School leadership

1. Terminology

2. School principals

2.1. Leadership standards and roles

2.2. Selection and working conditions

2.3. Leadership preparation and training

3. Teachers, parents and students

3.1. School management committees and boards

3.2. Middle leaders

3.3. Parents

3.4. Students

4. Governance

4.1. Autonomy of school leaders

4.2. Assessment and accountability of school leaders

4.3. Teacher assessment by school leaders


1. Terminology

The 2017 Education Law No.8 designates the school as an administrative unit that is led by a principal. The principal plays a central role in overseeing the administration of the school and is assisted by competent staff. The selection of staff is based on the organizational structure of the school and professional standards (art.24). 

The 2017 Trainee Guide: Preparing the New Principal published by the National Institute for Educational Training states that the Ministry of Education in the State of Palestine emphasizes the necessity of changing the role of the school principal from the traditional framework to a new futuristic framework. The school principal is an educational leader who adopts strategic plans in light of a future scientific vision, a social leader who is aware of the role of the school in society and participates with teachers and parents in improving the process, and a leader with a scientific vision through which they can invest the energies of the school community. To perform these roles, the school principal must possess the appropriate leadership and administrative skills, which makes the Ministry move toward developing standards. 

The guide draws evident distinctions between a traditional school principal and a future school principal. In the conventional setting, the principal's role revolves around administrative tasks and maintaining order through vertical relationships with teachers. Contrastingly, the future school principal emerges as an educational leader, actively shaping the school's vision, setting ambitious goals, and promoting teamwork through horizontal relationships with teachers. This transformative role encompasses being a senior teacher, visionary planner, work team leader, and resident supervisor. Unlike the traditional emphasis on compliance, the future principal prioritizes professional development for staff, adopts a participative leadership style, and embodies qualities such as adaptability, a commitment to development, and a fair problem-solving approach. The future school principal aspires to create a positive and inclusive school environment, serving as a role model for colleagues and fostering continuous improvement within the educational community. 


2. School principals

2.1. Leadership standards and roles

Competency standards and leadership frameworks and guidelines

The 2017 Trainee Guide: Professional Ethics and Professional Standards for the School Principal published by the National Institute for Educational Training: the training guide concentrate first, on the professional ethics (Ethical leadership: implementing and the challenges of the implementing, and how to enhance the professional ethics), second on the Traits of a successful school principal, third, the Professional standards for school principals which given as a handout presented the  three core areas, with the first focusing on “Leading the teaching and learning Process." In this domain,  the principal is expected to possess in-depth (a) Professional knowledge encompassing national professional standards for teachers, the philosophy of the Palestinian curriculum, learning theories, effective evaluation methods, and educational planning concepts. (b) Professional skills and practices encompassing the achievement of the (Palestinian) curriculum philosophy and objectives, school staff professional development, principal technical and supervisory tasks, programs and projects implementing, using data to develop the teaching and learning process. (c) Professional attitudes, encompassing right to the education, levels of achievement.  

The second area, "Managing the School as an Educational Institution" (a) Professional ", emphasizes professional knowledge encompassing  the administrative and technical structure of the education system, legal responsibility and accountability concepts, financial project management, educational leadership theories, and the application of educational techniques and information technology. (b) the professional skills and practices within this category include creating a conducive learning environment, involving relevant stakeholders in decision-making, working towards the school's vision, and utilizing modern technology for administrative efficiency. (c) Professional attitudes, encompassing evaluation of the technical and administrative practices, and appreciation of the outstanding creative works. 

The third area, "Activating the Relationship with the Local Community and External Relations," (a) Professional knowledge encompassing the importance of understanding community settings, resources, and communication strategies. (b) Professional skills in this context involve building participatory programs and relationships with the local community, fostering shared responsibility between the school and the community in supporting learning, and a commitment to highlighting Palestinian national character and identity. (c) Professional attitudes, highlighting the national character and Palestinian identity, integrating roles between stakeholders inside and outside the school  

Collectively, these standards and criteria reflect a holistic approach to school leadership, encompassing not only administrative and technical proficiency but also a deep engagement with educational philosophy, community relations, and the broader national context. The framework seeks to cultivate principals who are not only knowledgeable but also skilled practitioners and forward-thinking leaders committed to the continuous improvement of the educational process.  

The 2017 Trainee Guide : Leadership in the Process of Teaching and Learning,  the training guide concentrate on the supervision role of the school principal and how to implement the classroom visit, and to use this observation in assessing the performance of the teacher and in supporting students and teachers. This training guide refers to the 2014 Professional Standards for School Principals publication by The Commission for Developing the Teaching Profession (CDTP), . The book includedincludes 29 standards in the three areas and the procedures that help the principal achieve the standard and verification sources. 

The 2018 Performance Scale for School Principals' Competencies includesstates that the competency indicators are for the principal to self-evaluate, to improve his leadership practices as part of self-development to become a principal, an inspiring leader for his school community and to reach the school. It mentions the tool's role in self-assessment, goal setting, and continuous improvement. The focus is on how principals can use this tool to enhance their leadership abilities, align with educational standards, and contribute to school development. In this document they indicate that this tool can be used for accountability by those responsible for evaluating the school principal, in addition to its use in self-evaluation. Also it could be used in assessing and identifying training needs in order to build capacity building programs for the school principal  in light of them. 

For each leadership competency in this  tool (Rubric), there is a set of indicators, and each indicator has four levels of performance. At eachEach level, a is characterized by a distinguished set of behaviors and practices appears that describes this level and distinguishes it from the level before it. In order for the.  A manager to evaluate himself and know what level of competency they are at, they must studydemonstrate all the behaviors at the level. If all of these behaviors are present, then they are in it. If they are not present or do not practice one or more of the behaviors or practices, then they remain at the previous level until they develop their behavior or practices the higher a level to advance to that level. 


Setting expectations/objectives: The 2018 Leadership Competencies of the School Principal published by the National Institute for Educational Training states that the school principal defines the vision and mission and develops strategic plans to achieve that vision, and engageswhile engaging parents in that process, as an example of the accepted performance in one area 

The 2018 Performance Scale for School Principals' Competencies mentions that the principal leads the process of building a clear and specific vision In light of high performance indicators, and involves all employees, students, parents, the community and educational institutions in preparing it, and plansthe preparation. Additionally, they plan with the school and local community to overcome difficulties and obtain the greatest support from the directorate and officials for that vision and mission.  

The principal involves all employees in building an applicable plan based on documented information related to the development of facilities, teaching and learning, especially student-centered learning, and roles and responsibilities are defined according to abilities, specialization and desire. The principal also involves most parents in constructing an applicable plan based on documented information from the following self-evaluation and related to the development of the school itself in student-centered learning. they inform everyone of it through various means, and roles and responsibilities are defined in it. 

The principal works with employees and parents to create a comprehensive plan for school development, focusing on student-centered learning. The plan outlines roles, responsibilities, and goals based on documented information. 

Developing teaching and learning: The 2017 Trainee Guide : Leadership in the Process of Teaching and Learning this trainer guide contains four fields: fields of supporting teachers by principals, school principal as resident supervisor, following exams, and assessing teachers performance using class visit approach. About supporting teachers and students it mentions that the principal promotes and nurtures academic excellence by establishing high standards for student performance in all subjects, which are communicated to teachers, students, and parents. These standards include advanced thinking abilities such as critical thinking and problem-solving. The principal works diligently to achieve academic excellence in the school, appreciates outstanding students, and disseminates their achievements through various media to inspire others. The principal provides learning resources, including libraries, teaching aids, laboratories, tools, computers, references, and supports teachers with raw materials for developing curriculum-supporting materials. 

About the principal fulfills the role of a resident supervisor, focusing on the quality of student performance. This involves monitoring the timely implementation of exams, ensuring their quality and focusfocusing on higher levels of creative thinking and problem-solving. The principal observes teachers in classrooms, ensures the proper execution of their duties, and how to document observations in educational supervision forms for the teachers. 

 About following exams it mentions that school principals analyses the results of exams (it is not his role but the mention to this in the document), building plans based on the results of the students, monitors students' results, communicates regularly with teachers and parents, and has educational plans to address academic weaknesses.   

About assessing teachers’ performance, it mentions how principals used the classroom visit to assess the performance of teachers, filling the observation forms, discussing teachers about the observed issues, identify the weakness and strengthen performances, and writing the recommendations, which followed by him and by the directorate supervisors.   

The principal is also committed to the development of students' personalities, involving teachers and engaging parents and students in activities aimed at building and enhancing students' characters. Personal growth is considered part of the overall student performance assessment, and the director encourages leadership qualities among students, assigning responsibilities that align with their capabilities. Students are encouraged to engage in dialogue, discussions, decision-making, and collaborative work for the common good. 

Promoting collaboration: The 2017 Trainee Guide : Leadership in the Process of Teaching and Learning states that the principal adopts collaborative mechanisms to identify teachers' training needs. This involves collaboration with supervisors to identify teacher needs, conducting studies or seeking the assistance of researchers to identify these needs, holding discussion sessions with teachers to understand and address their needs, and determining priorities for participation in training courses. It alsoFurthermore, it highlights that the principal provides seminars, exchange visits with other schools, and scientific clubs. There are no directly section regarding the Promoting Collaboration in the  2017 Trainee Guide : Leadership in the Process of Teaching and Learning, because this trainee guide concentrate on the component of leading the teaching and learning process)   

The 2018 Leadership Competencies of the School Principal emphasizes various aspects related to the principal’s relationships with the staff and effective interaction within the school community. It underscores the importance of effective communication and the promotion of ethical standards within the school context, including fostering tolerance and impartiality in dealing with others. It also highlights the school principal's role in supporting and enhancing teamwork and contributing to the creation of a positive educational environment. It stresses the significance of the school principal's engagement with the school team and fair treatment without bias. Additionally, it mentions the involvement of school principals in addressing educational issues and challenges with an open-minded and just approach, contributing to the improvement of the overall quality of education. 

The 2018 Performance Scale for School Principals' Competencies mentions that a school principal has a clear declared policy for dealing with the school community and applies it to everyone regularly and without selectivity. They are keen to participate effectively in social events of legal persons in the school community and participate in many committees work in the school. 

they maintain files for external relations, and participates in many meetings and events, carries out consultative meetings with the local community and parents on issues of interest to the school, documents them, informs them of administrative and financial issues in the school with high transparency, and supports the exchange of experiences between the students of his school and other schools, clubs and community institutions facilitate this, and the school has an electronic page for communication and media. 

Supporting staff development: The 2017 Trainee Guide : Leadership in the Process of Teaching and Learning states that the principal implement 2017 Trainee Guide : Leadership in the Process of Teaching and Learning is various supervisory activities to fulfill this responsibility. This involves conducting individual and group meetings, classroom observations, and facilitating discussions to address educational challenges collaboratively. Participation in workshops aids in identifying teachers' needs, leading to the development of comprehensive training plans. The principal maintains records of teachers requiring additional support, and their hands-on approach includes classroom visits, one-onto-one meetings, and collaborative discussions on teaching methods “the. “The principal serves as a resident supervisor, focusing on the development and support of teachers, nurturing their skills”. This holistic approach fosters a supportive environment for teachers, ensuring ongoing growth and improvement in their professional capacities. 

The 2018 Performance Scale for School Principals' Competencies highlights that the school principal is actively involved in supporting the professional development of teachers. This includes making regular visits to classrooms for feedback and support, directing teachers to relevant training courses, and facilitating their enrollment. The principal engages in scientific research to monitor teacher performance and encourages self-reflection. Monitoring the application of learned concepts in the classroom is a priority, with records kept of courses and their expected impacts. After courses, the principal conducts discussion sessions with teachers to identify their needs and maintains communication with course providers. The principal suggests complementary courses and activities based on identified needs and collaborates with teachers on studies assessing the impact of training.  

Acting in accordance with the ethical principles of the profession: The 2018 Performance Scale for School Principals' Competencies states that a school principal must lead decision-making and decision-making processes on legal and ethical foundations and principles. They adhere to the ethics of the teaching profession in their practices, and their behavior reflects the ethics of the teaching profession and its societal obligations. They support the values and ethics of tolerance and flexible dealing in the school and provide a model for exercising his roles in accordance with the ethics of the teaching profession and its societal obligations. 

The principal shows respect and appreciation for members of the school community. They praise the efforts of those who carry out the r 2017 Trainee Guide : Leadership in the Process of Teaching and Learning equired tasks and creates the appropriate atmosphere for them to be able to fully carry out their work and documents this in files. In addition to that, they are to raise their morale to achieve psychological satisfaction and double productivity and supports friendly relations between members of the school community to help them achieve their work. 

Others: The 2018 Performance Scale for School Principals' Competencies mentions that the principal not only possesses a deep understanding of learning theories but also actively guides teachers in their application both inside and outside the classroom. theyThey prioritize familiarity with textbook content and strivesstrive to empower teachers to align teaching and evaluation strategies with the curriculum. The principal initiates working days, seminars, and workshops within the school, facilitating opportunities for staff to engage in training activities. Encouraging the exchange of experiences with neighboring schools, the principal also promotes participation in institutes and universities. They actively seek collaborations with educational institutions to enhance professional development programs for employees, fostering a culture of shared experiences and continuous improvement in support of student learning. 

2.2. Selection and working conditions

Degree requirements and prior teaching experience

The 2017 Education Law No.8 states that the school principal, vice principal, and educational supervisor are selected based on their educational experiences and the necessary qualifications (art.25).  

Applicants for educational positions (academic and professional) are selected based on their bachelor's degree specialization or diploma, as indicated in the 2023/2024 Approved List of Specializations. Post-bachelor's qualifications are considered for ranking purposes in the record if accepted. Applicants must hold an academic qualification in the field of specialization they wish to apply for, and it is preferable for them to have an educational qualification in addition to their specialization. 

Appointment decision

The 2022-2023 Examination for the Position of School Principal news article indicates that applicants go through an examination procedure “examination was conducted in cooperation with the General Personnel Council with the aim of supplying the educational field with new school principals, pointing out that the Ministry attaches special importance to the school principal in terms of selecting competencies to fill this vital position”. (this web present the news of the examination on GAZA only but not in west bank, the examination was hold for all teacher meet the criteria of school principal position (educational experiences, and has teacher qualification certificate, are attended this examination in GAZA and West bank, fro 2022, after that for those who pass the exam an interview implemented to rank the applicants).

Employment equity measures

The 2017-2022 Education Sector Strategic Plan aims at increasing the number of qualified principals (males and females) at public basic and secondary schools and Upholding efficiency of female teachers, supervisors and principals (continuing education) at private and public preschools on an annual basis. The 2000 Palestinian Labor Law No.7 prohibits discrimination between males and females (art.100). 

Working conditions

Art. 25, and art 51 in the 2005 amendment of the Civil Service law (4)  demonstrates job categories and salary scale for all levels but does not refer to which category school principals belong. The salary scale attached to this law serves as the basis for determining employee salaries. The Council of Ministers holds the authority to propose amendments to the salary scale, subject to approval by the Legislative Council of Palestine. The employee's total salary is structured on various components, including a basic salary with a grade bonus, a specialization bonus, a social allowance for a spouse and children, transportation allowance, a cost -of -living allowance, scarcity bonus, risk premium, and a nature of work bonus. Notably, an administrative bonus is granted exclusively to those in supervisory leadership positions, such as school principals as per the approved organizational structure and job schedule outlined in Table No. (2) attached to the law. It is emphasized that the administrative bonus cannot be combined with the specialization bonus, and the higher of the two is disbursed. 

The 2006 General Personnel Council Decision ( pag.165) discusses the implementation of an administrative bonus in accordance with the Civil Service Law No. 4 of 1998, which was amended by Law No. 4 of 2005. The decision by the Council of Ministers No. 13 of 2005 provides regulations for the nature of work allowance and the administrative allowance. The bonus in Table No. (2) is specified for individuals holding the position of department head or equivalent, including school principals and supervisors following the approved structure. These individuals must also supervise a minimum of about three employees. The administrative bonus is a form of additional compensation for those in managerial roles, acknowledging their responsibilities and contributions to the organization. AdministrativeThe administrative bonus for the school principal is equal to 300 shekels. 

The 2000 Palestinian Labor Law No.7 (art.3) refers that all workers can refer to trade unions during negotiations of work conditions in all sectors, but it does not refer to school principals. 

The 2000 Palestine Labor Law No. 7 (art. 21, &22) refers that the Minister shall issue a training and guidance regulation, which shall guarantee the principle of equal opportunity, taking into consideration the freedom of choice and giving priority to the children of martyrs. The regulation shall deal with  the following: (1)The holding of occupational training programs. (2) The training programmes. (3) The rights of the trainee. In coordination with the relevant competent bodies, the Ministry shall be the only authority which is authorized to grant the licence needed for the establishment of occupational training institutions.  In the event of not complying with the conditions related to the granting of the licence, the Minister may issue a decision completely or partially closing down the related institution. 

2.3. Leadership preparation and training

Pre-service training

The 2018-2020 First National Strategic Plan for Training in the Civil Service Sector (pg. 25), highlights the establishment of the National Institute for Educational Training in Palestine in 2004, officially inaugurated in February 2005 with support from the government of Norway. This initiative aimed to bring about a significant advancement in human resources development within the education system. The focus is on preparing teachers, support staff, and educational leaders through comprehensive and innovative programs in education, leadership, supervision, and administration as well as creating evaluation systems. The goal is to achieve a qualitative transformation at the national level, aligning with advancements in knowledge and technology while designing adaptable training programs. 

The National Institute is considered the Ministry of Education’s reference for training. Therefore, it is entrusted with the responsibility of providing training programs commensurate with their job descriptions and educational qualification requirements. The services provided in the institute’s training programs can be classified into the educational training track, which includes educational training and qualification programs for teachers and support staff, which aims to bring about a qualitative change in the teaching and learning processes, and the Management training track. 

The National Institute for Educational Training provides an initial training program specifically designed for new employees. This preparation program is conducted in partnership with the Palestinian National School of Administration, focusing on equipping new hires with the necessary skills and knowledge for their roles within the Ministry of Education. 

The 2017 Trainee Guide: Preparing the New Principal is part of (now it becomes after selection and called the preparation training program for the new school principal) conducted by the National Institute for Educational Training

Induction and in-service training

The National Institute for Educational Training provides the Professional Diploma Program in School Leadership which is a year-long initiative meticulously structured to elevate the capabilities of school principals. Incorporating an experience-based learning approach, the program entails monthly strategy sessions where principals dedicate full working days to learning new strategies. Following these sessions, participants are assigned specific duties for practical application in the field. Bi-monthly learning sessions provide opportunities for principals to discuss their duties and reflect on accomplishments. Electronic communication, facilitated through the Moodle environment, fosters collaborative discussions on tasks related to face-to-face meetings. The programme culminates in a graduation project, requiring active participation from all principals. With main objectives centered around developing administrative and leadership skills, fostering positive attitudes, and enhancing procedural research abilities, the program targets school principals in the West Bank. Covering diverse training areas such as: effective schools, self-evaluation, teamwork,  Planning, financial and physical resources managmentm managing and leading the teaching and learning process, , internal and external relations, technology integration and managing the assessment and evaluation process , the program. The programme spans a total of 360 training hours, emphasizing a holistic approach to school leadership and development. 

The National Institute for Educational Training includes a set of in-service training programs aimed at developing the performance of employees and enhancing their administrative and technical capabilities at all levels of the Ministry of Education. These include training programs in general fields for administrators ministry of education based on their job descriptions and titles, as well as specialized training for administrators with various titles and job descriptions. 

The 2017-2022 Education Sector Strategic Plan aims to uphold “the development of the policies and standards of training and qualifying of teachers, administrative and support staff at basic and secondary schools (special education, school principals etc.)”. 

The 2021-2023 Education Sectoral Plan aimed to train school principals on distance and remote management as well as on their roles during emergencies and the follow-up mechanisms. It also aimed to assign principals to attend courses on modern programs that keep pace with the latest developments, ensuring their impact on teachers and students, including 21st-century skills. 


3. Teachers, parents and students

3.1. School management committees and boards

The 2017 Education Law No.8 states that the Ministry is responsible for setting policies to activate the relationship between educational institutions and local communities. The Ministry is involved in establishing parents and teachers’ councils, as well as community education councils, aiming to revitalize activities that serve society and enhance their role within the social sphere of educational institutions (art.4). 

3.2. Middle leaders

The 2017 Education Law No.8 specifies that teachers in government educational institutions are responsible for tasks including education, teaching, assessment aligned with official program goals set by the Ministry, Educating, teaching instructions and evaluating according to the objectives specified by the formal programs of the Ministry, contributing to the development and continuous self-improvement of educational programs, and producing educational methods and tools for use in school activities (art. 28). The Ministry of Education and Higher Education, in collaboration with the Teacher Profession Development Authority, published "The Professional Guide for Palestinian Teachers – Duties and Rights". This guide aims to serve as a mentor and educational resource for teachers, outlining their responsibilities in areas such as planning, execution, evaluation, classroom management, additional leadership responsibilities and effective utilization of educational activities and projects.  

According to the 2018 Education Counselor Guide, an Education Counselor Guide (المرشد التربوي) plays a crucial role in providing education, guidance, and counseling to individuals, and school principals collaborating with other educational counselors, teachers, and families to help individuals define and achieve clear goals, fulfill their self-identity, and aspirationswithin the available personal and environmental possibilities. The Education Counselor performs various administrative tasks to facilitate their role within the school counseling center. They commence by clearly explaining their responsibilities to staff, teachers, students, and parents at the beginning of their tenure or as needed, such as the start of the school year. Collaborating with the school administration, the counselor plans and organizes parent-teacher meetings. They also conduct seminars and lectures in coordination with the administration, addressing issues with preventive, informative, therapeutic, and crisis intervention objectives. The counselor also develops a tailored action plan for the academic year in collaboration with the administration, faculty, and parents, implementing and evaluating it with the involvement of local community resources. The preparation of newsletters ensures clear communication between students, teachers, and parents, and the counselor acts as an advisor to the administration and faculty on educational matters and guidance issues. The counselor also monitors cases of absenteeism, lateness, and other issues referred to by the administration, teachers, and parents.  

3.3. Parents

The 2017 Education Law No.8 emphasizes the joint responsibility of education among all community organizations. The Ministry of Education is mandated to take specific actions such as the establishment of students' parents' councils, with their roles and responsibilities being specified according to instructions issued by the minister (art.41). 

The 2021-2023 Education Sectoral Plan focuses on establishing an independent body for parent councils at the ministry level, giving each council autonomy in its region to participate in decision-making for schools, providing them with the necessary professional and material support. 

3.4. Students

The 2021-2023 Education Sectoral Plan (pg.105) involves activating various activities that include student parliaments, conducting specialized summer camps, and organizing sports clubs dedicated to team and individual games, each targeting different stages and age groups “660 students in Jerusalem were trained in parliamentary skills, and another figure of 12,744 in the West Bank”. 

The 2021 Guide on Forming Student Parliaments and Developing Young Leaders, developed by the General Administration of the Guidance and Special Education Department, is considered a supportive tool that enables the formation of student parliaments and the development of young leaders in Palestinian schools, following a clear and unified professional methodology. 

The elected structure of the student parliament comprises of the President of the Parliament who is directly elected from the members of the student parliament in its first session. In the inaugural session, two Vice Presidents are elected by the student parliament itself. The parliament establishes committees in its first session, with each committee electing its own chairperson. The formation of these committees is carried out through elections. The parliament appoints a secretary, chosen by the President, from students who are not members of the parliament. The Secretary should possess administrative and clerical skills, proficiency in data management and file organization, and the ability to successfully collaborate within a team. This structured setup ensures effective governance and coordination within the student parliament. 

The student parliament plays crucial roles and carries out various tasks aimed at enhancing the educational environment within Palestinian schools. These responsibilities include overseeing student representation before the school administration, assisting in achieving educational goals, and actively participating in problem-solving processes to eliminate obstacles within the educational framework. The parliament is also dedicated to monitoring and addressing violations of students' rights within schools, raising awareness among students about their rights and responsibilities, and organizing initiatives that focus on both student rights and community issues. The parliament is responsible for preparing reports on its performance, contributing to the cultivation of democratic values among students, and organizing advocacy campaigns to support student and community rights.  


4. Governance

4.1. Autonomy of school leaders

The 2021-2023 Education Sectoral Plan aims to broaden the authority granted to school principals in decision-making and empowerment, encompassing administrative and technical aspects as well as their connection to the local community. It involves enhancing the capabilities of school principals and administrative staff, activating the principle of reward and responsibility, and implementing the knowledge tax in all population clusters. 

The 2017 Trainee Guide : Leadership in the Process of Teaching and Learning states that responsibilities of school principals involve hiring teachers, monitoring attendance, addressing academic challenges and achievements, diagnosing strengths and weaknesses, and providing educational tools and resources.? 

The 2017 Trainee Guide: Administrative and Financial Affairs and their Records mentions that as a proactive measure, every school principal should prepare an estimated budget at the beginning of the fiscal year, anticipating and addressing any potential financial deficit during the year. The budgetary process involves careful consideration of expenditures and revenue, ensuring a strategic allocation of resources to align with the institution's objectives. The school principal submits the budget to the directorate (Financial Affairs Department) for approval and endorsement, and it is then entered into the computerized financial program by the latest deadline of October 1st of each academic year. This step aims to monitor the budget's implementation and activate control over the allocations of the items, ensuring the effective use of financial resources in accordance with the established objectives. In financial matters, “the responsibility lies with the school principal, and it is a responsibility, not an authority that can be delegated”. Financial management is divided into several parts, including the cashbook, expense record, and financial file composed of the cafeteria, tenders, and financial planning (budget, school donations, discounts, and exemptions). The exemptions include exemptions from the social affairs financial committee. Other components involve deposits, withdrawals, school trips, donations record, and receipts, as well as the expenditure file, which includes invoices, payment receipts, and discounts. 

The financial committee in school, consisting of the school principal and two elected teachers, alongside the subject-specialized teacher, plays a crucial role in various financial aspects. Their responsibilities include assisting the school principal in collecting donations, preparing budget plans, making purchases based on available funds, signing on receipts and invoices, collaborating in tender processes, managing financial matters collectively or individually, conducting price checks at commercial outlets, aiding in loan disclosure and expense recording, and overseeing the school's revenue fund. The committee is directly responsible for financial affairs and works closely with the school principal to ensure effective financial management. 

4.2. Assessment and accountability of school leaders

The 2018 Performance Scale for School Principals' Competencies importance lies in its possibility of being applied as a self-evaluation tool that the principal uses as a map and compass for developing their leadership practices and professional development. Through the tool, the principal can reflect on his practices, determine the level of performance in them, and build a self-development plan to improve his practices and his school performance; Therefore, it is hoped that all principals will use it as they seek to improve their leadership practices. 

The foundation and basis on which this document and the competency indicators are built is for the principal to carry out self-evaluation, to improve his leadership practices as part of self-development in order to become a principal who is an inspiring leader for his school community and to reach the school. 

This tool, with its competencies and indicators, is a tool for improvement and self-accountability, in the same document pg.3 the use of the rubric of competencies and their indicators by the accountability bodies in evaluating school principals. Using this tool enables the principal to feel comfortable and deal with it objectively. 

4.3. Teacher assessment by school leaders

The 2021-2023 Education Sectoral Plan involves a review and adoption of performance evaluation systems and the accountability and incentives system. The ministry aims to activate the Civil Service Law concerning the incentives and grades system and deal with teachers and school principals according to the levels of schools and the number of students. The strategy includes granting authorities to schools’ principals to form investigation committees and submit the resulting recommendations. 

Regarding teacher assessment and evaluation, the 2017 Trainee Guide : Leadership in the Process of Teaching and Learning underscores the principal's vital role. The principal actively supports teachers through ongoing professional development, employing regular performance monitoring dialogues to track progress and provide constructive feedback. This includes educational supervision conducted within the school, featuring valuable insights during regular classroom visits and “holding various types of meetings such as individual, group, and periodic meetings to exchange ideas and discuss teaching-related issues”. The principal plays a central role in documenting teaching activities, maintaining individual files, and ensuring the effective execution of educational plans. Comprehensive reviews of teachers' presentations and classroom behavior are conducted, addressing both strengths and weaknesses in both students and teachers. “The principal monitors and evaluates instructional lessons to gain a better understanding of teaching styles and the quality of educational content”. These supervisory methods collectively contribute to fostering a supportive and collaborative environment aimed at continuous improvement in teaching practices within the educational institution”. 

The evaluation task involves the school principal’s visits to classrooms. Before the visit, the principal clarifies the purpose, emphasizing support rather than a fault-finding approach. The preparation includes informing the teacher of the visit, reviewing recommendations and previous supervisor notes, and the teacher’s relevant file. During the visit, the principal accompanies the class teacher, observes without creating anxiety, and ensures a positive and constructive environment. Notably, the principal focuses on the overall learning atmosphere, teacher-student interactions, and effective teaching methods. After the visit, the principal initiates feedback by acknowledging positive aspects, providing constructive feedback, and recognizing areas for improvement. The principal documents the visit, completes a report, and engages in a post-visit discussion with the teacher, emphasizing professional growth and continuous improvement.  

The report includes a comprehensive review of the teacher's performance, considering criteria related to effective teaching and learning. The key areas of focus include assessing the support provided to the teacher, identifying training needs, analyzing test results, and developing and implementing corrective plans. The evaluation report should highlight the educational leadership role, emphasizing effective monitoring, analysis of test outcomes, and the continuous improvement of intervention plans. This comprehensive approach aligns with the educational goals and standards set by the school principal, ensuring a proactive and informed leadership style in fostering an environment of continuous improvement in teaching and learning. 


This profile was reviewed by Dr. Nuha Iter, Associated professor at Palestine Technical University Kadoorie. 

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Mar, 22/10/2024 - 09:29
