
1. Terminology

2. Technology laws, policies, plans and regulations

2.1. Education technology legislative and policy framework

2.2. Technology infrastructures, technological capacity of schools and learning environments

2.3. Technology competencies of learners and teachers

2.4. Cybersecurity and safety

3. Governance

3.1. Institutions in charge of technology in education and coordination mechanisms

3.2. Roles of schools


1. Terminology

The 2021 General Programme Update Guidelines refer to “information and communication technologies (ICTs)” and “technological education”. For instance, they define communication competency as the use of modern communication technologies in a safe and ethical manner.

The 2021-2030 Programme for the Development of Education refers to the term “Ed Tech”.

2. Technology laws, policies, plans and regulations

2.1. Education technology legislative and policy framework

Policies, plans and strategies:  The 2021-2030 Programme for the Development of Education mentions the implementation of the EdTech digital education transformation to improve learning outcomes and reduce disparities in education. It aims to adapt the education system for the integration of repatriated Lithuanian citizens, individuals of Lithuanian descent, and foreign arrivals, as well as to enhance the mobility conditions of learners. Additionally, it highlights the need to strengthen the attractiveness of the teaching profession and establish an effective system for teacher training and competency development.

The 2022 General Programmes for Pre-School, Primary, Primary and Secondary Education No. V-1269 introduce new curriculum educational objectives. These objectives encompass students' abilities to find, use, create, and improve simple digital content; select digital technologies that can be used to create digital content; recognise simple technical problems that arise when using digital technologies and identify simple ways to solve them. The structure of the programmes include “Technology Common Programme (Annex 27) and General program of engineering technologies (Annex 28). Unlike previous curricula, the new programmes are based on the development of 9 competences, with each one considered equally important. One of these competences is "digital competence" (article 11).

Considering the enormous change in the field of information technology and communication and realising the importance and benefits of the digital transformation of education and the application of the latest information technologies in the field of education, the 2021-2022 Agreement on National Education Policy aims to develop a unified standard of high-quality general education that is accessible to all children, regardless of their social or economic background. The policy recognizes that the challenges of the 21st century require students to have essential everyday skills and competencies, including knowledge of natural sciences, information technology and “an integrated universal ICT literacy programme for all those who learn and study.

The 2021-2030 State Digitisation Development Programme (SDDP) is a long-term strategic plan aimed at promoting digital transformation in various sectors of society and the economy. The programme is connected to the umbrella document 2030 Lithuania Progress Strategy which is built around three key areas of progress: the smart economy, smart governance, and smart society. The education sector falls within the “Smart Society” pillar, and even though the programme does not dedicate a section to education, it does outline several goals and initiatives that will impact the education sector. For example, the programme aims to improve digital infrastructure and connectivity in all regions of Lithuania, including schools and other educational institutions. It also includes initiatives to improve digital skills and literacy among the general population, which will likely have an impact on the education sector as well.

The 2023 Digital Education Guidelines for Schools were published for school principals by "Kurk Lietuvai" and the Ministry of Education, Science, and Sport. The guidelines were developed after analyzing the digital education situation in the country and reviewing good foreign practices. Public and expert consultations were also carried out during the process. The guidelines define what constitutes a school adapted to the digital age and provide recommendations to school leaders on how to create such a school.

Digital competency frameworks: According to the 2021 General Programme Update Guidelines, digital competence in Lithuania is based on the 2018 Digital Competence Framework (Digcomp) developed by the European Commission.

Changes occurred as a result of COVID-19: According to the UNESCO Country Dashbord, schools were closed from March 16, 2020, and classes were moved online. The Ministry guided schools on how to conduct remote learning and established digital teaching platforms.

2.2. Technology infrastructures, technological capacity of schools and learning environments

2.2.1. Technology infrastructure and digital capacity of schools

Electricity: The statutory foundation for emergency response policies related to electricity generation, transmission, distribution, and supply is established by the 2000 Electricity Law.

Computers and devices: In preparation for the quarantine and the implementation of remote learning, the Lithuanian Ministry of Education acquired and leased 35,000 computers in 2020.

Governmental institutions or private initiatives have the option to request teaching materials integrating technology. Details about different educational computer programs can be accessed through emokykla and the website of the National Agency for Education.

Internet connectivity: The Law on Electronic Communications entered force on 1 December 2021. The broader definition of an ‘electronic communications service’ includes internet access services.

2.2.2. Technology and learning environments

The 2021-2023 General Educational Plans of Primary and Secondary Education Programmes foresees measures to compensate students for learning losses suffered during the COVID-19 pandemic (16.6) and affirms that modern digital technologies are used in the educational process to develop students' digital abilities through all subjects (82.6.1).

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Lithuanian government implemented various online distance-learning initiatives to facilitate remote learning in public schools. For example, the National Agency for Education created a plaform with various digital teaching and learning tools, materials, as well as links to different learning environments, all currently accessible at the E-School website. Įdomiosios pamokos (Interesting lessons) was an educational programme offered by the Lithuanian National Radio and Television, featuring content and interactive elements in different subject areas.

The National Agency for Education prepared recommendations for parents and teachers about safe conduct during distance learning.

2.3. Technology competencies of learners and teachers

2.3.1. Learners

The 2021 General Programme Update Guidelines notes that acquiring digital competence is one of the goals of education “student who has acquired digital competence uses digital tools for effective and constructive learning of all subjects; understands information processing processes; fosters its information culture of values; manage digital technologies and systematically develop, to engage in various engineering activities; act responsibly, safely and ethically, communicate and collaborate in the digital spaces” and that the 2018 Digital Competence Framework (Digcomp) is the reference for Lithuania. It also states that the curriculum must foresee (the curriculum referred to has been adopted in 2022) the possible integrative connections of the programmes by examining the proposed interdisciplinary topics such as “sustainable development, social and economic development, advanced technology and innovation”.

The National Curriculum Framework, the 2021-2023 General Educational Plans of Primary and Secondary Education Programmes, foresees the use of information technologies, creation of digital content, and development of informational thinking in primary grades and teaches information technology and technology subjects. It also affirms that “students' informational thinking is developed, creative and responsible use of modern technologies, safe and responsible behavior in the digital environment, and creation of digital content are taught” (82.6.2). It also confirms that the school provides remote and presential opportunities for students “to participate in the activities of non-formal education programmes carried out by the STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, maths) centers” (article 103.4).

There is no standalone subject dedicated to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in primary education. However, teachers are encouraged to incorporate ICT into the educational process and integrate it into other subjects. From 2018 to 2022, the project "Development and implementation of digital educational content" has been in progress. An essential component of this project is the Informatics general program, aimed at deepening students' understanding of informatics and introducing them to fundamental concepts such as information theory, data literacy and research, cryptography, logic, classical algorithms, visual and textual programming, program development, debugging, testing, graph theory, computer and smart device operations, computer networks, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and other relevant topics.

The 2011 General Programme for Basic Education (invalid since the  2022 General Programmes for Pre-School, Primary, Primary and Secondary Education No. V-1269) outlined that the secondary education programme for information technology aimed to further enhance and expand the development of information communication and general competencies that were initiated during primary education. Moreover, it aimed to delve deeper into the realm of information and communication technologies.

The 2022 General Programmes for Pre-School, Primary, Primary and Secondary Education No. V-1269 new curriculum competencies includes “digital competence” (article 11) which is defined as “motivation and ability to use digital technologies to perform tasks, to learn, to solve problems, to work, to communicate and to collaborate, to manage information, to create and to share digital content efficiently, appropriately, safely, critically, independently and ethically” (article 11.6).

It is indicated that there are four areas of this competence: digital content, digital communication, digital safety, problem solving. Detailed information on this competence and how it shall be developed at different grades is provided in Annex 1 (articles 19 and 20) of the aformentioned Act and here: .

2.3.2. Teachers

The 2013-2022 State Education Strategy No. XII-745 states the level of professionalism required from teachers and lecturers is being continuously elevated, and as a result, the standards for the educational, vocational training, and study environments are also constantly increasing. These environments are expected to be equipped with modern teaching tools, as well as state-of-the-art information and communication technologies (12.8) and in order to achieve this strategy, teachers must be provided with opportunities for in-service training to continuously improve their qualifications and increase their knowledge of modern technologies (15.3).

The 2018 Requirements for Computer Literacy Programmes for Teachers Act No. V-598 support specialist training programs on digital literacy. It is specified that these programmes should focus on acquiring skills and knowledge in various areas related to digital literacy. These areas include information management, communication, digital content creation, safety, digital teaching and learning, and solving digital literacy-related problems (article 4). A detailed description of these requirements can be found in the annex of the mentioned act.

As part of the 2022-2024 project "Digital Transformation of Education (EdTech), National Agency for Education offers a free training program of 40 hours, which covers essential topics related to digital educational content, cyber security, and the application of the latest technologies (such as virtual reality, 3D modeling, and AI) in the classroom. Specifically, educators can study the module of IT as a teaching subject, a one-year program that grants 60 credits and enables them to teach IT at schools upon completion. Alternatively, educators can pursue a master's degree in IT. These opportunities are provided in collaboration with four Lithuanian universities. The content of this programme is based on the EU digital competence systems "DigCompEdu" and "DigComp2.2”. For more detailed information on these opportunities to enhance digital competences, interested parties can visit the following website:

2.4. Cybersecurity and safety

2.4.1. Data privacy

The 2016 General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the main legal instrument regulating data protection in Lithuania, as it is a regulation of the European Union and is directly applicable to all member states. The 2018 Protection of Personal Data Law No. I-1374 supplements the GDPR and sets out some specific provisions for the processing of personal data in Lithuania. The State Data Protection Inspectorate, which is the Lithuanian data protection authority, provides guidance and recommendations such as the 2020 Steps for Organizing Distance Learning to ensure adequate protection of personal data while organizing distance education.

Since October 3, 2010, internet regulations have been implemented following the 2002 Law on the Protection of Minors Against the Detrimental Effects of Public Information. 

The 2022 General Programmes for Pre-School, Primary, Primary and Secondary Education No. V-1269  educational objectives includes student uses of operational tools ethically: protecting personal data and privacy in the digital environment; manage of digital identity and takin care of the digital reputation in the digital space; choosing the most suitable digital technology protection (14.7). The student also should be able to address issues related to health risks posed by digital technologies, applies various measures to avoid them; perform complex tasks related to the protection of digital technologies, risk and danger management, application of protective measures; uses measures that ensure the reliability and privacy of information in the digital environment (15.6).

2.4.2. Online abuse and cyberbullying

The “Child Line", established in 1997, works across Lithuania and is organized by NGO "Vaikų linija" in Vilnius, by Kaunas Child Welfare Centre "Pastogė", Kaunas Dainava Youth Centre and Klaipėda Pedagogical Psychological Service”. The Vaikų linija , launched the “Stop Bullying” campaign initiated by “Child Line” in Lithuania “targeted at creating safer environment in schools and kindergardens”.

On January 1, 2020, internet regulations were implemented in accordance with the 1996 Law on Fundamentals of Protection of the Rights of the Child. The main objective of this law is to enhance the legal safeguards for children in the country by establishing principles that defend the rights and freedoms of the child, aligning with the Constitution and international legal norms and principles.

The Lithuanian Safer Internet Centre (SIC) has released vital Recommendations for Parents and Guardians for The Safety of Children on the Internet, aiming to foster online safety for children. The recommendations cover various aspects, including harmful content reporting through, raising awareness about electronic bullying and urging to report such incidents on the same platform, teaching children not to share personal information like home address, phone number, or social security code, emphasizing the importance of keeping passwords and login links secure, assisting in setting up appropriate security and privacy settings on social networks, and educating about the use of anti-virus programs and content filtering tools to protect against harmful content. Additionally, parents are encouraged to monitor children's activities during remote lessons, ensure they avoid communication with strangers online, and maintain discipline and politeness during virtual classes, just as they would in a physical school setting. By following these comprehensive guidelines, parents and guardians can play a crucial role in safeguarding their children's online experiences and promoting a safer digital environment.

The 2022 General Programmes for Pre-School, Primary, Primary and Secondary Education No. V-1269 outline essential educational objectives, one of which is to ensure that students attain proficiency in both real and digital environments, adhering to the appropriate rules of conduct. This includes recognizing and distinguishing between suitable and unsuitable behavior in various situations, considering its impact on others. Moreover, the program aims to foster emotional intelligence by identifying situations where emotions require control and making efforts to manage them effectively. Part of this educational focus also involves teaching students to follow safety requirements when using digital technologies, employing simple methods to safeguard their health, physical well-being, and psychological well-being while online. Additionally, students are equipped with knowledge on providing first aid, further promoting their overall safety and preparedness in various contexts.


3. Governance

3.1. Institutions in charge of technology in education and coordination mechanisms

The 2021-2030 State Digitisation Development Programme in the education field is coordinated by the Ministry of the Economy and Innovation of the Republic of Lithuaniaand theMinistry of Education, Science and Sports. 

The Ministry of Education, Science, and Sport is the main institution in charge of technology in education. It sets the national policies and strategies for the integration of ICT in education and oversees their implementation. 

Educational institutions that are subordinate to the Ministry of Education and Science include the Centre for Information Technology in Education (CITE), a national institution that operates under the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports. It is responsible for promoting the development and use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in education. Its main aim is to support the effective integration of ICT into the education system, to improve the quality of teaching and learning, and to increase the accessibility of education to all learners

The Safer Internet Centre (SIC) Lithuania is a collaborative effort involving various stakeholders from the public sector, technology and media industry, and civil society. Its primary goal is to provide services that promote a trusted online environment for children, empowering and protecting them on the internet. The consortium consists of four organizations: the National Agency of Education (NAE), under the Ministry of Education, the Communications Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Lithuania (RRT), Child Line (CL) organization, and the association "Langas į ateitį" (LIA). Leveraging their expertise, knowledge, and resources, these organizations have been involved in previous safer internet projects or actions since 2012. 

3.2. Roles of schools

In April 2022, amendment was proposed to the Law on Education regarding the utilization of mobile phones and tablets in schools and discussed in the Parliament (documents relating to the process). This amendment would oblige schools to develop internal regulations on the use of ICT at school for personal purposes. However, this proposal was declined. Nonetheless, many of the schools have prepared such regulations. Some of them reference the official letter from the Ministry of Health disseminated to schools in 2011 (No. 10-(192-11.3)-6626), titled “On the application of precautionary measures at schools in order to avoid potential negative effects on children's health when using mobile phones”.

upSome schools have implemented mobile phone bans. Akmene "Saulėtekis" junior high school implemented a phone ban starting September 2024, requiring students to store their phones in lockers. Venta Gymnasium also banned phone use a year ago, with positive results like increased student engagement and less bullying. The Akmene district aims to extend the ban to all its schools, providing necessary resources for implementation.

This profile has been reviewed by the National Agency for Education, the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, and the Lithuanian Commission for UNESCO.

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Vie, 17/01/2025 - 12:36
