based on the evaluation results, may initiate an unscheduled institutional audit of the educational institution.

According to the 2017 Law on Education (amended in 2024), the supervisory board (board of trustees) is responsible for analyzing and assessing the head of the educational institution. They may also make a recommendation to the founder of the institution regarding a commendation or dismissal of the head. The system of quality assurance includes disclosed criteria, rules and procedures for assessment of administrative activities of the executive personnel of institutions of education. Performance appraisal of educational workers may be regular or unscheduled. The educational worker undergoes the performance appraisal at least once every five years. 

By Order No. 805, dated September 9, 2022, the Ministry of Education and Science approved the Regulations on the Assessment of Teaching Staff, with amendments made by Order No. 1169, dated December 23, 2022. This Regulations defines that school leaders who teach subjects or perform other teaching duties are certified for each of their positions. 

4.3. Teacher assessment by school leaders

According to Article 38 of the 2020 Law оf Ukraine on Complete General Secondary Education (amended in 2024), the head of a general secondary education institution is required to support the certification and assessment of teaching staff.

Teachers undergo performance appraisals at least once every five years. the 2017 Law on Education (amended in 2024) states that the performance appraisal determines the job relevance of the educational worker, qualification categories, and pedagogical titles. Regulations about performance appraisal of educational workers are approved by the central executive authority in the area of education and science. By Order No. 805, dated September 9, 2022, the Ministry of Education and Science approved the Regulations on the Assessment of Teaching Staff. The process involves the implementation of a comprehensive assessment of the activity of a pedagogical worker, which includes providing a comprehensive review of work experience materials, studying the necessary documentation, and comparative analysis of activity results throughout the entire period from the previous certification. Directors may use classroom observations to find out what approaches teachers use, how they communicate with students, how they evaluate educational achievements, whether they use a competency-based approach and partnership pedagogy, etc. Directors may also use surveys to study the opinions of parents, students, and colleagues of the teacher being certified. Interviews and focus groups are also an option. All this is outlined in the document Alphabet for the Director, prepared by the State Service of Education Quality of Ukraine. This document contains recommendations for building an internal quality assurance system in a general secondary education institution.

According to Article 23 of the 2020 Law оf Ukraine on Complete General Secondary Education (amended in 2024), individuals without prior teaching experience who are appointed to a teaching position must undergo a pedagogical internship within their first year of employment. The Procedure for the Pedagogical Internship is approved by Order No. 1128 of the Ministry of Education and Science, dated October 25, 2021. The pedagogical internship is organized according to an order from the head of the educational institution and includes guidance and support in teaching activities from an experienced staff member acting as a mentor. Based on the decision of the head of the educational institution, an additional allocation of up to 20 percent of the mentor's salary (wage rate) is provided from the institution’s payroll fund for performing the duties of a mentor. 



This profile was reviewed by Іhor KHVOROSTIANYI and Olena KHOMENKO from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Dernière modification:

jeu 17/10/2024 - 23:19
