School Leadership

1. Terminology

2. School principals

2.1. Leadership standards and roles

2.2. Selection and working conditions

2.3. Leadership preparation and training

3. Teachers, parents and students

3.1. School management committees and boards

3.2. Middle leaders

3.3. Parents

3.4. Students

4. Governance

4.1. Autonomy of school leaders

4.2. Assessment and accountability of school leaders

4.3. Teacher assessment by school leaders


1. Terminology

The 1995 Education Law of the People’s Republic of China (amended in 2021) 中华人民共和国教育法 uses the term “校长” or xiàozhǎng. This is most commonly translated as “principal.” The officially translated 1995 Education Law of the People’s Republic of China (2009 version, not current) uses the terms “headmasters or chiefs of schools” stating, “Headmasters of schools shall be held responsible for teaching/learning activities and administration.” The official English version of the 2006 Compulsory Education Law of the People’s Republic of China uses the term “principal.”  

This profile will use the term “principal” to refer to school leaders in China. 

2. School principals

2.1. Leadership standards and roles

Competency standards and leadership frameworks and guidelines

The 1991 National Primary and Secondary School Principals’ Qualifications and Job Requirements (全国中小学校长任职条件和岗位要求(试行)) lists job competency requirements for school principals. 

 In 2013, the Ministry of Education issued the “Professional Standards for Principals of Compulsory Education Schools” (义务教育学校校长专业标准) which applies to the nine compulsory years of education (age 6-15). For upper secondary-level schools, the Ministry of Education issued in 2015 the “Professional Standards for Principals of Ordinary High Schools” (普通高中校长专业标准). Separate standards exist for principals of kindergartens and vocational schools. The "Professional Standards" are the state's basic requirements for the professional quality of qualified principals of public education schools. Educational administrative departments in all localities, relevant institutions of higher learning, and principal training institutions must implement and utilize the "Professional Standards" to strengthen the competencies of principals. The "Professional Standards" act as a code of conduct for carrying out school management. It is also used to improve the training course plan for principals and further improve the qualifications and evaluation indicators for principals. 

The 2017 Standards for the Management of Compulsory Education Schools (义务教育学校管理标准) are the basic requirements for the management of compulsory education schools and apply to all compulsory education schools in the People’s Republic of China. These standards apply to principals of all education schools.  


Setting expectations/objectives: The National Primary and Secondary School Principals’ Qualifications and Job Requirements states that job competency requirements for principals includes being able to formulate school development plans and work plans according to the relevant guidelines, policies, and regulations of the party and the state. The first listed major responsibility of principals in the Professional Standards for Principals of Compulsory Education Schools and the Professional Standards for Principals of Ordinary High Schools focus on planning the school’s development. Principals use their knowledge of the current development situation of the school; strategic planning; national laws and regulations; trends in school reform; theories, methods and techniques for the formulation, implementation and evaluation of the school development plans. The principal organizes the community, parents, teachers, and students to participate in the formulation of the school development plans and establish the school’s medium- and long-term development goals. The principal is then in charge of implementing the school development plan, formulating work plans for the school year and semester, and guiding faculty and staff to formulate specific action plans. They also monitor the implementation and revise the school development plan, work plans, or action plans, according to the situation. 

Developing teaching and learning: Principals are responsible for leading and organizing teaching work, according to the National Primary and Secondary School Principals’ Qualifications and Job Requirements. The Professional Standards for Principals of Compulsory Education Schools states that principals must be education-oriented. Meaning, that principals should work to improve the quality of education, support disadvantaged groups, and promote equal access to education. They may apply advanced educational concepts and management concepts, integrating educational management theory with school management practice. Principals must be experts on the curriculum and effectively coordinate national, local, and school-level curricula. They provide students with rich and diverse curriculum teaching resources. Furthermore, principals should work to reduce the excessive academic burden and ensure that students receive physical education, music, art, and other curricular. The Professional Standards for Principals of Ordinary High Schools has similar standards, adding that principals should also be familiar with the compulsory school curriculum policies as well as the high school ones. Finally, the 2017 Standards for the Management of Compulsory Education Schools calls for the establishment of a scientific and rational evaluation system to improve the quality of education and teaching. Lastly, principals’ should seek to develop their digital literacy and capabilities in order to lead the transformation and innovation of teaching and learning in the context of digital transformation. 

Promoting collaboration: Principals should coordinate the relationships between all parties inside and outside the school. They should work together with parents and recognize the positive role they and society play in the success of the school. According to the Professional Standards for Principals of Compulsory Education Schools, positive interaction between schools, families, and society (community) is an important reflection of the level of school running. Principals should adhere to the principle of win-win cooperation as the school's external relations, and actively carry out cooperation and exchanges inside and outside the school. The principal should serve the community, be familiar with it, and strive to gain their support for the school. The Professional Standards for Principals of Ordinary High Schools also asks principals to support student unions, student associations, and class groups. Additionally, the 2017 Standards for the Management of Compulsory Education Schools asks school leadership to introduce social and stakeholder supervision, strengthen the connection between schools and communities, and promote the participation of community representatives in school governance. Principals must additionally work together with universities through initiatives such as the construction of ideological and political courses and the cultivation of top innovative talents. 

Supporting staff development: Principals work to establish and improve the teaching management system, correctly guiding teachers to carry out teaching activities and improve their professional level and quality of teaching. As the leader of school reform and development, the principal is responsible for leading the development and growth of the teachers. According to the Professional Standards for Principals of Compulsory Education Schools and the Professional Standards for Principals of Ordinary High Schools, the principal is the first person responsible for teachers’ professional development. The principal pays attention to the development of each teacher, guides teachers to formulate professional development plans based on their own development characteristics, strengthens the training of young teachers, supports teacher rotation exchanges, and promotes the application of information technology in teachers’ professional development. Principals are expected to master the theory of teacher professional development and implement methods to guide teachers to carry out educational teaching practice and research. For every five-year cycle, principals are expected to implement no less than 360 hours of training per teacher.  

Acting in accordance with the ethical principles of the profession: All Primary and Secondary teachers must follow the Ministry of Education’s Code of Professional Ethics for Primary and Secondary School Teachers (中小学教师职业道德规范), updated in 2008. There are six articles: 1) patriotism and law-abiding; 2) love and dedication to their work; 3) care for students; 4) teaching and educating people; 5) be a noble teacher who knows honor and shame, be strict with oneself, and lead by example. Teachers should care for the collective, and give respect for the people they work with. Teachers should resist paid tutoring and not use their positions for personal gain. Finally, 6) lifelong learning, teachers should advocate for the spirit of learning and constantly improve their professional quality. The Professional Standards for Principals of Compulsory Education Schools and the Professional Standards for Principals of Ordinary High Schools also ask principals to have a sense of social responsibility and mission, fulfill professional ethics, cultivate moral integrity, be a role model, be fair and honest, care for teachers and students, and respect the personality of teachers and students. In 2013, the Ministry of Education (MOE) issued the Opinions on Establishing and Improving a Long-term Mechanism for the Construction of Teacher Ethics in Primary and Secondary Schools which helps guide principals in facilitating the ethical development of teachers and enhancing the quality of education. 

Others: Part of the Professional Standards for Principals of Compulsory Education Schools calls for principals to “Green and beautify the campus environment.” Principals also are asked to prevent the negative impact of bad popular culture, internet culture, and bad culture within the school environment. Though principals are not required to teach, they must stay up-to-date on the general principles and methods of classroom teaching and educational information technology applications. According to the notice "Circular on Opinions Concerning Strengthening the Construction of the National Primary and Secondary School Principals Team” (Implementation Trial) (关于加强全国中小学校长队伍建设的意见(试行)), principals of primary and secondary schools should generally take on a certain amount of teaching work.  

2.2. Selection and working conditions

Degree requirements and prior teaching experience

New principals must obtain a “Certificate of Qualification Training” either prior to the start of the position or within the first year from the date of appointment. The National Primary and Secondary School Principals’ Qualifications and Job Requirements lists the basic requirements for a principal to hold office. Primary school principals should have a junior college diploma. Secondary school principals should have at least a bachelor’s degree. All principals should hold teaching positions at the secondary school level and primary school senior level or above. They also must have considerable years of experience in education and receive consistent in-service training. Other qualities that principals should have include basic political literacy, organizational and management skills, and care for students. 

Appointment decision

The 2006 Compulsory Education Law of the People’s Republic of China (amended in 2018) states that “Principals shall be appointed according to law by the administrative departments for education of the people’s governments at the county level.” According to the notice "Circular on Strengthening the Construction of the National Primary and Secondary School Principals Team,” the appointment and dismissal of principals generally go through the following steps: 1) The Educational Administration Department (教育行政部门) and the Organizational Human Resources Department (组织人事部门), through certain democratic procedures, propose the candidates for appointment or dismissal based on the principal’s qualifications, in combination with consideration for the actual local situation. Then (2) the Educational Administration Department and the Organizational Human Resources Department will conduct an inspection where they will listen to the opinions of the masses, such as teachers, parents, and community members. Based on this inspection, the departments will nominate a candidate. Finally, (3) the candidate is reviewed and approved in accordance with the local regulations. Principals should be appointed from a reserve of candidates who are highly qualified to take the position. The 2017 “Interim Measures for the Management of Leaders of Primary and Secondary Schools” states that the selection of primary and secondary school leaders is generally carried out by means such as internal selection, external selection, competition (hiring), and open selection (hiring). Those who are promoted to the position of president or vice president shall be subject to a probationary period system, and the probationary period is generally one year. 

Employment equity measures

The 2017 “Interim Measures for the Management of Leaders of Primary and Secondary Schools” states that “outstanding teachers in rural areas, remote impoverished areas, and ethnic minority areas may be directly promoted to primary and secondary school leadership positions, and their qualifications may be appropriately relaxed on the basis of actual conditions”. The circular also aims to develop national-level training program for principals, focusing on cultivating leaders in rural areas, especially in remote and impoverished areas, who will implement quality education and promote the reform and development of basic education. Article 27 of the 2017 Interim Measures for the Management of Leadership in Primary and Secondary Schools (中小学校领导管理暂行办法) states that the exchange system for leadership personnel should be improved, and leaders of urban schools and high-quality schools should be encouraged and guided to serve in rural schools and weak schools, and to systematically select leaders from rural schools and weak schools to serve in urban schools and high-quality schools for training, or to attend principal training and practice bases for on-the-job learning. In 2014, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security jointly issued the Opinions on Promoting the Exchange and Rotation of Principals and Teachers in Compulsory Education Schools in Counties (Districts) (关于推进县(区)域内义务教育学校校长教师交流轮岗的意见), which states that the scope of personnel for principal exchange and rotation includes principals and deputy principals of public schools in the compulsory education stage. After serving two consecutive terms in the same school, the principal and vice principal should, in principle, exchange ideas. The duration of each exchange shall be determined by the competent department in accordance with the management authority of the principal. The continuous tenure of principals and vice principals in rural schools and weak schools can be extended according to work needs. 

Working conditions

Article 34 of the 1995 Education Law of the People’s Republic of China (amended in 2021) states that the state protects the lawful rights and interests of teachers, improves teachers’ working and living conditions, and raises teachers’ social status. The 1993 Teacher’s Law of the People’s Republic of China (中华人民共和国教师法) sets the rights of teachers including the right to receive wages and remuneration on time, enjoy the benefits provided by the state, and take paid leave during the winter and summer vacations. The 2017 “Interim Measures for the Management of Leaders of Primary and Secondary Schools” states that the term of office of principals and vice-principals is generally three to six years. Leaders generally do not serve in the same position for more than 12 consecutive years. The circular also aims to improve the methods for the distribution of income among leaders, ensure and implement wages and benefits in accordance with relevant state provisions, and pay attention to giving play to the incentive role of performance-based wages. In areas where the principal rank system is implemented, corresponding income distribution methods may be explored on the basis of actual conditions. When school leaders have outstanding performance or made notable achievements or contributions in areas such as performing school management duties, undertaking special and important work, or responding to school emergencies, they are to be given commendations and awards in accordance with relevant provisions. 

2.3. Leadership preparation and training

Pre-service training

The 1999 Regulations on the Training of Principals of Primary and Secondary Schools (中小学校长培训规定) (amended in 2010) apply to the training of full-time principals of ordinary primary and secondary schools organized by the state and social forces. Participation in the training is a right and obligation for school principals. Its contents include political theory, ideological and moral cultivation, educational policies and regulations, modern educational theory and practice, school management theory and practice, modern educational technology, modern science and technology, and humanities and social sciences knowledge. The governments of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities are in charge of the training of principals in their respective regions. Training is to be rotated every five years to form a principal training system. Relevant institutions of higher learning and principal training and training institutions should use the Professional Standards for Principals of Compulsory Education Schools as the main basis for the training and training of principals of compulsory education schools while also taking the 2017 Standards for the Management of Compulsory Education Schools into consideration. Institutions should adjust the training course plan, compile training materials, and improve the professional development of principals in accordance with the standards. The 2017 “Interim Measures for the Management of Leaders of Primary and Secondary Schools” aims to strengthen education and training for primary and secondary school leaders, focusing on strengthening training in areas such as political theory, core socialist values, education policies and regulations, educational management theory and practice, and humanities and social sciences. Furthermore, the ministry seeks to carry out targeted training on job qualifications, improvement, advanced research, and special training depending on different targets, and strives to improve political quality, management capacity, and the professional levels of school leaders. The 2013 Opinions of the Ministry of Education on Further Strengthening the Training of Primary and Secondary School Principals (教育部关于进一步加强中小学校长培训工作的意见) stipulate that job qualification training should be carried out, and newly appointed or proposed principals must participate in no less than 300 hours of job qualification training.

Induction and in-service training

According to the 1995 Education Law of the People’s Republic of China (amended in 2021), employees have the right and duty to receive vocational training and continuous education. The 2006 Compulsory Education Law of the People’s Republic of China (amended in 2018) states that administrative departments for education of the people’s governments at the county level is responsible for arranging training for principals. Article 5 of the 1999 Regulations on the training of principals of primary and secondary schools states that every five years in-service principals are required to receive the number of hours of improvement training prescribed by the state and obtain a “certificate of qualification for improvement training” as a prerequisite for continuing their tenure. The training for in-service principals is mainly to learn new knowledge, master new skills, improve management ability, and research and exchange experience in running a school. The principal must participate in at least 240 hours of training every five years. Principals may also qualify for advanced training. Principals should regard the Professional Standards for Principals of Compulsory Education Schools as the basic criterion for their own professional development. They are expected to develop a self-professional development plan, actively conduct self-evaluation, and actively participate in principal training and independent training. Principals continuously improve their level of professional development and strive to become a leader and expert in education, teaching, and school management. The 2013 Opinions of the Ministry of Education on Further Strengthening the Training of Primary and Secondary School Principals stipulate that systematic training, advanced training, and specialized training should be conducted for all primary and secondary school principals, which includes a training system for all incumbent principals with a minimum of 360 class hours per 5-year cycle. The national training program for primary and secondary school principals has been launched since 2014. 

3. Teachers, parents and students

3.1. School management committees and boards

Article 40 of the 1996 Regulations  of the Primary School Management (amended in 2010) (小学管理规程) states that if a primary school is large in scale, a school affairs committee convened by the principal and attended by department heads may be established to study and decide on major school matters. 

Article 31 of the 1995 Education Law of the People’s Republic of China (amended in 2021) states that “Schools and other educational institutions shall guarantee the participation of teachers and staffs in democratic management and supervision through the organic form such as the teachers and staffs congress mainly consisting of teachers in accordance with relevant provisions of the state.” 

Private schools do have school councils who serve as the decision-making bodies of the school, according to the Regulations for the Implementation of the Private Education Promotion Law of the People's Republic of China (中华人民共和国民办教育促进法实施条例). These school councils are comprised of the principal, party leaders, faculty representatives, and members of the public. Public schools in several areas such as Beijing and Chengdu have trialed the school council system. Members of these councils include a member from the educational administrative department, two from school management, two teacher representatives, and included parent and community representatives. The trialed school councils took over many of the responsibilities traditionally taken by the principal such as the formulation and revision of the school’s charter and development planning. The council was also responsible for the selection of the principal, who would still be appointed by the education administrative department. However, this system has not been nationalized. Rather, it is the school principal and vice principals who make up the main leadership team. The principal is expected to cooperate with the community, parents, teachers, and students in the formulation of the school development plans. 

3.2. Middle leaders

Article 31 of the 1996 Regulations  of the Primary School Management (amended in 2010) states that primary schools may establish principals, vice principals, directors, teachers, and other personnel according to their staffing. Article 39 states that primary schools may establish institutions or personnel in charge of academic affairs, general affairs, and other related work within their scale to assist the principal in carrying out relevant work (larger schools may also establish grade groups), and their specific responsibilities shall be formulated by the school, of  whom the middle leaders are composed. The experience of serving as a middle leader in primary and secondary schools is very valuable, as the Article 6 of the 2017 Interim Measures for the Management of Leadership in Primary and Secondary Schools states that those who are promoted to the position of school principal should generally have at least two years of experience in the position of deputy principal in the school or at least three years of experience in middle-level management work in the school. 

The 2009 Regulations on the Work of Primary and Secondary School Head Teachers (中小学班主任工作规定) state that head teachers are important positions in primary and secondary schools, and engaging in head teacher work is an important responsibility of primary and secondary school teachers. The head teacher is selected by the school from the class teachers. The employment period is determined by the school, and serving as the head teacher for a class should generally last for more than one academic year. The responsibilities of a head teacher include: comprehensively understanding every student in the class, conducting in-depth analysis of their thoughts, psychology, learning, and living conditions; seriously managing the daily work of the class and maintain good order in the class; guiding the work of the class committee, youth league, and team; organizing the comprehensive quality evaluation of students; regularly communicating with teachers and other faculty members, proactively connect with students' parents and communities. 

There are 13 categories of teacher positions which have been unified according to the Guiding Opinions on Deepening the Reform of the Professional Title System for Primary and Secondary School Teachers (关于深化中小学教师职称制度改革的指导意见) developed by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the Ministry of Education. At the top are full senior-level teachers (正高级教师) who correspond to the professional and technical post grades 1-4. Next are senior-level teachers (高级教师) who correspond to grades 5-7. Next are Level 1 teachers, which correspond to grades 8-10; then Level 2, corresponding to grades 11-12; and finally Level 3, which corresponds to grade 13.  

Full senior-level teachers (正高级教师) are expected to have been teaching for a long time. They have an in-depth and systemic mastery of the curriculum, allowing them to preside over and guide education and teaching research, and make creative achievements in educational thinking, curriculum reform, teaching methods, etc. They also contribute to the guidance and training of first, second, and third level teachers. They should have a bachelor's degree or above and have taught in a senior teacher position for more than 5 years 

Senior-level teachers (高级教师) have a solid theoretical foundation, professional knowledge and professional skills in the teaching subject, rich teaching experience, and remarkable teaching performance. They ability to guide and carry out education and teaching research, have achieved remarkable results in curriculum reform and teaching methods, and have made outstanding achievements in the innovative practice of quality education. Senior-level teachers are competent as leaders in education and training and have worked in guiding and training second and third-level teachers. To meet the qualifications, candidates must either have a doctorate with over 2 years of teaching in a first-class teaching position, a master's degree with over 5 years of teaching in a first-class teaching position, or a bachelor's degree with over 5 years of teaching in primary and junior high schools. Additionally, urban primary and secondary school teachers are required to have at least one year of teaching experience in weak or rural schools. 

3.3. Parents

Article 55 of the 1996 Regulations  of the Primary School Management (amended in 2010) states that primary schools can establish parent committees to understand the school's work, help the school solve difficulties encountered in education, and focus on reflecting the opinions and suggestions of students' parents. The parent committee works under the guidance of the principal. 

The 1995 Education Law of the People’s Republic of China (amended in 2021) calls for parents or other guardians of minors to coordinate with schools and other institutions of education for the educating of their minor children. The Ministry of Education has published Guiding Opinions on the Establishment of Parent Committees in Primary and Secondary Schools and Kindergartens (教育部关于建立中小学幼儿园 
家长委员会的指导意见) in 2012. According to this document, the establishment of parents' committees is critical for giving parents a role to play, promoting home-school cooperation, optimizing the educational environment, and building a modern school system. The government recognizes that it is necessary to respect the wishes of parents, fully listen to their opinions, and mobilize their enthusiasm and creativity. Parent committees should be established in all primary and secondary schools. The school organizes parents to form a Parent Committee based on democratic procedures, in accordance with the principles of fairness, impartiality, and openness, and on a voluntary basis, to elect parents of students who can represent the wishes of all parents. Special attention should be paid to selecting the leader of the Parent Committee. The basic responsibilities of the Parent Committee include: participating in school management by providing suggestions on the school work plan, supervising and helping the school to improve its work’ participating in education by providing educational resources and volunteer services; and communicating with the school and family. Parents' committees should focus on the prominent problems of school education and family education, focus on moral education, ensure the safety and health of students, promote the reduction of primary and secondary school students' homework burdens, and resolve conflicts between home and school. 

Article 5 of the 2020 Disciplinary Rules for Primary and Secondary School Education (Trial) (中小学教育惩戒规则) states that the discipline of primary and secondary schools should be submitted to the parent committee for discussion. 

3.4. Students

The Professional Standards for Principals of Compulsory Education Schools and the 2017 Standards for the Management of Compulsory Education Schools ask principals to provide the necessary conditions for the activities of the Communist Youth League, Young Pioneers, student associations, and class groups. Student Unions are also mentioned in the Ministry of Education’s "Guidelines for Moral Education in Primary and Secondary Schools." According to these guidelines, Schools should formulate a class democratic management system, and form a class management model for students' self-education and democratic management. They should also strengthen the guidance and management of student union organizations and student associations. 

Article 45, Paragraph 2 of the 2021 Regulations on the Protection of Minors in Schools (未成年人学校保护规定) states that schools should leverage the role of student organizations such as student unions, youth representative associations, and the Communist Youth League to guide and support students' participation in the protection of their rights and interests. For minor student disputes or other situations that infringe on students' rights and interests, student representatives can be arranged to participate in mediation. 

The Ministry of Education has put forth regulations and opinions on the creation of student unions at the higher education level.  

4. Governance

4.1. Autonomy of school leaders

Article 8 of the 1996 Regulations of the Primary School Management (amended in 2010) states that primary schools implement a principal responsibility system, and the principal is fully responsible for the school's administrative work. Rural areas may implement a central primary school principal responsibility system depending on the situation. Article 28 of the 1995 Education Law of the People's Republic of China (amended in 2021) states that schools have the right to independently manage in accordance with their articles of association. Article 30 states that the teaching and other administrative management of the school shall be the responsibility of the principal. The 2022 Opinions on Establishing a Principal Responsibility System under the Leadership of CPC Organization in Primary and Secondary Schools (Trial) state that the principal, under the leadership of the school Party organization, exercises his/her powers in accordance with laws and regulations, and is fully responsible for the education, teaching, and administrative management of the school in accordance with relevant resolutions of the school Party organization. 

According to the Professional Standards for Principals of Compulsory Education Schools, principals must promote the development and implementation of school-based curriculum. The notice put forth by the Organizational Department of the CPC Central Committee and the State Education Commission on the "Circular on Strengthening the Construction of the National Primary and Secondary School Principals Team,” states that principals participate in the evaluation and appointment of teachers for corresponding professional and technical positions. When evaluating teachers for professional and technical positions, the principal's achievements in school management should be taken into account. Fund management is also the responsibility of the school principal. The 2017 Standards for the Management of Compulsory Education Schools states that school management is responsible for establishing a curriculum suitable for student development. Article 6 of the Financial System for Primary and Secondary Schools (amended in 2022) states, “The principal is responsible for the financial management of the school relevant laws and regulations under the leadership of the CPC organization of the school.” 

4.2. Assessment and accountability of school leaders

According to the notice "Circular on Opinions Concerning Strengthening the Construction of the National Primary and Secondary School Principals Team” (Implementation Trial), the principal's morality, ability, diligence and performance are comprehensively assessed. The department in charge of the principal, with the coordination of the educational supervision agency, combines the evaluation of the school's work, regularly evaluates the principal, and gradually improve the evaluation system. After evaluation, only those who are competent for the work of school leadership and who continue to make achievements can continue to serve as principals. All localities are expected to adopt various forms to commend and reward well-performing principals. At the national level, the State Education Commission may reward the title of “National Excellent Principal” as well as other medals and certificates to highlight principals who have made outstanding contributions. The 2017 “Interim Measures for the Management of Leaders of Primary and Secondary Schools” states that leadership groups and leaders of primary and secondary schools shall be evaluated annually and during their tenure. Evaluations and evaluations shall be based on tenure goals, based on routine management, emphasizing actual work performance and social benefits, and with attention to linking up with the comprehensive evaluation of the quality of primary and secondary education, and preventing the tendency to evaluate leaders solely on the basis of students' academic test scores and school admission rates. The evaluation grades of the annual evaluation and tenure evaluation of leaders are divided into excellent, qualified, basically qualified, and unqualified. The results of evaluations are used as an important basis for the selection and appointment of leaders, training and education, management and oversight, incentives and restraints, and so forth. 

The 2021 Guidelines for Quality Evaluation of Compulsory Education (义务教育质量评价指南) states that in principle, a round of compulsory education quality evaluation should be conducted every 3-5 years to ensure that at least one evaluation is conducted during the principal's term of office. The results of the school's quality evaluation serve as an important basis for assessing the principal. The 2021 Guidelines for Quality Evaluation of High Schools (普通高中学校办学质量评价指南) also made similar provisions. 

The 2022 Opinions on Establishing a Principal Responsibility System under the Leadership of CPC Organization in Primary and Secondary Schools (Trial) state that principles shall report the implementation of major resolutions to the school party organizations and report their work to the faculty congress (faculty representative congress). 

4.3. Teacher assessment by school leaders

The Professional Standards for Principals of Compulsory Education Schools and the Professional Standards for Principals of Ordinary High Schools both state that principals are expected to establish a lecture listening and evaluation system to provide guidance to teachers on their classroom teaching. According to the "Circular on Strengthening the Construction of the National Primary and Secondary School Principals Team,” while doing a good job in school management, principals of primary and secondary schools should participate in the evaluation and appointment of teachers for corresponding professional and technical positions. 

Article 36 of the 1996 Regulations  of the Primary School Management (amended in 2010) states that outstanding teachers who conscientiously fulfill their duties should be rewarded. The 2022 Opinions on Establishing a Principal Responsibility System under the Leadership of CPC Organization in Primary and Secondary Schools (Trial) (关于建立中小学校党组织领导的校长负责制的意见) state that principals, under the leadership of school Party organizations, have the right to enter into, terminate or terminate employment contracts with teachers and other internal staff in accordance with relevant regulations. 


This profile was reviewed by Shengnan Liu and Dr. Zhao Xuan with the support of the National Commission of People's Republic of China for UNESCO. An additional review was conducted by Professor Junjun Chen. 

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jeu 17/10/2024 - 15:17
