School leadership

1. Terminology

2. School principals

2.1. Leadership standards and roles

2.2. Selection and working conditions

2.3. Leadership preparation and training

3. Teachers, parents and students

3.1. School management committees and boards

3.2. Middle leaders

3.3. Parents

3.4. Students

4. Governance

4.1. Autonomy of school leaders

4.2. Assessment and accountability of school leaders

4.3. Teacher assessment by school leaders


1. Terminology

The 1999 National Education Act defines “Educational Institution Administrators” (ตำแหน่งผู้บริหารสถานศึกษา) as professional personnel responsible for administering each state and private educational institution. The 2003 Teachers and Educational Personnel Council Act B.E. 2546 defines “Educational Institution Administrators” as “such persons who act in the capacity of administrators of Educational Institutions in educational districts, and other public and private Educational Institutions at the early child, basic and higher education levels below a degree level.” 

“Educational institution administrators” should not be confused with, “educational administrators” who are, according to the 1999 National Education Act, professional personnel responsible for educational administration outside educational institutions. Their responsibilities cover the district or “educational service area” level and above. 


2. School principals

2.1. Leadership standards and roles

Competency standards and leadership frameworks and guidelines

The Position Standards for Education Institution Administrators (EIA) prepared by the Office of the Teachers’ Council of Thailand, Ministry of Education, describe the characteristics of work performed in formal and informal education. The standards are part of a 2021 circular on Position standards and academic standards for teachers and educational personnel. The Educational Institution Administrator (EIA) manages the affairs of the educational institution in terms of academics, student affairs, personnel, buildings, administration, finance and supplies, community relations, and other related work.

Additionally, the Southeast Asian Competency Framework for School Heads developed by the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Regional Center for Educational Innovation and Technology (SEAMEO INNOTECH) is available as a framework which school heads may also follow. It is not mandatory. 


Setting expectations/objectives: An Educational Institution Administrator must have skills in educational institute development planning. These plans are later reported to the district office. All Educational Institution Administrators must prepare a “Performance Agreement” (PA) with these details. The Position Standards for Education Institution Administrators (EIA) states that EIAs set policies, plans, and strategies for developing educational institutions together with teachers, school committees, parents, the community, and other networks; using empirical evidence as a base. The policies, plans, and strategies are to be implemented, promoted, supported, directed and followed up to achieve the objectives according to the specified plans.  

Developing teaching and learning: According to the Position Standards for Education Institution Administrators (EIA), EIAs develop learning standards and plans, inspect, review, prepare, and develop the curriculum. They coordinate academics and implement the curriculum. This way, they allow students to develop competencies and learn to their fullest potential. Additionally, the Educational Institution Administrator (EIA) is responsible for the formulation of policies, strategies, and use of tools or innovations to promote change and innovation in their educational institutions. Under Thailand 4.0, school leaders are specifically encouraged to utilize ICT in technology.

Promoting collaboration: School leaders are expected to create and maintain community networks. The Position Standards for Education Institution Administrators (EIA) states that EIAs are to develop creative cooperation with teachers, school committees, parents, the community, and other networks and involve them in the school development process. The community and network help to develop learning, strengthen morality, ethics, and care and assist learners. They mobilize resources and can strengthen local culture.

Supporting staff development: Per Section 30 of the 1999 National Education Act educational institutions should promote effective learning processes that encourage instructors to carry out research on learning. The Educational Institution Administrator is specifically responsible for bringing knowledge and skills into the profession improving on their own skills as well as encouraging the development of the skills of the teachers in the school. They also conduct classroom observations. The Position Standards for Education Institution Administrators (EIA) asks EIAs to supervise, monitor, and evaluate teachers’ learning management. They promote the exchange of professional knowledge by creating professional learning communities. Furthermore, EIAs help develop teachers and educational personnel to have full competency according to their potential.

Acting in accordance with the ethical principles of the profession: The 2003 Teachers and Educational Personnel Council Act B.E. 2546 states that a Professional Code of Ethics must be followed by all personnel. The 2005 Regulation of the Teachers Council of Thailand on Professional Standards and Ethics goes into more detail. For example, Educational Professional Practitioners are to conduct themselves as a good role model in terms of physical conduct, speech, and mental conduct. They are not to act in any manner which is against the physical, intellectual, mental, emotional, and social development of their students and clients. They are to provide their services honestly and equally. 

School leaders must have discipline, morality, ethics, and professional ethics. The Position Standards for Education Institution Administrators (EIA) states that EIAs should have discipline, and morality, and behave as a good example.  

Others: The Educational Institution Administrator is required to teach a set number of hours as agreed upon in their Performance Appraisal/Agreement 

2.2. Selection and working conditions

Degree requirements and prior teaching experience

According to the 1999 National Education Act, administrators of educational institutions they must have professional licenses as provided by the law. The 2005 Regulation of the Teachers Council of Thailand on Professional Standards and Ethics regulates the standards required for education institution administrators. This was further updated by Circular W 16/2022 Criteria and procedures for selection of persons for filling and appointment to the positions of Deputy Director of Schools and Directors of Educational Institutions. Affiliated with the Office of the Basic Education Commission and Circular No. 0206.4/W3 Subject: Position Standards and Academic Standards of Government Officials, Teachers and Educational Personnel. According to these documents, applicants must have a license to practice as an educational institution administrator. They also must be holding a the position of Deputy Director of an Educational Institution of at least 2 years and has an academic status of Deputy Director of Senior Professional Level or another position equivalent to the Teachers' Council of Thailand.

Furthermore, Education Institution Administrators must have a Bachelor’s degree in educational administration or the equivalent or other degrees as accredited by the Teachers Council of Thailand. They must also have knowledge in the following areas: (1) Principles and procedures for educational administration; (2) Educational policy and planning; (3) Academic administration; (4) Administrative, financial, procurement and building management; (5) Personnel administration; (6) Student activities administration; (7) Educational quality assurance; (8) Information technology management; (9) Public and community relations administration; and (10) Morality and ethics for Educational Institution Administrators. Applicants must obtain a license from the Teacher’s Council of Thailand.

Teachers may choose one of four paths for career advancement: teaching, school direction, education management, and educational supervision. For the position of Education Institution Administration, teachers should follow the part of “school direction”. Any teacher with a professional status of at least level two can apply to take the examination to enter the school directing stream. The examination takes into account teachers’ assessments and work experience. The evaluation is conducted by the local Office of the Teacher Civil Service and Educational Personnel Commission (OTEPC).

Teachers can apply for a license to practice as a school administrator in the following 4 cases: 1) Has a degree in educational administration that is certified by the Teachers Council; 2) Has a graduate diploma in educational administration certified by the Teachers Council; 3) Have a qualification not lower than a bachelor's degree and passed the knowledge certification for all 10 standards; 4) Have a qualification of not less than a bachelor's degree that has been certified by the Teachers Council for professional practice.  

Appointment decision

Educational Institution Administrators must apply for the position. Educational Institution Administrators are hired by the Office of Basic Education Commission (OBEC) of the Ministry of Education (MoE) and work as civil servants. Local governments may also hire their own staff under the control of the Ministry of Interior (MoI). Details are found within Circular W 16/2022 which outlines the process. According to the circular, a recruitment announcement is prepared, and a selection committee is gathered with the Provincial Education Office or the Teacher’s Council of Thailand. Applicants can choose to apply for the Primary Education Service Area Office, the Secondary Education Service Area Office, or the Special Education Administration Office. The selection process must be carried out in accordance with the principles of good governance by adhering to the system of morality, equality, transparency and accountability 

Employment equity measures

No information was found.

Working conditions

Educational Administrators work as civil servants. An Organization for Teachers, Educational Institution Administrators, and Educational Administrators exists under the 1999 National Education Act as an independent body administered by a professional council under the supervision of the Ministry. The Organization shall have the powers and duties for setting professional standards; issuing and withdrawal of licenses; overseeing maintenance of professional standards and ethics; and developing of the profession of teachers, educational institution administrators, and educational administrators.

The salaries of teachers, Educational Institution Administrators, and Educational Administrators are defined by the 2015 Salary Act, Academic Standing Allowance and Government Teacher and Education Personnel Allowance No. 1, 2, and 3. Teacher salaries are categorized in six levels. The minimum academic rank for Educational Institution Administrators (EIAs) is that of Deputy Director at the Professional Level. Both EIAs and teachers are aligned with the same salary scale, with the starting salary for EIAs at the Professional Level set at approximately 32,000 baht, inclusive of academic status and additional benefits. At this level, the maximum salary reaches approximately 75,000 baht. The 2021 Manual on the Implementation of the Criteria and Methods for Evaluating Positions and Academic Positions of Government Teachers and Educational Personnel describes the process through which school leaders gain promotions. To apply for a promotion, applicants must send documents including their previous performance assessments, their documentation of school development plans and the subsequent results reports, and video files detailing their plans for educational institute development projects or activities. Once Educational Institution Administrators increase their professional level, they gain the associated salary. 

2.3. Leadership preparation and training

Pre-service training

Before becoming Education Institution Administrators, applicants must have completed a training course on educational institution administration as accredited by the Teachers Council of Thailand Board and received the relevant license. The applicants must pass an examination prepared with reference to specific qualifications for positions based on criteria that The Office of the Basic Education Commission (NEDA) has published. The examination tests the applicants' abilities and knowledge necessary to perform their duties; their history and experience; and finally their suitability for the position. The written examination tests problem-solving analysis and decision-making. It also includes topics on academic administration, personnel management, financial and asset management, as well as General administration and related laws in the administration of duties.

Induction and in-service training

Clause 14 of the 2005 Regulation of the Teachers Council of Thailand on Professional Standards and Ethics states that “Educational Professional Practitioners shall have self-discipline and improve their professional practice, personality and vision to keep up with the academic, economic, social and political development.” The Teacher’s Council of Thailand states that education practitioners receive licenses to practice for five years. To attain the criteria set up by the Teachers’ Council of Thailand Board for the renewal of the license, professionals must continue to develop their skills and professional practices. 

The Office of the Teacher Civil Service and Educational Personnel Commission (OTEPC) has also established guidelines for the induction of Deputy Educational Institution Administrators (EIAs) and EIAs, as outlined in  Wor8/2563 document. These guidelines specify the objectives, content, and procedural steps for induction training, including the duration of the programs, which require no less than 150 hours for EIAs and no less than 120 hours for Deputy EIAs.


3. Teachers, parents and students

3.1. School management committees and boards

According to Section 40 of the 1999 National Education Act, education institutions providing basic education must have a board supervising and supporting the management of the institution. The board shall be “comprised of representatives of parents; those of teachers, community and local administration organizations, alumni of the institution, Buddhist monks and those of other religious institutions in the area, and scholars.” Additionally, the director of the educational institution shall serve as member and secretary of its board. Further details such as the number of board members, their qualifications, criteria, nomination procedure, selection of chairperson and members of the board, term and termination of office are determined by the ministerial regulations. The Position Standards for Education Institution Administrators (EIA) states that EIAs carry out duties as a member of the education institution committee.

Furthermore, according to section 38, each educational service area also has an Area Committee and its Office. The committee is composed of representatives from the community, private and local organizations, teacher and educational associations, religious leaders, and scholars in education, religion, art, and culture. The responsibilities of the committee include managing basic-level educational institutions through establishment, dissolution, merging, or discontinuation. The committee is also involved in promoting and supporting private institutions, coordinating with local administrations to meet educational policies, and supporting education initiatives from individuals, families, communities, and various social organizations. 

3.2. Middle leaders

Middle leaders include the heads of the department in subject areas and teachers with academic status of expert and Advisory Level, which are the highest-ranked professional status level. Teachers are ranked as follows: assistant teacher, teacher, senior teacher, expert teacher, and advisory teacher. Teachers may become expert teachers after four years. Expert teachers become specialist teachers after four years. The higher-ranking teachers have more management responsibilities as well as higher pay. Teachers can expedite the promotion process, reducing the required time from four years to three, by meeting certain criteria, such as passing an approved English proficiency test or obtaining an advanced degree in a related field. 

3.3. Parents

Section 38 of the 1999 National Education Act mentions that Parent-Teacher Associations are part of the Area Committee which oversees educational institutions. Section 48 of the act also states that “Parent   organizations with jurisdiction over educational institutions and the institutions themselves shall establish a quality assurance system in the institutions. Internal quality assurance shall be regarded as part of educational administration which must be a continuous process. This requires preparation of annual reports to be submitted to parent organizations, agencies concerned and made available to the public for purposes of improving the educational quality and standards and providing the basis for external quality assurance.” In this context, the term "parent" refers not just to the parents of students, but rather to the organizations that oversee and have jurisdiction over the educational institutions. These parent organizations, together with the institutions, are responsible for establishing a quality assurance system within the institutions. 

3.4. Students

While it seems that many schools have in place student councils, any national laws, policies, strategies or frameworks which set out rules for the composition of student councils could not be found. 


4. Governance

4.1. Autonomy of school leaders

Education Institution Administrators in Thailand do not have the autonomy or authority to hire or dismiss teachers. They also must follow the national curriculum as prescribed by the Ministry of Education. The budget for the school is determined by the school board, of which the educational institution administrator has influence. The school leader is able to evaluate and give the appropriate salary raises to their staff. The Position Standards for Education Institution Administrators (EIA) states that “personnel management, budget management, and general administration of educational institutions is to conducted in accordance with laws and with the principles of good governance”.

4.2. Assessment and accountability of school leaders

According to Circular W 16/2022, one year after their initial appointment, education institution administrators are assessed. If they do not pass, the administrators are assessed two more times every five months to measure improvement. Education Institution Administrators are assessed through an assessment form found in a 2021 Manual on the Implementation of the criteria and methods for evaluating positions and academic positions of government teachers and educational personnel. The assessment form lists several criteria which the school leader must comply with and are scored on a scale of one to five. The Education Institution Administrator also submits work for evaluation. This includes data on the results of the implementation of the strategic educational development plan, presentation of the school’s development, achievement results of teachers, and academic output. The work is submitted to and assessed by the administration of the district office. Education Institution Administrators must receive at least 75% on their performance ratings.

4.3. Teacher assessment by school leaders

According to the Position Standards for Education Institution Administrators (EIA), Education Institution Administrators supervise, monitor, and evaluate school teachers in accordance with the government-issued standards for civil servants or teaching staff. 



This profile was reviewed by national expert Dhirapat Kulophas, Ph.D. (Associate Professor, Division of Educational Administration, Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University).  

Última modificación:

Vie, 18/10/2024 - 01:23
