School leadership

1. Terminology

2. School principals

2.1. Leadership standards and roles

2.2. Selection and working conditions

2.3. Leadership preparation and training

3. Teachers, parents and students

3.1. School management committees and boards

3.2. Middle leaders

3.3. Parents

3.4. Students

4. Governance

4.1. Autonomy of school leaders

4.2. Assessment and accountability of school leaders

4.3. Teacher assessment by school leaders


1. Terminology

School leaders in Uzbekistan are referred to as maktabi direktori” or school directors. In the 2006 Qualification Descriptions of the Main Positions of Public Education Employees, the director of the general education school has most responsibilities for the leadership of the institution. The deputy director works to support the director and has responsibilities of his/her own. For example, the director may analyze the activities of the educational institution and teachers, identify their problems and find effective ways to solve them through school improvement plans. Meanwhile, the deputy director organizes and coordinates to support the school improvement plans.


2. School principals

2.1. Leadership standards and roles

Competency standards and leadership frameworks and guidelines

The 2006 Qualification Descriptions of the Main Positions of Public Education Employees list all the duties of the school director, competencies, and qualifications for the position of deputy director. The 2022-2026 National Program for the Development of School Education calls for the creation of “criteria for an advanced school director and exemplary teacher, and based on them, evaluating the activities of leaders and pedagogues.” According to the government decision titled “On Approval of the Regulation on the Procedure for Issuing Managerial Certificates for the Position of School Director”, candidates for the position of school director can receive a management certificate at the national research institute based on competency standards which include teamwork and communication with parents; management; financial accounting; and skills of implementation of books and information and communication technologies. 


Setting expectations/objectives: The 2006 Qualification Descriptions  state that it’s the school director role to “lead the pedagogical council”; together with the pedagogical council, they determine the main directions of organizing, developing, improving and increasing the effectiveness of the educational process, improving the quality of education, and protect the interests of the school in the state and public organizations. The director also approves the annual and monthly work plans of the educational institution. Moreover, they  prepare reports on the activity of the institution, issue orders, and define the duties and obligations of school employees. 

Developing teaching and learning: The maintenance of educational equipment, devices and other educational tools, the school material and the development of the technical base is a key responsibility of school directors. In addition, they ensure and control the quality of knowledge received by students in accordance with the State educational standards. To check the effectiveness of educational work and motivate pedagogical personnel, the director organizes an impartial evaluation of the fulfilment of the requirements of educational standards. The director is also responsible for providing students with textbooks and study guides. 

Promoting collaboration: According to the 2006 Qualification Descriptions, the school director organizes cooperation with parents, neighbourhood committees, and community and parenting organizations to improve educational work.

Supporting staff development: The school director creates conditions for employees to improve their work and skills. The director also supervises the implementation of the educational plans by the teachers. The district (city) education departments determine professional development needs of staff members, and in the next calendar year, forms orders for directions and educational institutions for the professional development of employees in the region. The generalized orders for professional development of employees is submitted to the regional department. 

Acting in accordance with the ethical principles of the profession: According to the 2020 Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Education, “when carrying out teaching activities, teaching staff are prohibited from committing actions that contradict the norms of morality and ethics.” 

Other: The director  supervises the education of students according to the best national traditions and customs, aiming at the formation of high spiritual and moral qualities, and fostering a citizen loyal to the Motherland and people, based on the harmonization of national and universal values.

2.2. Selection and working conditions

Degree requirements and prior teaching experience

According to the 2006 Qualification Descriptions, the following qualifications are required for the position of director of a comprehensive school: a) higher education of at least bachelor's degree; b) pedagogical work experience of not less than 5 years; and c) qualification category of at least second-class teacher. Government decision (No. 681, 25.12.2023) on the regulation on training candidates for the position of director of state general secondary educational institutions in management training courses and issuing them a management certificate introduced a system of issuing a state-level certificate for school directors with an electronic signature and a QR code, based on the results of an evaluation of knowledge skills related to the field of management. The certificate is valid for three years. Before the certification test, candidates must participate in a training course. Candidates with a master's degree in management specialization in education can participate in the certification tests without attending the training course. Candidates with a degree in management major in education may be issued a certificate directly upon application. 

Appointment decision

Candidates for vacant positions of school principals are selected by district (city) councils through competition. Candidates for the position of school director participate in this competition by submitting their plan to raise the academic quality of their school to a higher level in the next three years. Based on the school development plan, the council selects one winning candidate and submits them to regional public education departments for final appointment. If approved, the candidates selected by the council are appointed to the post by the regional public education departments. In 2023, the head of the state instructed to create a system of selecting candidates for directorship only from among the personnel who have a certificate and entered into the reserve.

Employment equity measures

Measures have been taken to attract more men into the female dominated profession in Uzbekistan.

Working conditions

Article 53 of the 2020 Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Education gives social protection to employees of educational organizations, guaranteed by the state. This includes reduced working hours, extended annual paid leave, health services, and supplements to wages and salaries. School heads are selected based on a fixed-term contract. High performing teachers and mentors may receive a badge “Xalq ta’limi fidoyisi” from the Ministry of Preschool and School Education. Candidates who achieved “success in managing public educational institutions and providing them with practical assistance” may qualify for the badge. School leaders should also have had success in training teaching staff, improving the qualifications of employees, and making processes to improve the activities of preschool and out-of-school institutions. It is expected that the recipients of the reward also have worked in the field of pedagogy for at least ten years, won public education competitions, actively participated in conferences, contributed to the creation of new educational resources and technologies, and taken an active part in ensuring the implementation of national laws, decrees, and resolutions.

2.3. Leadership preparation and training

Pre-service training

The 2018 Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PR-3951 called for the introduction of a system of certification for directors, which includes the mandatory requirement that directors have managerial skills. Candidates for the position of school director are trained in teamwork and communication with parents, management, financial calculations, and information and communication technology skills at the National Research Institute in order to obtain a management certificate, based on special paid programs. Educational activities consist of theoretical, practical and school practice. The course is 144 hours and is conducted in one month. At the end of training, the National Research Institute evaluates the knowledge and skills of the candidates for the position of school director in the field of management, and according to the result, a management certificate is issued. Candidates who meet the requirements specified in the qualifications description of the director of a general education school have the right to participate in the management course or certification tests. 

Induction and in-service training

According to the 2020 Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Education, teaching staff must “systematically improve their qualifications, undergo periodic certification for suitability to the position held.” Training of employees is carried out by the regional management bodies of public education or specialized educational organizations directly according to the orders of the Ministry. Professional development courses are conducted at the National Research Institute of Professional Development and Teaching New Methodologies. For example, the institute offers personnel a one-year master's degree in either "Educational Management" or "Adult Education" on a fee-contract basis at the National Research Institute of Education. There is also an online learning management system that pedagogical workers can use to obtain in-service training.  


3. Teachers, parents and students

3.1. School management committees and boards

According to the 2020 Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Education, an educational organization is partially managed by a supervisory board (board of trustees). The 2018 Minister of Public Education’s Order No. 16,About the supervisory board of the General Secondary Educational Institution” details the duties and organization of the supervisory board. The main goals of the board are determining the priority directions for the development of the educational institution; approval of the educational institution's goals and objectives and plans to achieve them; and fulfilling the tasks set to be implemented in the educational institution and the achievement of target indicators. Tasks include periodic reports of the head of the educational institution on measures taken to improve the institution's activities, financial and economic situation, income and expenses, use of budget, extra-budget, sponsorship and other funds listen with; reviewing and approving the annual financial plans; systematic monitoring of conditions created for students; and considering appeals of students and their parents in addition to  conducting social surveys about the activities of pedagogues and management staff of the educational institution.  

The board should consist of at least seven members: two parents, two graduates, one former retired teacher, and two members from sponsors. The school director and deputy directors are not allowed to be elected as members. The number of members is not limited. The members are voted on by the parents by open voting at the public general meeting of the relevant educational institution. Within the board, the position chairman and secretary of the board are elected by a simple majority. Members are elected for three years. The composition of the council may be reviewed at the beginning of each academic year. The board meets once every quarter. Decisions are made by open voting.

3.2. Middle leaders

Middle leaders in the 2006 Qualification Descriptions include senior leaders and teacher-organizers who are responsible for organizing students' extracurricular activities, Olympiads, examinations, contests, and competitions; and coordinating the work of circles and sections. Other middle leaders include department heads, heads of circles, and sections. The department heads plan and organize the work of the department, supervise the implementation of work plans, supervise the quality of work of the heads of sections, organize circles and teams during the academic year, and ensure the maintenance of the number of members.  

The granting of a higher qualification category is determined by indicators such as: holding the qualification of a pedagogical worker; having pedagogical staff skills; effectiveness of the work of the pedagogical worker; regular training courses; active participation in scientific and methodical events at the regional or district level; and at least 3 years of work experience as a first-class teacher.

3.3. Parents

Article 51 of the 2020 Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Education on the “rights and obligations of parents and other legal representatives of students” states that parents and other legal representatives have the right to “make proposals for cooperation with educational organizations, improving the educational process, developing the material and technical base, and providing charitable assistance to educational organizations.” They must also participate in the “discussion of issues of the management of [the] educational organization.” 

3.4. Students

According to Article 47 of the 2020 Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Education, students have the right to “participate in the formation of the content of the education they receive” and “participate in the discussion of issues on the management of an educational organization. Students' associations can be formed in the school according to the interests of the students. 


4. Governance

4.1. Autonomy of school leaders

According to the 2006 Qualification Descriptions, school directors have the autonomy to organize the education of students. They also manage the financial and economic issues of the educational institution within the scope of their authority, ensuring the formation and effective use of budget and extra-budgetary funds. The director also has the power to determine the school's need for pedagogic personnel, select and place personnel, organize the certification of pedagogic personnel and ensure compliance with labor and production discipline 

4.2. Assessment and accountability of school leaders

At the end of the year, directors of secondary schools report to the board and public representatives on the implementation of the three-year program. Based on the results of this report, the board evaluates its activities. Starting from January 1st, 2024, school directors working in schools are required to obtain a management certificate in accordance with the requirements of Government decision (No. 681, 25.12.2023) once every 5 years. The knowledge and skills of the candidates are tested in the field of management. In this case, the directors who failed to pass the certification will be dismissed from their positions in the prescribed manner. 

4.3. Teacher assessment by school leaders

According to the 2006 Qualification Descriptions, the director checks the effectiveness of educational work within their schools. They may organize an impartial assessment of the fulfilment of the requirements of educational standards to motivate pedagogical personnel. The head of the educational organization in which the pedagogic staff works is personally responsible for the involvement of the pedagogic personnel in the mandatory attestation within its term.

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Jue, 17/10/2024 - 17:16
